

20:00 <     etank> Happy Release Day Kentucky
20:00 <     etank> are you all ready to kick off the meeting
--- Log closed Thu Apr 19 20:03:39 2007
--- Log opened Thu Apr 19 20:06:43 2007
20:06              >>> etank_!
20:06 Irssi: #ubuntu-kentucky: Total of 17 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 16 normal]
20:07 <    bkingx> Heck yeah!
20:07 <    bkingx> That is some good stuff there!
20:07 <    bkingx> We have already applied for our CD's.  Unfortunately, we can only get 300 now.
20:07 Irssi: >>> Join to #ubuntu-kentucky was synced in 66 secs
20:07              <   etank!n=etank@ubuntu/member/etank [Nick collision from services.]
20:07 <   jkeyes0> 300 should be plenty. do they have a timeframe?
20:08 >>> You're now known as etank
20:08 <    bkingx> But this is a good thing.  We will be able to do many good things.
20:08 <    bkingx> I believe it is about 2 weeks.
20:08 <    bkingx> We should be getting a web address and can start building a nice webpage.
20:09              >>> queenofthe1ring!
20:09 <     etank> sorry im late. what are we discussing now?
20:09 <    bkingx> Not sure if it will be hosted by canonical or not, but we will be able to host some of the things we have been wanting
20:09 <    bkingx> Team Approval, etank
20:09 <    bkingx> And what comes with it.
20:09 <     etank> SWEET.
20:09              >>> klicker!
20:09 <    bkingx> 2 weeks for the CD's?  and 300, right?
20:09              <   queenofthe1ring! [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
20:10 <     etank> the wiki says that if we ordered then _before_ 4/18 then we would get them two weeks after release
20:10              >>> queenofthe1ring!
20:10 <     etank> 300 is the new number
20:10 <    bkingx> Got any more to add about the approval, etank ?
20:10 <     etank> it used to be 500
20:10 <     etank> i missed some of what was said earlier
20:11 <     etank> a sub-domain of is one thing
20:11 <    bkingx> Nothing much...jsut we are approved now, we get CD's...and a web addy
20:11 <     etank> CDs for each release
20:12 <     etank> those are the biggest things
20:12 <  srwalter> so, installfest
20:13 <     etank> will it be possible for a few of us to get in the room before the install fest
20:13 <    bkingx> right, srwalter
20:13              >>> X626!
20:13 <     etank> say friday?
20:13 <  srwalter> how much before?
20:13 <  srwalter> we discussed that at the LUG meeting
20:13 <     etank> just to start with a little setup
20:13 <  srwalter> the decision was: you probably don't want to
20:13 <  srwalter> we can't guarantee the security of anything you leave in the room overnight
20:13 <    bkingx> How early on Sat?
20:13 <  srwalter> as early as you can get Tom out of bed, I suppose
20:14 <  srwalter> he's not here, despite my reminding him at least twice
20:14 <    bkingx> Even if it is overkill, being our first installfest, I suggest lo later than 10
20:14 <    bkingx> *no
20:15 <     etank> well i have a switch, mac with 2 nics, 2 wireless routers, a monitor and a box of cat5 cables here
20:15 <  srwalter> alright
20:15 <     etank> i have to teach on Saturday so the earliest that i can get there is 12
20:15 <  srwalter> I think Tom has something to do until 12:30, but he can probably let you in beforehand
20:16 <     etank> bkingx: if you want to pick the stuff up from me and get started with it then that is fine
20:16 <    bkingx> Whew...cutting it close!
20:16 <    bkingx> OK..we can finalize that tomorrow
20:16 <     etank> the best i can do
20:16 <  srwalter> I assume the mac w/ 2 nics is running Linux, etank?
20:16 <     etank> sure is
20:17 <  srwalter> good man.
20:17 <    bkingx> srwalter: can you assit in setting that up?
