Files are in

[15:00] <Riddell> Good Afternoon Friends
[15:00] <Longfield> just in time
[15:00]  * wolfger is hopped up on "taking a vacation day to be here"
[15:00] <Riddell> is anyone here for the PyQt tutorial?
[15:00] <_nix_> Good Afternoon
[15:00] <limac> it 10:00 eastern
[15:00] <fmo> yes
[15:00] <limac> me
[15:00] <birunko> uha
[15:00] <pexi> yes
[15:00] <_nix_> yup
[15:00]  * nareshov raises his hand
[15:00] <kenny> yep
[15:00] <jussi01> Riddell: me!
[15:00] <dthacker> yep
[15:00]  * Hobbsee is here to take over the world.
[15:00] <Tolaris> yes
[15:00] <apachelogger_> Riddell: I'm voting for bug triage so that I can leave again :P
[15:00] <luis_lopez> yep
[15:00] <sigma> its exactly 5pm in south africa
[15:00] <wolfger> I'm here for everything
[15:00] <jussi01> !hobbsee | Hobbsee
[15:00] <ubotu> Hobbsee: I phear the stick so shhhhh
[15:00] <pvandewyngaerde> Pyes
[15:00] <Riddell> this channel has over doubled in size since it was announced, so some people must be
[15:00] <_nix_> 2030 in India
[15:00] <rebugger> its 4pm in germany
[15:00] <limac> here for everything
[15:00] <Panke> i am here for pykde.
[15:00] <nareshov> Yo _nix_
[15:01] <meven> 4pm in France too
[15:01] <limac> when is it starting?
[15:01] <xRaich[o]2x> i here for everything
[15:01] <Riddell> ok, now I look all important
[15:01] <nixternal> w00t
[15:01]  * dthacker is here for the day. took a vacation day
[15:01] <cheguevara> lol
[15:01] <Riddell> this is our first time of running this
[15:01] <Tolaris> I'm here for 15:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC: Packaging 101, not PyQT
[15:01] <Tolaris> :)
[15:01] <sigma> lol
[15:01] <AddiKT1ve> hai
[15:01] <Mondaar> ho..he has the "mark"
[15:01] <Riddell> it may be a complete disaster
[15:01] <AddiKT1ve> looks like everyone is conneting
[15:01] <nosrednaekim> hey everyone!
[15:01] <AddiKT1ve> connecting*
[15:01] <cheguevara> thats the spirit....
[15:02] <limac> so who is our tutor?
[15:02]  * magnetron is connecting
[15:02] <nareshov> limac: Riddell
[15:02]  * _nix_ gotta turn of JOINS PARTS QUITS
[15:02] <nosrednaekim> Riddell :D
[15:02] <Riddell> but hopefully we can help people learn something new and get into helping with Kubuntu, KDE and the causes of Freedom
[15:02] <nixternal> Riddell: Vista was a complete disaster, what you are about to do my friend, is rock the stage :)
[15:02] <apachelogger_> if it is a disaster we just do some hype promo :P
[15:02] <stdin> Tolaris: if you read the link in the topic, you'll see Packaging 101 is 17:00 UTC - 18:00 UTC
[15:02] <limac> Riddell: hey
[15:02] <DreadKnight> vista made me discover linux and open source software xD
[15:02] <Riddell> so, first thing, please keep discussion in #kubuntu
[15:02] <Riddell> else we'll be drowned out
[15:02] <nixternal> #kubuntu-offtopic rather
[15:02] <nareshov> will this chan be +m'ed ?
[15:02] <dthacker> perhaps #kubuntu-offtopic?
[15:03]  * Hobbsee_ kills konversation
[15:03] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: is this going to be run like OpenWeek was?
[15:03] <DreadKnight> #kubuntu_own_ye_all
[15:03] <Riddell> you can ask questions here, I'm hoping we won't need to play with channel modes
[15:03] <nareshov> or #kubuntu-classroom ?
[15:03] <Hobbsee> nareshov: not if we don't have to
[15:03] <nareshov> ok
[15:03] <Riddell> just a quick rundown, PyQt/KDE now
[15:03] <_nix_> nareshov: yo..
