
Revision 9 as of 2008-02-14 10:10:55

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GNU/Linux usage has grown in the recent years in the Kingdom especially when the birth of GNU/Linux Ubuntu distribution, so far it is the most popular GNU/Linux distribution in the Kingdom, it's really unlikely to find a GNU/Linux user in town who isn't facinated in case s/he isn't using it.

Golden time for GNU/Linux and Ubuntu in the Kingdom

Closing 2007 and starting with 2008 The Government had a new initiative, a computer for every citizen, They started sellig IBM Desktops and Laptops in cooperation with Jordan Post Office Company, so far they have distributed 7,000 computer with Ubuntu pre-installed with a promise to provide 50,000 computer by the end of 2008.

Why you should join Ubuntu Jordan LoCo Team

== How to join Ubuntu Jordan LoCo Team ==

  • Mailing List: Most of discussions and votes are conducted over so being a team member you have to join our mailing list

  • Launchpad: Is a bug tracking system that allows collaboration between team members.
  • Discussion Forums: Whenever someone having an issue with ubuntu in Jordan, We will redirect him into this forum and members *hopefully* will take care of helping people out.
  • IRC: Often we will conduct IRC meetings especially when we have a brainy Ubuntu Jordanian users aboard, we got to use every cell of their brains dude.

you could also hang there for a chat, join us

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