20:17 <     etank> server version of Edgy if i am correct
20:17 <  srwalter> yep, no problem
20:17 <  srwalter> actually, tom's nick is online
20:17 <  srwalter> tom8658: you suck
20:17 <   klicker> lol
20:18 <     etank> do we want to discuss a schedule for the event
20:18 <    bkingx> OK.. setting up the connection to the network -> srwalter
20:18 <    bkingx> Sure, etank
20:18 <     etank> who all is doing a presentation
20:19              etank +1
20:19 <  srwalter> me me me
20:19 <  srwalter> that reminds me... tom was supposed to get his laptop to me
20:19 < queenofth> how long are the presentations going to take?
20:19 <     etank> since the event is 3 hours i think no longer that 15 - 20 minutes each
20:19 <     etank> if that long
20:20 <      p0g0> Zuph: I have a story for you (re: forensics)- It's 14 years old, so I can tell it
20:20 <     etank> zenwhen: are you planning on doing a presentation?
20:20 <  srwalter> I think we should do at least some of the presentations after we get presentations started
20:20 <     etank> Zuph: you mentioned one as well
20:20 <  srwalter> that way people will have something to pay attention to while the install runs
20:20 < queenofth> that was my point
20:21 <      p0g0> I was hired to recover the wilfully deleted files of the  outgoing administration, and to survey the local government offices PC's
20:22 <      p0g0> Zuph: so, I was in an office that I thought belonged to local govenment, but it was actually the Circuit Court's
20:22 <     etank> ok how does this sound for a _rough_ agenda
20:22 <     etank> Presentation - Eric - Why Ubuntu
20:22 <     etank> Actual Installs
20:22 <     etank> Presentation - Steve - beryl
20:22 <     etank> Show how to run updates
20:22 <     etank> Show how to setup a wireless connection
20:23              <   Zuph! [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:23 <  srwalter> seems agreeable to me
20:23 <  montgoej> seems good
20:23 <    bkingx> Good
20:23 <     etank> someone mentioned doing a server presentation (i think it was Zuph)
20:23 <     etank> we can work that in too if there is a desire for it
20:24 <    bkingx> I think you are right...a simple LAMP install
20:24 <      p0g0> no point in finishing that story now...oh well
20:24 <    bkingx> How about refreshments?
20:24 <  srwalter> pizza!
20:24 <     etank> becca said that she was going to try to make cookies too
20:24 <  srwalter> Tom was able to get funding from the EE department
20:25 <    bkingx> AWESOME srwalter !!!
20:25 <   jkeyes0> woot!
20:25 <     etank>  <-- these to be exact
20:25 <  srwalter> I'm going to buy some soda and snack cakes, as well
20:25 <    bkingx> Great... so refreshments are taken care of..... Fantastic!!!
20:26 <     etank> bkingx: how is the welcome packet comming along?
20:26 <     etank> are we just waiting on the welcome letter
20:26 <    bkingx> It will be done tonight...assembly tomorrow.
20:26 <    bkingx> Yes, just the welcome letter
20:27 <    bkingx> Zuph did a nice job on one and so did David.
20:27 <     etank> i think that with a little more polish that it will be great
20:27 <  srwalter> btw, we received $5 in donations :-)
20:27 <     etank> srwalter, tom8658 have either of you looked over the welcome letter?
20:27 <    bkingx> Thanks to Larry from the Hardin Co LUG!!!
20:28 <  srwalter> I looked over the welcome letter, it looked good to me
20:28 <    bkingx> They are bringing 3
20:28 <     etank> we are wanting it to be from all of our teams
20:28 <    bkingx> Gotta plug the lugs!!
20:28 <    bkingx> LMAO!!  That tickled me for some reason!
20:28 <   tom8658> im here, i suck, etc
20:29 <   tom8658> sorry, im still at work
20:29 <    bkingx> lol...sorry about that tom8658 !!
20:29 <  srwalter> is today your day to work all night?
