Ubuntu Kenya Loco Team Goals for 2008
This is a rough overview of things the Ubuntu Kenya Loco Team hopes to achieve in 2008. Please feel free to discuss them on the mailing list or on #ubuntu-ke on irc.freenode.net.
January - March
- Membership - 50
- Swahili translation strings - 10,000.
April - June
- Membership - 100
- Swahili translation strings - 25000
- A Bigger, Better Release Party for Hardy Heron. The last release party was mildly successful, we can do better.
- Get ubuntu-ke to be an approved team
July - September
- Membership -150
- Swahili translation strings - 60000
October - December
- Membership - 200
- Release Party
- Swahili translation strings - 150000
Think that there is something that we should do not listed here? Add it below. We'll discuss the timeline on the list and irc channel.
- Ubuntu Kenya Repository - this will become more and more viable as more people use ubuntu in Kenya and will be a lot faster and will also save on international bandwidth costs
- Publicity - Get an article in local papers or magazines about Ubuntu
KenyanTeam/Goals2008 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:36 by localhost)