
Ubuntu Jordan Local Community Team






Jordan LoCo Team Details
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Team Leader: Jad/Hakam Madi
Members List: Launchpad


Since the dawn of GNU/Linux Ubuntu distribution, the usage of GNU/Linux in Jordan has grown tremendously. Ubuntu is by far the most popular distribution for its usability and wide appeal, as more and more people are using it. Ubuntu is impressive particularly because it remains true to its motto "Linux for human beings."

Golden time for GNU/Linux and Ubuntu in the Kingdom

The Jordanian government's recent initiative, titled "a computer for every citizen," was a great leap forward for the usage of Ubuntu computers. In the end of 2007 and continuing into 2008, the Jordanian government endorsed the initiative along with Jordan Post Company. The initiative provides IBM desktops and laptops powered by Ubuntu for cost-effective selling and to accommodate people's financial situations. So far, around 7,000 computers have been sold with Ubuntu pre-installed, and up to 50,000 computers are set to be out to customers by the end of 2008.

Why you should join Ubuntu Jordan LoCo Team

If you are Jordanian or live in Jordan, and you are interested in spreading the word about GNU/Linux and specifically Ubuntu then you should join us. We are a group of people just like you, and we work together on voluntary basis to raise awareness about Ubuntu in the Kingdom. We provide help to newcomers, we hold installation festivals in campuses across The Kingdom, and we are active in bringing the benefits of open source to the people who may not have heard about them.

If you are active, devoted, and enthusiastic about Ubuntu --we want you.

How to join Ubuntu Jordan LoCo Team

  • Mailing List: Most of discussions and votes are conducted over so being a team member you have to join our mailing list

  • Launchpad: Is a bug tracking system that allows collaboration between team members.
  • Discussion Forums: This is where we help people out. Newcomers and other Ubuntu users having difficulties can post their problems and we try our best to solve them.
  • IRC: Often we will conduct IRC meetings especially when we have brainy Ubuntu Jordanian users aboard, we got to use every cell of their brains dude. You could also hang there for a chat or to get to know other members, join us

Upcoming Events


  • Princess Sumaya University for Technology ( April 9th FLOSS introduction, 10th installation festival)
  • Spread the word about GNU/Linux Ubuntu distribution in Jordan.
  • Installation festivals - so far we did one at Jordan university
  • Assist who ever needs Ubuntu help in Jordan by answering their inquires over the discussion forum, mailing list and even on site help if doable by any of the team members.
  • Use members' blogs to post about Ubuntu, preferably in human, non-geek terms. This will encourage normal people to take the brave step to convert or at least learn more about Ubuntu.
  • insert 50 piastre here
  • insert your idea here

2008 Roadmap

  • Installation Festival at Jordan University - DONE
  • Installation Festival at Princess Sumaya University for Technology - DONE
  • Installation Festival at Yarmouk University
  • Ubuntu Desktop Course Jordan University - DONE
  • Lecture about Ubuntu and Open Source at University of Science and Technology
  • knocking every and each university door for FLOSS introduction, Desktop Course and installation fest.
  • possibility of installing Edubuntu in one school as pilot test for the team.

  • Article in Alghad Newspaper about about Ubuntu, how to wwitch and why to switch.
  • Article in one of English glossy magazines about Ubuntu, how to switch and why to switch.

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JordanTeam (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:33 by localhost)