20:29 <   tom8658> yeah, also yesterday
20:29 <     etank> so the plan is to offer dapper, edgy and feisty right
20:29 <    bkingx> yep.
20:29 <  srwalter> will we recommend one or the other?
20:29 <     etank> do we want to decide on one that we recommend
20:30 <  srwalter> we can put it up for a vote
20:30 <    bkingx> I have all three releases and there derivatives.
20:30 <     etank> i partly want to say dapper
20:30 <     etank> since it is LTS
20:30 <     etank> but then edgy is nice
20:30 <  srwalter> I say edgy, because it's newer
20:30 <     etank> but feisty is shiny
20:30 <  srwalter> most home users don't care about LTS, I don't think
20:30              montgoej says Dapper unless the user knows the full implications of using another and still wants it
20:31 <  montgoej> give them choice, just say we recommend dapper
20:31 <  srwalter> what are the "implications" or using another?
20:31 <    bkingx> We'll have to be some burning fools if we recommend Edgy.
20:31              >>> comfurtn!
20:31 <    bkingx> We have MANY Dappers, though
20:31 <  srwalter> other than they should upgrade in 6 mo.  that's no problem unless they only have dialup
20:31 <  montgoej> dapper is LTS, so if you use Feisty or Edgy you don't get as long of a support time
20:32 <  srwalter> yes, but if we recommend people run old and busted software for 3 years, they aren't going to like it
20:32 <  montgoej> plus with Feisty it should a bit more stable because it was made to be LTS and more stable
20:32 <  srwalter> mean dapper, right?
20:32 <  montgoej> yeah
20:32 <  montgoej> lol
20:33 <     etank> if we do dapper there will be quite a few packages that need to be downloaded to get it updated
20:33 <  srwalter> ... you mean edgy
20:33              etank thinks that they need to release a new dapper 6.06.2 or something
20:34 <     etank> no dapper
20:34              montgoej seconds that
20:34 <     etank> it has been out the longest
20:34 <  srwalter> ooh, I see
20:34 <     etank> really the same with edgy too
20:34 <     etank> klb: what are your thoughts?
20:35 <       klb> mmm, boobies
20:35 <  srwalter> ?
20:35 <   tom8658> haha
20:35 <       klb> I'm sorry.. what?
20:35              <   queenofthe1ring! ["Leaving"]
20:35 <   zenwhen> yes
20:35 <   zenwhen> dapper needs some updated packages
20:35 <       klb> yes
20:36 <       klb> Edgy :)
20:36 <     etank> at the installfest should we recommend dapper, edgy, or feisty?
20:36 <   jkeyes0> need a dapper service pack, eh?
20:36 <     etank> jkeyes0: yes
20:36 <  srwalter> I think edgy will have the best chance of working on the most hardware
20:36 <       klb> I would think LTS would only be a big deal in a server environment
20:36 <   jkeyes0> someone page sabdfl. :P
20:36              srwalter agrees with klb
20:36 <    bkingx> We'll have the dapper repos onsite, on a mirror.
20:37 <  srwalter> why is that, if we have dapper CDs? (unrelated question)
20:37 <   zenwhen> bkingx: are you taking care of that
20:37 <    bkingx>'s cranking away right now.
20:37 <   zenwhen> awesome
20:37 <     etank> ok so it sounds like edgy is the winner?
20:37              srwalter +1
20:38              etank +1
20:38              X626 +1
20:38              jkeyes0 +1
20:38 <   zenwhen> +1
20:38 <   zenwhen> I am burning disks now
20:38 <     etank> but if they want the latest greatest then we give that to them as well
20:38 <     etank> it is really their choice
20:38 <       klb> true
20:38 <  srwalter> and if they have dialup, LTS may be better
20:39 <  srwalter> else downloading a new version every 6 mo might be impractical
20:39 <     etank> so what about the xubuntu, kubuntu, whateverbuntu
20:39 <       klb> just note that dapper's proven, edgy may have bugs pop up in the next few weeks
20:39 <     etank> do we have those as a choice as well
20:39 <       klb> I mean
20:39 <       klb> just note that edgy's proven, feisty may have bugs pop up in the next few weeks
20:39 <   zenwhen> Oh
20:39 <   tom8658> xubuntu only, who would want to run KDE anyway ;)
20:39 <   zenwhen> I had not even thought about Kubuntu
20:39 <       klb> um
20:40 <     etank> klb: good point but we let them know that up front
20:40 <       klb> all the people that abhor gnome :)
20:40 <   jkeyes0> I tried xubuntu for the first time the other day (VM at work) and I actually kinda like it.