[15:03] <Riddell> bug triage in an hour
[15:03] <Tolaris> thanks, stdin. it would have been nice if the web page had been updated.
[15:03] <limac> yay
[15:03] <Riddell> bzr in 1.5 hours
[15:03] <Tolaris> See you later
[15:03] <Riddell> packaging at 17:00
[15:04] <Riddell> get it into the archives at 18:00
[15:04] <Riddell> and general Q&A at 19:00
[15:04] <limac> so when r we beginning?
[15:04] <Riddell> all times UTC
[15:04] <Riddell> lets start
[15:04] <limac> too anxious!
[15:04] <limac> yay!
[15:04] <Riddell> for this tutorial you'll need to apt-get install python-qt4
[15:04] <Riddell> if you're lucky you may be able to apt-get install python-kde4
[15:04] <Riddell> but it's still compiling away on some platforms, so it's not required
[15:05] <Riddell> you'll also need to  apt-get install qt4-designer
[15:05] <mihas> y
[15:05] <kwilliam> ok
[15:05] <Riddell> files for the tutorial are at
[15:05] <Riddell> the slides at I used for a tutorial earlier this year
[15:06] <Riddell> and the first file you need is
[15:06] <DreadKnight> !root pykde
[15:06] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about root pykde - try searching on
[15:06] <Riddell> this is the world's easiest python app
[15:06] <Riddell> #!/usr/bin/python
[15:06] <Riddell> print "hola"
[15:06] <Riddell> just prints out a message on the console
[15:06] <Riddell> Python, as you should know, is a programming language
[15:06] <Riddell> it's many times easier than C++
[15:07] <Riddell> and many many times easier than C
[15:07] <Riddell> it's the perferred language for apps in Ubuntu distros
[15:07] <DreadKnight> who wants to be my python tutor? ^^
[15:07] <kwilliam> hmm, I got a timeout on
[15:07] <Riddell> it has its faults as Ruby programmers will say
[15:07] <Straphka> is that the only content of I cant download it
[15:07] <nareshov> me too, contacting...
[15:08] <mihas> got a timeout too, server busy :)
[15:08] <cheguevara> doesn't load for me either
[15:08] <nareshov> contacted. Waiting for reply...
[15:08] <simpsus> me too
[15:08] <nareshov> DreadKnight: you might want to read diveintopython
[15:08] <birunko> still busy
[15:08] <limac> python is way easier than c++: true, i agree
[15:08] <limac> and c
[15:08] <Riddell> you can also get the files from
[15:08] <cheguevara> thats better :P
[15:08] <nareshov> - lol
[15:09] <ropiku> can you please keep discussions on other channel ? it's hard to watch what Riddell says
[15:09] <Riddell> you can run the app with "python"
[15:09] <Riddell> or you can make it executable with "chmod 755" and run "./"
[15:09] <kwilliam> much better download, thnx.
[15:09] <Riddell> is that working for everyone?
[15:09] <\sh> DreadKnight, visit
[15:09] <cheguevara> yep
[15:09] <birunko> yup
[15:09] <meven> yep
[15:09] <DreadKnight> \sh: thanks :)
[15:09] <fmo> yes
[15:09] <limac> btw which one is more useful in general, c++ or python?
[15:09] <tobixx> got it
[15:10] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: sure
[15:10] <kenny> yes
[15:10] <DreadKnight> thats nice
[15:10] <Riddell> so let's get graphical
[15:10] <Riddell> is a simple Qt application
[15:10] <limac> yup
[15:10] <Riddell> import sys
[15:10] <Riddell> from PyQt4.QtGui import *
[15:10] <Riddell> from PyQt4.QtCore import *
[15:10] <Riddell> is how it starts
[15:10] <Riddell> these tell python to load some libraries
[15:11] <Riddell> the sys library does a bunch of basic bits, this app uses it for command line arguments
[15:11] <Riddell> and the next two lines load the two more important Qt modules
[15:11] <Riddell> then below the app itself
[15:11] <Riddell> app = QApplication(sys.argv)
[15:11] <Riddell> button = QPushButton("hola")
[15:11] <Riddell>
[15:11] <Riddell> app.exec_()
[15:11] <Panke> is it a good habit too use import * for the modules?
