

Jim Tarvid introduced LSNet to Ubuntu in 2004 and it continues to deploy Ubuntu on all of LSNet's Internet facing servers. He has installed Ubuntu on a number of commercial and personal servers and workstations and convened several installfests and release parties.




I am active in the Ubuntu Virginia LoCo Team. LSNet hosts release parties and Software Freedom Day celebrations since 2005. We have sponsored gatherings such as the LSNet Linuxfest since 1999.

* Ubuntu Jaunty Release Party
* Software Freedom Day 2009
* Independence Drupal Camp Winter 2009
* Software Freedom Day 2008
* DrupalCampGalax I<<BR> * Software Freedom Day #8
* Third Annual Linuxfest
* Second Annual Linux Festival
* First International May Day Linux Festival


Develop and deploy Drupal based websites on Ubuntu servers. Deploy OpenAtrium for internal projects. Deploy wireless infrastructure on Open Source platforms such as OpenWRT and DD-WRT. Support free and open source software on multiple platforms. Develop analytical techniques using R and PSPP.

I am working on the proposition that the web can be reduced to codices + indices and that indices are better represented by schemaless databases such as CouchDB and Riak than relational databases such as MySQL. The tools are evolving so fast that dependencies need frequent updating. The most efficient approach is attention to packaging tools like Erlang and CouchDB.


In case I am unable to make the meeting (I get home from work at about 6 EST most nights), I am adding a testimonial. Jim has shown through his many events and converts that he is a very dedicated member of the Ubuntu community. I met Jim as the co-lead for the Virginia LoCo team, but come to find out we're from the same town! In all my interactions with him, going to his events, seeing him work with people on Ubuntu, etc, I can safely say that I have never personally met anyone with as much dedication to the causes of Ubuntu and Free Software as Jim, and I think he should be accepted as an Official Ubuntu Member. -- Travis Newman (panickedthumb)


JimTarvid (last edited 2009-08-12 14:57:43 by 204)