
Get the kernel team tools/scripts

A common set of tools used by the kernel team are maintained in a git repository.

  • buildscripts: Scripts used to farm out the kernel builds to very fast remote
  • chroot-setup: Scripts to setup jailed kernel compilation enviroments.
  • daily-test-isos: Scripts and support files to produce daily, custom test isos.
  • git-hooks: Optional hooks to help you commit patches
  • maintscripts: Scripts used for general / stable kernel maintenance
  • mainline-build: Scripts to produce .debs for mainline kernels
  • misc: Everything else...

Download them using the following command.

git clone git:// kteam-tools

Kernel/Action/GetKernelToolsScripts (last edited 2010-07-07 15:55:39 by cpe-70-114-236-114)