[15:12] <Riddell> we create a QApplication and call it "app"
[15:12] <Riddell> Panke: you can also load individual Qt classes, but then you have to change the import line when you need a new class and that soon gets boring
[15:12] <dennda> Panke: you'd have to type PyQt4.QtGui.something all the time otherwise
[15:12] <Riddell> I don't think there's much memory disadvantage to just loading * in this case
[15:12] <Straphka> can't exec it, "can't read /var/mail/PyQt4.QtGui"
[15:12] <Straphka> that normal?
[15:12] <mihas> from: can't read /var/mail/PyQt4.QtGui
[15:12] <mihas> from: can't read /var/mail/PyQt4.QtCore
[15:12] <mihas> ./ line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[15:12] <mihas> ./ line 5: `app = QApplication(sys.argv)'
[15:13] <Riddell> Straphka: I've no idea what's going on there
[15:13] <nareshov> worked for me :|
[15:13] <nosrednaekim> works fine for me.
[15:13] <blizzzek> import: unable to read X window image `'
[15:13] <Straphka> Riddell: ok, ill google it then
[15:13] <cheguevara> works fine here
[15:13] <nareshov> might need python-qt4-dev ?
[15:13] <dfitzg> worked for me... do you have python-qt4?
[15:13] <kenny> works for me as well
[15:13] <teppic> you need to run python, you can't chmod and execute it directly (as it stands)
[15:14] <cheguevara> mihas, u forgot #!/usr/bin/python
[15:14] <Riddell> mihas: are you missing the import lines?
[15:14] <cheguevara> so its interpreting it as a bash script
[15:14] <Riddell> oh yes, that's my fault, you can add "#!/usr/bin/python" at the top
[15:14] <mihas> works now
[15:14] <cheguevara> yeah or just run it through python not directly
[15:14] <\sh> Riddell, change it to #!/usr/bin/env python's better :)
[15:14] <kwilliam> or simply run 'python'
[15:15] <kwilliam> no need to make it executable
[15:15] <Riddell> has anyone been able to install python-kde3?
[15:15] <dholbach> \sh: the debian policy is happier with  #!/usr/bin/python
[15:15] <Riddell> sorry
[15:15] <Riddell> python-kde4
[15:15] <kenny> no, not here
[15:15] <nareshov> Riddell: nope
[15:15] <meven> not me
[15:15] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: I have the 3.96 version
[15:15] <Riddell> it should be in the KDE 4 gutsy PPA
[15:15] <cheguevara> not on i386
[15:15] <Riddell> and may be in the hardy archives by now for i386
[15:15] <cheguevara> some of us are running hardy :P
[15:15] <\sh> dholbach, well,  we should not think only about debian ;) kde is happy on other distros too ;)
[15:15] <Straphka> Riddell: just fyi, it works, same prob as mihas
[15:16] <Riddell> if you have then take a look at
[15:16] <dholbach> \sh: oh man :)
[15:16] <cheguevara> let me apt-get update
[15:16] <xRaich[o]2x> python-kde4 works with the ppa repo
[15:16] <Riddell> Straphka: do you have the import lines? and are you running it with "python" ?
[15:16] <cheguevara> E: Couldn't find package python-kde4
[15:16] <kenny> same error
[15:16] <Straphka> Riddell: I meant that I made it executable without specifying the interpeter
[15:17] <kenny> what's the repo for it?
[15:17] <stdin> cheguevara: you need the KDE4 PPA repository
[15:17] <Riddell> if you can't install python-kde4 don't worry
[15:17] <nareshov> ok
[15:17] <cheguevara> stdin, aint that PPA gutsy?
