
Revision 31 as of 2007-02-23 13:52:40

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Welcome to the wiki page of the Kentucky Local Community Team. Our aim is to provide community support for users of Ubuntu Linux, it's various distributions, and promote it's use by both individuals and organizations alike.

Who is this group for?

This group is for anyone in Kentucky who uses, or is interested in using, a flavor of Ubuntu, whether Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or any other Linux distribution. We strive to range in technical ability from "...Linux???", to "I'm an Ubuntu Master."


  • Provide consultancy and tutoring for new users.
  • Distribute Ubuntu CDs to businesses, schools, institutions, organizations, and individuals.
  • Develop an Ubuntu identity.
  • Become a local community developer.
  • Advocate free and open source solutions (FOSS) as alternatives, where they exist.

Team Projects

How do I join?

Start by chatting/learning in our Internet Relay Chatroom (IRC), #ubuntu-ky (on You can also go to the forum, located at, to post a question, or read about some of the projects we are planning. Also, sign up for our mailing list at Join the team by going to and clicking "Join the Team" on on the left of the screen.


We meet each Thursday night at 8:00PM EST in #ubuntu-ky on We will be having "real world meetings" soon, but times, dates, and places have yet to be decided. IRC meeting notes can be found here: [:KentuckyTeam/Meetings:Meetings]

How Ubuntu-ky Can Help You

Stuck with something? Can't find an answer? Log in to our IRC channel and we'll do our best to help. If your problem needs to be solved in person, a volunteer may offer to help. Alternatively, if you want to talk to a wider audience about Ubuntu, Linux and FOSS, feel free to post in the forum.

How You Can Help Ubuntu-ky

Join the team, of course - joining and participating is a boon to the moral of current members! Additionally, providing feedback as to how we are performing as a team, or informing us of a need yet to be met, is a great help!

(thanks to the UKTeam for the format, and some of the copy used in this page)