
Revision 6 as of 2009-07-27 23:54:12

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  • Add your feedback like this w/o the bold, and then use the @SIG@ at the end of your line, look at the first post for reference

  • All serious issues should be still submitted as bug!


  • Add feedback here
  • Arora Browser? Why switch to an unknown browser, that has limited integration with KDE, that casual users won't look for and one that will upset the a lot of KDE developers? If a switch is to be made, switch to Firefox. Casual users look for it, and it is compatible with practically everything. -- kachristmas 2009-07-24 01:29:22

  • Not sure if my comment was deleted or I missed to save it. I just wanted to suggest qtcurve for qt3, configured to look as gtk version, as the default style in kde3 apps, for even better integration. Thanks. @Daniel Velasco@
  • Really liked the browser change, but was hoping it would be firefox though. Nice default theme and overal visual changes. Think que notification and action icon should autohide, it just goes grey when there's no notification. My network manager is quite strange, but I'll fill a bug about that. @Paulo Bartos@
  • Action icon behavior is changed due to huge amounts of user feedback (just Google it, there are lot of discussion about it, mainly that the one in KDE 4.2 sucked). I think this is better! I'm curious about the "Multiple displays" item in System Settings -> Display. It just states that it hasn't been installed. This would be huge improvement over manually creating XRANDR spells on the Konsole. If that entry in the System Setting is what I think it is... Could somebody clarify this? Any ways, nice looking and overall working -- toni-helenius

* The browser change was nice, but I think you should switch to Firefox and get it to obey KDE mimetypes. Kubuntu NEEDS a custom theme to make it stand out... up to Hardy, this was reality, so what's holding this? The Network Manager MUST be fixed by the final release... this is a huge issue in Jaunty (Wicd is good, but still sucks). If you can't fix it, get the GNOME Network Manager working on the system... it's pretty easy and connects to almost anything... unlike Wicd. Also, maybe you should not be advancing to KDE 4.3 so quickly and focus on fixing what's broken already instead of jumping to 4.3 and potentially breaking more stuff. Of course, if 4.3 means a more stable and less broken system, then use 4.3. Stability with a custom theme is the most important thing right now... at least a custom login screen is important to make Kubuntu stand out from the other KDE distros. -- ugriffin

2009-07-26 23:00:07