Julián (xphree) Duque
Hello, my name is Julián David Duque, I'm a Telecommunications Engineer and Software Developer (Mobile & Web). I'm from Medellín, Colombia and I use Linux since 1998 (Linux registered user #257314).
Contact Information
Email: xphree at gmail dot com
IRC: irc.freenode.net with the nick xphree or xpider
Phone: if you need to contact me by phone please send me an email and i will provide my number
Website: xphree @ home - http://xphree.net
Founder and inactive member of GiGAX - http://gigax.org
- Ubuntu Colombian Team - I want to help the community and spread the word!
- Ubuntu
Java (including Java ME & Java EE)
- Android
GNOME (user & fanatic of the GNOME Desktop)
- And a lot of things...
JulianDuque (last edited 2009-02-24 21:47:32 by 190)