[15:17] <tobixx> ImportError: No module named PyKDE4.kdecore
[15:17] <Riddell> the package isn't available everywhere yet, it's very new
[15:17] <stdin> "deb gutsy main"
[15:17] <Riddell> only uploaded yesterday
[15:17] <cheguevara> stdin, hardy here
[15:17] <Riddell> and it's still experimental
[15:17] <Riddell> but it adds KDE integration so it can make apps feel more at home in KDE
[15:17] <Riddell> changes the Qt import lines
[15:17] <Riddell> from PyKDE4.kdecore import *
[15:17] <Riddell> from PyKDE4.kdeui import *
[15:18] <Riddell> so now we're loading up the KDE libraries (which in turn load up Qt)
[15:18] <Riddell> KDE also needs us to declaire some data about the app
[15:18] <Riddell> KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, "pykdeapp", "", ki18n("PyKDE App"), "0.1", ki18n("My first app"));
[15:18] <Riddell> which tells it the name of the app and a description
[15:18] <Riddell> you also need to change QApplication to KApplication
[15:18] <Riddell> and voila, a PyKDE app
[15:19] <Riddell> anyone got it working?
[15:19] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: looks nice and oxygen-y to me :D
[15:19] <Riddell> excellent, gold star to nosrednaekim
[15:19] <kwilliam> yep! hey oxygen
[15:19] <mihas> nice
[15:19] <simpsus> No module named PyKDE4.kdecore
[15:19] <kenny> whats the ki18n for?
[15:19] <Riddell> simpsus: you probably don't have python-kde4 installed
[15:19] <mihas> but why button?
[15:19] <nareshov> some internationalization thing perhaps
[15:19] <D_Ed> ki18n translates to the user language
[15:19] <Riddell> kenny: ki18n() is for translations
[15:19] <Janz> Ridell: I'm trying to wait for best moment to ask that (specially when no one is having trouble) but, as I'm not finding (sorry), we'll see plasmoids development here, too?
[15:19] <Daisuke_Laptop> awww, i got here too late
[15:20] <simpsus> yes, its not there, but nevermind, ill skip this
[15:20] <DreadKnight> i18n it's the internationalization project
[15:20] <Riddell> mihas: a button is just a simple widget, we'll move on to a text edit in a moment
[15:20] <kenny> ok, cool, didn't know that
[15:20] <Riddell> any questions so far?
[15:20] <DreadKnight> any romanian people around here?
[15:20] <Janz> Ridell: I mean, later ...
[15:20] <Riddell> on topic questions I ment
[15:20] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: yes, how does it know that you want a qpuchbotton on that app?
[15:20] <stdin> DreadKnight: questions about the tutorial only please
[15:20] <Straphka> so we do not have to have python-kde4?
[15:21] <Janz> Riddell: really sorry for that.
[15:21] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: we create a button with button = QPushButton("hola")
[15:21] <Riddell> and show it on the next line
[15:21] <tseliot> Where can I find the examples ( etc.) ?
[15:21] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: yes, but what if we have two qapplication instances?
[15:21] <Riddell> tseliot:
[15:21] <nareshov> ooh, the button is nice :)
[15:21] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: you can only have one QApplication instance
[15:21] <blizzzek> ImportError: No module named PyKDE4.QtGui <-- got this error
[15:21] <dholbach> hey tseliot
[15:21] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: but you can have more than one button if you want
[15:21] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: ah,ok thanks
[15:21] <nareshov> blizzzek: add the ppa repo
[15:22] <tseliot> riddel: thanks
[15:22] <Riddell> the final line, app.exec_() runs the main loop
[15:22] <tseliot> dholbach: hi
[15:22] <blizzzek> na, my error it seems
[15:22] <Riddell> most GUI applications spend most of their time sitting in the main loop waiting for things to ahppen
[15:22] <Riddell> like pressing the button
[15:22] <nareshov> oh, polling?
[15:22] <kenny> i added the ppa repo, but i keep getting kdebase-runtime-bin is a dependency, but it won't install it
[15:23] <meven> kenny: same by me
[15:23] <Riddell> nareshov: it's not polling, that would consume resources, it just sits and waits for something to happen
[15:23] <nareshov> okay
[15:23] <nosrednaekim> python-kde4 really isn't necesary everyone, almost everything is done preciself the same in python-qt4
[15:23] <Riddell> blizzzek: do you have python-qt4 installed?