20:40 <   tom8658> klb, right bu they all run xfce :)
20:40 <   zenwhen> I really should try to like KDE again so that I can help with it
20:40 <       klb> heh
20:40 <   zenwhen> I just hate it so much
20:40 <     etank> we keep saying "download a new release every 6 months"
20:40              tom8658 +1
20:40 <   zenwhen> +1
20:41 <     etank> each release is supported for 18 months
20:41              >>> queenofthe1ring!
20:41 <       klb> oh.. something that should be known... k/x/ubuntu are all the same underneath.. it's just a matter of installing say "kubuntu-desktop" metapackage
20:41 <       klb> no need to download an entire new iso
20:41 <  srwalter> I think we should start everyone out at ubuntu, unless they have a low ram box
20:41 <        xq> ubuntu server, sr ;)
20:41              etank agrees with srwalter 
20:41 <  srwalter> we can tell people about KDE and stuff, let them try it if they want
20:42 <  srwalter> but we don't have kubuntu discs, even, do we?
20:42 <  srwalter> (plus I think KDE is teh fugly)
20:42 <     etank> klb: will you be at the installfest?
20:42 <        xq> you can order up to 10 now for free if you contribute at all in launchpad
20:42 <       klb> no :/  I have 2 kids with ball games
20:42 <        xq> so all of you can order 10 cds =D
20:42 <   tom8658> its probably best to introduce people to the standard ubuntu install, (also kde is nasty)
20:42 <       klb> KDE > *
20:42 <     etank> xq: but they will not be here in time :(
20:42 <  srwalter> I also think that the standard ubuntu is the most polished
20:42 <        xq> ohs
20:42 <        xq> hehe
20:43 <        xq> Just give them like ubuntu server and be like "go at it, learn!'
20:43 <        xq> that will be like my old days when I learned a lot lol
20:43 <        xq> Slackware ftw then
20:43 <  montgoej> KDE is really based on your opinion, I use Gnome, KDE, Fluxbox and XFCE regularly, based on what I'm doing, and sometimes my mood
20:43 <  srwalter> may as well install gentoo, in that case
20:43 < queenofth> i think that whatever is the easiest to use would be the way to go
20:43 <        xq> Yeah, Gentoo was absolute fun
20:43              srwalter thinks montgoej is schizophrenic
20:43 <  montgoej> Sabayon!
20:43 <       klb> I do like XFCE, too
20:43 <     etank> Linux From Scratch :)
20:43              tom8658 loves xfce
20:44 <  montgoej> stupid Gnome never wants to compile no matter what I do in Sabayon
20:44 <  srwalter> ummm.  maybe you should examine your assumptions
20:44 <     etank> ok so it sounds like standard (Gnome) Edgy installs are what we recommend
20:44 <     etank> ?
20:44              srwalter +1
20:44 <    bkingx> I have all those etank
20:44              etank +1
20:44              montgoej +1
20:44              jkeyes0 +1, but we should offer others if they ask for it.
20:44 <  montgoej> sounds good
20:44              tom8658 +1
20:44 < queenofth> +1
20:44 <     etank> jkeyes0: that we will
20:45 <   zenwhen> +1
20:45 <   jkeyes0> btw, I'm bringing my cousin from EKU. He's got a Dell XPS that needs some Ubuntu/XP dual bootage.
