About Me

I'm a PHP Developer by trade, and a Linux and Ubuntu advocate at heart. I'm currently the team contact for the NewJerseyTeam.

My Blog can currently be found at joeterranova.net, and is also syndicated on Planet Ubuntu Users and Planet New Jersey LoCo Team.

Contact Information

Ubuntu Email: <joeterranova AT gmail DOT com>

Ubuntu GPG: 26E9D77B

Ubuntu AIM: JoeCOTterranova

Ubuntu ICQ: 119359376

Ubuntu Jabber: joeterranova@gmail.com

Ubuntu Launchpad: Joe Terranova

Ubuntu IRC: joe_cot on irc.freenode.net


New Jersey LoCo Team

Ubuntu Wiki Page: NewJerseyTeam

Ubuntu Website: http://nj.ubuntu-us.org

Presentation Files


There was a lot of stuff on this page, but not much in the way of "what have you done for me lately". Previous information and contributions moved to this page


JoeTerranova (last edited 2009-05-17 22:26:23 by pool-72-73-227-168)