Ubuntu Is Not Here To Make Money
Ubuntu Is Not Here To Make Money aims at promoting Ubuntu and FOSS to Social and Community based organisations. To prove this, if you are in need of a CD you can order one via the the Ubuntu website or contact the team. If you are afraid of installing it in your computer there's no need to worry because you can still use it as a live CD where by Ubuntu runs from your CD-drive without installing itself and you can safely logout and remove it. Ubuntu Linux Is an Ideal Windows Replacement, 30 Days with Linux and Understanding Open Source technology.
We Are Not Anti-Windows
Many believe that Linux is the major competitor to Windows in the desktop market. Why? Because its advocators argue that a software's source code should be made freely available to the end user who in turn is free to modify it to suit his needs or workings. Please read Linux Is Not Windows for a more indepth analysis.
What Are Some Of The Examples Of Open Source That I Use?
If your Windows or Mac PC is not connected to the Internet then there's a 90% chance that you never use any Open Source Product(s). But if you are connected then you are using Open Source in many ways;
The Internet relies on a protocol known as TCP/IP which is the standard that ensures that all interconnected devices communicate in a network. TCP/IP was and is relying on Open Source Standards
- Over 60% of web servers in the Internet are running on an Open Source software called Apache. If you are viewing this page, then you have retrieved it from one of the Apache servers.
- Do you have a Yahoo or gmail email account? They are developed from Open Source software.
- Do you use Google, Yahoo or askJeeves search engines? These are simply thousands of Interconnected Linux Boxes that get your searches done.
So, it's important that you remember that whenever you are surfing the web, you are simply interacting with other Linux machines.
Why Should I Use Linux?
Beginning in the late 1990s, Linux became a real contender as a server operating system, and continues to jockey in this position in server rooms, often replacing aging UNIX and Windows NT servers. Additionally, its efficient use of hardware enables administrators to replace even newer Windows NT servers with smaller, less expensive solutions.
Here is a list of key advantages to using Linux, and you will see why the OS has become so popular in so little time.
Low purchase cost. Linux is actually free, but vendors can sell their add-ons and services, as well as the media on which thay distribute it. Even with these charges, Linux is still an inexpensive Operating Sysytem. Even better, once you purchase it, unlike Windows, you can install it on many computers as needed without being required to purchase additional licenses. (If you intend to install Ubuntu, then it's worthless to pay for it since we are here).
Free Open Source Software. Open Source Software (OSS) is a model of program distribution that puts control into the hands of the organization that uses the software. Linux is distributed using a license derived from the OSS community, and is a wonderful addition to the free world.
The UNIX heritage. Linux is a UNIX-like Operating System, which means that the vast number of UNIX administrators will have no problem using it. Additionally, you can easily port a large number of applications to Linux. (please not that there is not really a good number of UNIX administrators in the country, but if you can get someone willing to learn, it will be worthwhile).
Scalability. Recent Linux kernels support multiprocessor hardware. Additionally, several high-profile projects run clustered Linux servers.
Vendor support. More support is building for Linux everyday, and several enterprise products are available for the OS.
Reliable uptime. Linux uptime is measured in months or years, which means that administartors worry less about maintaining an active stystem.
No central authority. Because it's impossible for any one person or entity to controll Linux, you do not need to worry that a company can change the OS fundamentally and place other companies using it at a disadvantage.
Project Objectives
- To show Not-for-Profit organisations how Ubuntu can help them to spend less on their IT infrastructure.
- Demonstrate the social inclusiveness of Ubuntu and Free, Libre and Open Source Software.
- Investigate the potential of the social opportunities presented by Ubuntu.
Ubuntu In Schools And Learning Institutions
To promote and encourage the use of features, and benefits of Ubuntu to Kenyan schools.
Project Objectives
- To showcase other Ubuntu flavours such as Edubuntu, Xubuntu and Kubuntu.
- To show schools in Kenya what Ubuntu can do for their IT infrastructure in terms of cost savings and a great accelerated learning curve for learners.
- To inform on LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project)
- To inform on OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) Project
More information can be found at Linux Isn't Just For Grownups Anymore
Ubuntu In Home Desktops
- To let home users know of Ubuntu's ease of use, security, and stability.
- Also to let them know what their old desktop boxes can do instead of gathering dusts on the shelves.
How To Revive An Old PC With Linux
Ubuntu In Kenyan Business Computers
Ubuntu In Kenyan Business Computers is a focus group aimed at devising marketing strategies for Kenyan businesses and discussing business-related issues for using Ubuntu.
Project Overviews
- Help totaly new Linux users with initial setup
- Assisting Windows users in making the transition to Linux
- Give ideas on which distribution (distro) to choose
- Inform on business advantages of ubuntu on Kenyan SMB market
The Value of Linux for the SMB Market and Six tips for Linux, open source desktop migrations
Ubuntu In NGO's
To demonstrate to NGO's and philanthropic organisations and foundations on how Ubuntu and FOSS can help in the flexibility and cost savings of their operations.
Project Overviews
- Do more
- No software usage restrictions
- Use as much or as little as you need
- You spend your money on what you decide you need
- Free your Organisation
- Software become yours to use as you see fit
- There are no restrictions on how you can use the software
- Free to distribute the software to others (Free CDROM's)
- Do less
- Worrying about your ICT systems
- Migration
- Unscheduled downtime
- Software Training
Translation Of Ubuntu To Swahili Language
Translate the major components of the interface icons and dialog boxes to the Swahili language.
Other Projects
These are projects that are still being strategised for possible future implementations.
- Develop a local mirror site
- Develop Kenyan like logos and icons that correspond to different project objectives
- Market and promote Ubuntu
- Promote and work with other Linux groups and initiatives in the country
- Work with FOSS groups and initiatives in the country
Thanks to the Australian Team for the format and some of the copy used in this page
KenyanTeam/Aims (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:54 by localhost)