20:45              X626 +1
20:45 <  srwalter> awesome!
20:45 <     etank> zenwhen: are you planning on doing a presentation?
20:46              queenofthe1ring is installing fiesty now
20:46 <    bkingx> just to reiterate....I have all the releases, and all the derivatives: K, Edu, X, and PPC
20:46 <  montgoej> I've still got a few people at school that are thinking about it(but knowing them they probably won't show up)
20:46 <     etank> if so what is it on
20:46 < Gat0rvean> evening all!
20:46 <  montgoej> bkingx: awesome!
20:46 <   zenwhen> Yikes. I had wanted to but I have been so tied up with buying the house that i haven't written anything.
20:46 <   zenwhen> does a maybe work?
20:46 <    bkingx> We'll ahve them all available via the server at the event
20:46 <     etank> zenwhen: i think that we are covered on presentations
20:47 <     etank> becca said that you were maybe working on one
20:47 <     etank> i just wanted to try to work up a rough agenda 
20:48 <    bkingx> where should we park?
20:48 <  srwalter> the parking structure on Limestone is probably easiest
20:48 <    bkingx> k
20:48 <  srwalter> you can turn into Administration Drive to unload
20:48 <  srwalter> that's only 30-40 feet from RGAN, and we'll have carts
20:49 <    bkingx> great!!!!
20:49 <     etank> srwalter: would it make sense to put up some signs around the area directing people
20:49 <     etank> since some are coming from out of town
20:49 <  srwalter> good point
20:49 <     etank> some like "This way to the future of computing!"
20:50 <  srwalter> hehe
20:50 <  montgoej> would it be a good idea to give them a copy of the .pdf of the Official Ubuntu Book after we install?
20:50 <  srwalter> what about putting a link to the campus map somewhere?
20:50 <  montgoej> it's creative commons so we have no copyright issues
20:50 <  srwalter> does the default install not include said Ubuntu book?
20:50 <   klicker> Perhaps the latest newsletter?
20:50 <     etank> srwalter: it has excerpts of the book
20:51 <  montgoej> yeah, what he said
20:51 <  srwalter> where can this PDF be obtained?
20:51              etank has it :)
20:51 <   zenwhen> Ill put together a keynote presenation about free software to be either used at the install fest if we can make time or at a future event
20:51              jkeyes0 has it too.
20:51 <  srwalter> email, bitte
20:51 <  srwalter>
20:51              etank got it from jkeyes0 
20:51              jkeyes0 got it from the Ubuntu India forums.
20:51 <     etank> zenwhen: sounds good
20:51 <    bkingx> zenwhen: cool
20:52 <     etank> jkeyes0: can you email it to srwalter?
20:53 <     etank> srwalter: there is a link on for the map of the campus
20:53 <  srwalter> sweet
20:54 <   jkeyes0> etank, I'll try. it might be too big for gmail (might have to zip it up)
20:54 <    bkingx> So...anything else?
20:54 <     etank> lets do a quick headcount on who will be there
20:54              etank +1
20:54              montgoej +1
20:54              bkingx +1
20:54              srwalter +1
20:54              X626 +1
20:54              tom8658 +1
20:54 <   zenwhen> +1
20:54 <    bkingx> 3 from Hardin Co, 2 from UK
20:54 < queenofth> probably +1
20:54              jkeyes0 +1
20:55 <     etank> sweet
20:55 <    bkingx> And hopefully some guys from Sprint
20:55 <  srwalter> side note:  if you open up above map link, there is a small map in the corner
20:55 <     etank> so if we have about 10 people show up then we can do some one on one work with them
20:55 <  srwalter> the loop road is were you can stop to unload
20:56 <     etank> are we missing anything?
20:57 <   jkeyes0> I had three others schedule to come, but one has to go out of town this weekend, one had major surgery this week, and the other already had other plans (new girlfriend, fun times).
20:57 <    bkingx> I think that is pretty much it.
