Launchpad Entry: karmic-serverguide
Created: 04-09-2009
Contributors: Ubuntu Doc Team
Packages affected: ubuntu-serverguide
Gather and confirm ideas on additions and updates for the Server Guide during the Ubuntu 9.10 release cycle.
Release Note
- New IRC section.
- New Jabber section.
- New Nagios section.
- New Munin section.
- New OpenVPN section.
A significant amount of problems with any computer system can be solved with good documentation. To that end having relevant and up to date documentation for the Ubuntu Server Edition is a worthwhile venture.
Use Cases
Documentation shipped with Ubuntu Server Edition in the ubuntu-serverguide package. Also, the content is available on the help.ubuntu.com web site.
Server admins are reading the Server Guide.
Currently the Ubuntu Server Guide is drafted in DocBook XML files. There are also corresponding pages in the Community Wiki related to topics in the guide.
Confirm or add to the proposed list of ideas gathered on the ServerTeam/IdeaPool page. Then document the confirmed subjects in DocBook format. Also, updating any relevant pages in the community wiki.
Unresolved issues
BoF agenda and discussion
- Server Monitoring
Nagios Done
Munin Needs Review
- Chat Server
jabberd2 Needs Review
IRC server Needs Review
- Clustering
- Redhat Cluster Suite
- Apache service cluster
- Redhat Cluster Suite
- Credential caching for LDAP and Kerberos client authentication.
OpenVPN Needs Review
- Server perspective.
- Document encrypted swap.
- Tool to set up.
- Power management
- wakeonlan
- pmsuspend
- pmhibertnate
- Dynamic DNS updates via DHCP.
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to custom developed apps.
- ufw
- vmbuilder
- Section updates.
- Mail Section
- Better document the dovecot-postfix package.
Replace SMTPAUTH information. Needs Review
- Merge Dovecot section with Postfix.
Improve Eucalyptus and OpenNebula sections.
- Add section euca2tools for Eucalyptus and EC2.
- Upgrading from an EOL release.
- Virtualization.
- Instructions for virtio disks.
KarmicServerGuide (last edited 2009-08-04 02:54:56 by cpe-075-183-083-201)