[15:23] <Riddell> let's move on
[15:24] <Riddell> for this next trick you'll need qt4-designer installed
[15:24] <Riddell> which you run with "designer-qt4" (or from the k-menu)
[15:24] <blizzzek> Riddell: i have
[15:24] <Riddell> select a widget and click Create
[15:24] <Riddell> we're going to make a simple text editor
[15:24] <kenny> sweet
[15:25] <Riddell> Qt has a widget called QTextEdit
[15:25] <DreadKnight> riddell would you like to stream your screeny over the net?
[15:25] <bddebian> Heya
[15:25] <Riddell> which you can find in the designer toolbox under Input Widgets
[15:25] <Riddell> drag one of those to the blank widget (which is covered in a grid of dots)
[15:25] <Riddell>
[15:25] <Riddell> looks like that
[15:26] <dthacker> my first changes are crashing.  where should the KCmdLineArgs line go?
[15:26] <Riddell> dthacker: first thing usually
[15:27] <dthacker> before imports?
[15:27] <Riddell> dthacker: after them
[15:27] <nareshov> right after that
[15:27] <Artemis_Fowl> includes you mean
[15:27] <dthacker> ok, other problems then
[15:27] <wolfger> I don't see a QTextEdit, just TextEdit. Same thing?
[15:27] <Riddell> qt designer working for people?
[15:27] <nareshov> yeah
[15:27] <Riddell> wolfger: that's the one
[15:27] <Artemis_Fowl> ah, its python talking
[15:27] <stijn_> ype
[15:27] <pexi>  yes, without problems
[15:28] <Riddell> now we fit the textEdit widget to the widget
[15:28] <nareshov> done
[15:28] <Riddell> click on the background of the widget (with the grid of dots)
[15:28] <Riddell> then click the "Lay Out Vertically" button in the designer toolbar
[15:28] <Riddell> you might need to make the toolbox window wider, it usually gets hidden
[15:29] <Riddell> you should end up with
[15:29] <Riddell> the TextEdit widget snaps to the edges of the widget
[15:29] <Riddell> working?
[15:29] <cheguevara> yep
[15:29] <meven> ok
[15:29] <pexi> yes
[15:29] <nareshov> yes
[15:29] <Riddell> save that file as editor.ui
[15:29] <Riddell> in the same place as your python apps are
[15:29] <kenny> yes
[15:30] <Riddell> you can also just get
[15:30] <Riddell> now we need an app to use our text edit
[15:30] <Riddell>
[15:30] <nareshov> neat, some sort of xml
[15:30] <Riddell> yes, .ui files are just XML
[15:30] <xRaich[o]2x> nareshov: it is xml ;)
[15:30] <nareshov> heh, k
[15:30] <DreadKnight> Riddell: this text editor can be used as an plasma applet?
[15:30] <DreadKnight> a*
[15:31] <AddiKT1ve> DreadKnight, it would rock :o
[15:31] <Riddell> any user interface that's at all complex should be made in a GUI tool like Qt Designer
[15:31] <Riddell> otherwise you spend forever creating the widgets by hand and laying them out in your code
[15:31] <Riddell> is pretty similar to the previous examples
[15:31] <nareshov> I see
[15:32] <Riddell> DreadKnight: I don't know if plasma has python bindings yet, but once it gets those it can be
[15:32] <DreadKnight> i think Knotes will work with plasma...
[15:32] <DreadKnight> Riddell: i see, thanks :)
[15:32] <fmo> how well that is stretch with different screen resolutions?
[15:32] <Artemis_Fowl> Riddell: does Qt Designer support KDE widgets such as KTextEdit or KListWidget etc.?
[15:32] <Riddell> instead of creating a QPushButton we're making a QWidget which is a blank widget
[15:32] <Riddell> then we load our designer file onto that blank widget
[15:32] <nosrednaekim> Artemis_Fowl: yes
[15:32] <Riddell> Artemis_Fowl: yes it support KDE widgets if the plugins have been compiled
[15:33] <Riddell> so
[15:33] <Artemis_Fowl> and how is this done?
