
Revision 12 as of 2006-06-05 19:35:01

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Email: MailTo(jendavancura AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com)

One OS to rule them all,

One OS to find them.

One OS to join them all,

And in the Freedom bind them.

(courtesy of ompaul)


  • Jenda Vancura - me indeed. Home ubuntu user, no more no less - have been using Ubuntu as my main and only desktop since August 2005, and am now running one Dapper desktop and one Dapper laptop. There are four more machines in my family, though none where i live, and all four are being guarded by their respective owners, and I'm biding my time, waiting for an opportunity to get them into my grasp, catching them at unawares... I have several successful Ubuntu converts on my record in Canada and the Czech Republic (make that 3 or 4 as of April 06). Apart from that, i leave little firefox seeds whereever I go, I didn't count those - must be quite a few now, and several Thunderbirds and Openoffices came along with that. Firefox is easiest to spread, as it's by far better than the mainstream .

    I work systematically, but individually with a friend as yet, to promote use of ODF and FLOSS in my immediate surroundings, personally providing what's necessary to my 'victims', with emphasis on wikipedia (& sister projects) and firefox, because they are the best we have to offer. Since Dapper... I have nothing to be ashamed of with Ubuntu either.

Since I might aspire for membership later on, I'll try to list my meager contributions to the Community.

* Marketing Team

Most importantly, I am now attempting a revival of the marketing team - to be updated. I am a moderator on the MT's forum, and administer its IRC channel on Update (2006-06-04): since april 6, when I started the campaign, the forum has gained about 80 new users and increased it's popularity (webstats) several-fold). Besides, I found and brought back several (4 or 5) former members, including the Team leader. I worked on the proposed spreadubuntu project and got the domains registered (through Jane Silber). The Ubuntu Magazine and DIY Marketing projects are also stirring with new life, and I dare say neither would have happened, or at least not until someone did the very same.


I hang out in #ubuntu and #ubuntuforums, occasionally helping passers-by (why do I always have the urge to say bypassers?) and run ##help-unofficial, which is a general help channel, and #help is forwarded there (!!!) (update: it doesn't forward directly anymore, only through topic) - although it is a general help channel, Ubuntu does come up in debate quite often. Recently, I gave a lot of time to several troublesome users, trying to save them from giving up on the community (after being rebuffed for trying to socialise within the main #ubuntu channel etc.) - this is usually young people who don't yet know that they shouldn't be too emotive on IRC, or use tooooo many repeated characters, and the operators don't have the patience to try explaining the ways of the on-line community. For obvious reasons, I can't state the names of those involved here (but could mention them more privately, after being given a chance to browse logs).

* Easyubuntu

I helped write the documentation to easyubuntu with Karl Goetz, and helped out with that project, most notably, perhaps with runtime texts and features, such as: or even helping easyubuntu and easybreezy merge when they did.

* Loco Team

Recently, I've been helping the Czech Team get thing translated, starting here: having fixed a few flaws in the original as well (


I've also translated and helped create this poster: and some stickers, which I'm trying to get printed professionally to send out for approx. printing price to others.