20:57 <     etank> it would be great for the next one to have a site for people to register on
20:57 <    bkingx> We need to figure out when the best time to get in the building/room
20:58 <     etank> that way we have some sort of idea how many to expect
20:58 <    bkingx> I hope to have the web site up and running by then, etank
20:58 <    bkingx> That would be a good place.
20:58 <     etank> i think tom8658 is the one to ask that bkingx 
20:58 <  srwalter> tom8658 what say you?
20:58 <  srwalter> (please God tell us you got a key)
20:58 <   tom8658> when do you want/need to get in
20:58 <     etank> montgoej: can pick the lock :)
20:59 <  montgoej> yep
20:59 <   tom8658> i get the keys tomorrow at noon, and if they dont give them to me, i have a lockpick set
20:59 <  montgoej> yay more lockpickers :)
20:59 <     etank> better than nosepickers
20:59 <    bkingx> sometime in the morning.
20:59 <    bkingx> Say about 10 - 11
20:59 <   jkeyes0> someone must teach me. I can do padlocks, but not doors.
20:59 <   tom8658> i think setting anything up on friday is a bad idea, but i'll be on campus at 10 on saturday
20:59 <     etank> bkingx: you mean saturday morning right
20:59 <    bkingx> Right etank
21:00 <    bkingx> 10 will be good, tom8658
21:00 <     etank> bkingx: do you want to get the equipment from me that venemous sent?
21:00 <     etank> one note
21:00 <      X626> lockpicking sounds fun
21:00 <     etank> if you have personal stuff there lable it
21:00 <  montgoej> it is
21:01 <     etank> stuff can grow legs quick
21:01 <    bkingx> And YOU are responsible for it!!
21:01 <    bkingx> etank: yeah...I can do that/
21:01 <     etank> ok
21:01 <  montgoej> see you guys, if not later tonight in IRC then saturday, I gotta go
21:01              <   montgoej! ["Ex-Chat"]
21:01 <    bkingx> We'll hook up sometime tomorrow
21:02 <     etank> does anyone have anything else to add?
21:02 <   tom8658> yes, we have food money
21:03 <     etank> great
21:03 <     etank> is this from the college?
21:03 <   tom8658> yeah
21:03 <     etank> oh 
21:03 <     etank> we have a few door prizes too
21:04 <  srwalter> oh good
21:04 <    bkingx> Not many, but a few
21:04 <  srwalter> is it a secret?
21:04 <    bkingx> ;)
21:04 <     etank> bkingx: has an iMac loaded with edgy
21:04 <     etank> and a book 
21:04 < queenofth> the iMac is a prize?!
21:04 <     etank> yes
21:04 < queenofth> are we allowed to enter? ;-)
21:05 <     etank> we will need to work out a raffle system
21:05 <    bkingx> Would it be bad to do a buy-a-ticket raffle?
21:05 <     etank> queenofthe1ring: good question
21:06 <  srwalter> maybe if it's cheap
21:06 <  srwalter> like $1
21:06 <  srwalter> we can let everyone there get 1 ticket for free
21:06 <  srwalter> then they can buy additional tickets for $1
21:06 <     etank> srwalter: good idea
21:07 <     etank> i may have tickets that we can use
21:08 <    bkingx> That IS a good idea, srwalter
21:08 <    bkingx> Money can go back to the team.
21:08 <  srwalter> we can add it to the $5 current in the team account
21:09 <     etank> anything else for tonight?
21:09 <     etank> vote for adjourning
21:10              bkingx +1
21:10              etank +1
21:10              X626 +1
21:10              tom8658 +1
21:10 <    bkingx> Cool!
21:10              etank is back to downloading Feisty :)
21:10              jkeyes0 +1
21:10 <   tom8658> bkingx, we need to meet somewhere saturday morning so i can hand you the key
21:10 <     etank> good meeting all

KentuckyTeam/Meetings/2007April19 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:24 by localhost)