[15:33] <Riddell> widget = QWidget()
[15:33] <Riddell> uic.loadUi("editor.ui", widget)
[15:33] <Riddell>
[15:33] <Riddell> create the blank widget
[15:33] <Riddell> load the designer file onto that widget
[15:33] <Riddell> and show the widget
[15:33] <Riddell> voila, a text editor app
[15:33] <nareshov> neat
[15:33] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: umm didn't we skip the pyuic4 step?
[15:33] <kenny> easy enough
[15:34] <kwilliam> wow... my kde session crashed.
[15:34] <anand> nice
[15:34] <nareshov> heh
[15:34] <kwilliam> whats happened?
[15:34] <Riddell> Artemis_Fowl: it should "just work" if all the packages are installed, but it hasn't been well tested and it may well not work with the Kubuntu packages yet
[15:34] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: we're not using pyuic4
[15:34] <Riddell> there's two ways to load .ui Designer files
[15:34] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: how is it loading the .ui file?
[15:34] <Riddell> you can compile them to code with uic (C++) or pyuic4 (python)
[15:34] <Riddell> or you can just miss that step and load them directly from the .ui file
[15:35] <Riddell> personally I don't see any advantage in compiling it, but it might be fractionally faster to run
[15:35] <kenny> is there a speed difference between either method?
[15:35] <cheguevara> nosrednaekim, uic.loadUi("editor.ui", widget)
[15:35] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: ah, ok, I see
[15:35] <kenny> ok
[15:35] <nareshov> we imported uic from PyQt4 ?
[15:35] <Riddell> I forgot we also need an import line
[15:35] <Riddell> "from PyQt4 import uic"
[15:35] <Riddell> so that's loading the pyQt module for handling .ui files
[15:35] <Riddell> uic is the .ui compiler
[15:35] <nareshov> ah
[15:35] <Riddell> kenny: try it and see, I doubt it's measurable
[15:35] <nosrednaekim> ok, great, I guess i'm still kinda stuck in qt3 ;)
[15:36] <Riddell> any more questions?
[15:36] <kenny> well, it was quick enough for me, i was just curious
[15:36] <DreadKnight> Riddell: will you start this all over again? xD
[15:36] <kenny> DreadKnight:  this thing is logged
[15:36] <nosrednaekim> DreadKnight: read the logs :D
[15:36] <DreadKnight> i know :)
[15:36] <kwilliam> yeah
[15:36] <nareshov> Riddell: how do you read line 8 ?
[15:36] <DreadKnight> not a coder >_<
[15:36] <Riddell> it's logged, and there's plenty of time for more guidance after these sessions if you're lost
[15:36] <kwilliam> what file are we working on? :-)
[15:36] <Riddell> nareshov: which line is that?
[15:36] <Riddell> kwilliam:
[15:36] <nareshov> uic.loadUi
[15:36] <Riddell> and editor.ui
[15:37] <kwilliam> ok
[15:37] <Riddell> nareshov: uic is the PyQt module we imported yearler
[15:37] <Riddell> loadUi is a function is has to load the .ui file
[15:37] <Riddell> Python is object orientated
[15:37] <nareshov> onto the "widget"?
[15:37] <nareshov> ok
[15:37] <Riddell> objects are data structures with variables and methods (functions)
[15:38] <Riddell> all the Qt widgets are objects
[15:38] <nareshov> okay
[15:38] <Riddell> and so it PyQt4.uic which has the method called loadUi
[15:38] <nareshov> ah
[15:38] <Daisuke_Laptop> sounds java-y
[15:38] <Artemis_Fowl> Riddell: seems to be working even though I use Kubuntu. not fully tested though.......
[15:38] <anand> are you going to talk about jambi (QT-Java)
[15:39] <Riddell> I should say that a widget is any graphical item on the screen, text boxes, buttons, scrollbars, toolbars, they're all widgets
[15:39] <Riddell> anand: not today
[15:39] <Riddell> lets move on to
[15:39] <mihas> ok
[15:39] <kenny> yep
[15:39] <Riddell> go back to designer
[15:40] <Riddell> you should still have the text box we made earlier
[15:40] <Riddell> drag a PushButton from the toolbox to your widget, below the text box
[15:40] <Riddell> it should end up like
[15:40] <Riddell> and Save As editor2.ui
[15:41] <Riddell> working?
[15:41] <Straphka> yur
[15:41] <cheguevara> aye
[15:41] <nosrednaekim> k
[15:41] <Riddell> so now we're going to add an action to our application
[15:41] <pexi> yes
[15:41] <Hobbsee> oh, grumble.  hal never properly upgrades in a chroot.
[15:41] <kenny> yep
[15:41] <Riddell> until now we've been creating widgets but not doing anything with them
[15:41] <nosrednaekim> Hobbsee: off-topic )
[15:41] <Riddell> to add an action we need to start making our own objects
[15:41] <nosrednaekim> ;)
[15:42] <Riddell> so take a look at
[15:42] <Riddell> instead of just making a QWidget and using that
[15:42]  * Hobbsee sticks a few redback spiders down nosrednaekim's back, and heads in the direction of back
[15:42] <Riddell> we define our own object called Editor which is based on a QWidget
[15:42] <Hobbsee> er, bed.
[15:42] <Riddell> a template for an object is called a class
[15:42] <RinTinTigger> Hello
[15:43] <Riddell> class Editor(QWidget):
[15:43] <Riddell> there's our object template (class)
[15:43] <Riddell> and it includes a couple of functions
[15:43] <Riddell> in python there's a special function for each object with the lovely name of __init__(self):
[15:43] <Riddell> which is run whenever that object is created
[15:44] <nareshov> like the main() thing?
[15:44] <Riddell> nareshov: main() is when the application is running (in C/C++), this is a constructor
[15:44] <kenny> or more like an object constructor from c++?
[15:44] <nareshov> ah, a constructor thing?
[15:44] <Riddell> exactly
[15:44] <iRon> nareshov: like constructors in c++/java ..
[15:44] <nareshov> got it
[15:44] <kenny> woo hoo, i got something right!
[15:44] <Riddell> the first thing it has to do is run the init() for the QWidget
[15:45] <Riddell> then it loads our .ui file
[15:45] <Riddell> next, the exciting bit, we tell is what to do when someone clicks the button
[15:45] <Riddell> this is the Qt signal/slot mechanism
[15:45] <kwilliam> hurray!
[15:45] <Riddell> widgets have signals when something interesting happens
[15:45] <Riddell> you can find them in the Qt docs
[15:45] <nareshov> okay
[15:46] <Riddell> and we slot it into a function called save()
[15:46] <RinTinTigger> Sry....a "Packaging 101" done already
[15:46] <Riddell> RinTinTigger: 15 minutes
[15:46] <kwilliam> no
[15:46] <_nix_> RinTinTigger: nope..
[15:46] <RinTinTigger> TY guys
[15:46] <Riddell> next is another method
[15:46] <stdin> RinTinTigger: see the link in the topic for session times
[15:46] <Riddell> (method is another name for function, it just means a bunch of lines of code with a name)
[15:46] <Riddell> the save() method will save the file
[15:47] <RinTinTigger> i saw...and thee was said they switched time with Pykde4 matter ill wait
[15:47] <Riddell> here all it's doing is printing out to the command line
[15:47] <Riddell> RinTinTigger: oh, it's an hour and 15 minutes, sorry
[15:47] <RinTinTigger> so like 6pm cet
[15:47] <Riddell> self.textEdit is our textEdit widget
[15:47] <Riddell> the name textEdit was given by Qt Designer
[15:48] <Straphka> so Editor gets all the functions defined in the ui file?
[15:48] <Riddell> and .toPlainText() is a method that QTextEdits have
[15:48] <Straphka> with the loadUi function I mean
[15:48] <Riddell> Straphka: it gets the names of objects defined
[15:48] <Straphka> Riddell: okis
[15:48] <Riddell> Straphka: the functions themselves, like .toPlainText, are defined by the Qt library
[15:49] <Straphka> but I get the ui stuff in the editor namespace
[15:49] <Riddell> you can see all the functions that a QTextEdit has at the all important Qt docs
[15:49] <Riddell> Straphka: I don't understand
[15:50] <Riddell> anyone got it working?
[15:50] <cheguevara> yeah works fine
[15:50] <pexi> yes
[15:50] <meven> yep
[15:50] <pexi> it's work fine
[15:50] <kwilliam> yes
[15:50] <nareshov> works fine
[15:50] <kenny> yep
[15:50] <Straphka> Riddell: I mean I get access to everythong defined in the .ui file from the Editor class (as in self.x, where x is defined in .ui)
[15:50] <aos101> yes
[15:50] <Straphka> everything*
[15:50] <Riddell> excellent excellent
[15:50] <kwilliam> Straphka: yes, i think so
[15:50] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: eh....I can't type in the text edit.
[15:51] <txwikinger> Straphka: If you click on the textEdit object in Qt4-designer and look at the property window you will see the name
[15:51] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: oh wait....duh,my error
[15:51] <Riddell> Straphka: you do indeed, loadUi() does clever things to create all the objects into the current class
[15:51] <darx> would the tutorial be archived and if yes where can i access it?
[15:51] <Straphka> Riddell: that was exactly my question:)
[15:51] <Riddell> darx: yes, I'll blog about that when it's done
[15:51] <darx> cool
[15:51] <nareshov> Riddell: what exactly is putting the text in the textEdit widget onto the console?
[15:52] <Riddell> nareshov: the save() method there
[15:52] <nareshov> oh, print
[15:52] <nareshov> right
[15:52] <nareshov> got it
[15:52] <Riddell> and save() is being run by our signal to slot connection
[15:52] <nareshov> neat
[15:52] <kenny> are we going to go over saving to a file?
[15:52] <Riddell> saving to a file is covered in
[15:53] <Riddell> well, opening from a file is
[15:53] <Straphka> kenny: you could just do open(file, 'w') in python and write it out
[15:53] <Riddell> but I think we're out of time for that
[15:53] <kenny> cool, i jumped the gun there
[15:53] <kenny> Straphka:  thanks!
[15:53] <Riddell> you just need to add an "open" button and use a QFileDialog to select the file
[15:53] <Riddell> but we're out of time to cover it properly
[15:53] <nareshov> ah
[15:54] <kwilliam> are qt3 .ui files compatible with qt4?
[15:54] <Riddell> kwilliam: not at all
[15:54] <Riddell> kwilliam: but if you open them in qt4 designer it should convert it
[15:54] <kwilliam> Riddell: thank you
[15:54] <Riddell> so that's all we have time for
[15:54] <Riddell> remember the docs, Qt has the best library docs there are
[15:55] <Riddell> and KDE has top docs too at
[15:55] <Straphka> Riddell: whatd the url of your blog?
[15:55] <Straphka> what's*
[15:55] <Riddell> and tutorials at
[15:55] <kwilliam> Thanks for the tutorial!
[15:55] <pexi> Riddell: thank you very much
[15:55] <nosrednaekim> and there are python translations of those docs too.
[15:55] <nareshov> Riddell: thanks a lot dude!
[15:55] <kenny> thanks a bunch, this was very helpful!!
[15:55] <Riddell> most of our Kubuntu specific programming is done in python
[15:55] <_nix_> Riddle: thanks a lot.. this will be useful
[15:55] <bazhang> thank you very much Riddell
[15:55] <xRaich[o]2x> good work, nice tutorial
[15:55] <luis_lopez> Ridell: Muchas gracias!
[15:55] <D_Ed> thanks.
[15:55] <Riddell> so stick around, and if you want to become an elite free software developer (it's easy really) just ask and we'll find something that needs done
[15:55] <daskreech> Hooray Riddell :)
[15:55] <fmo> Riddell:Thx a lot
[15:56] <aos101> Thanks. Great Tutorial.
[15:56] <_nix_> boy we still have 5 min here..
[15:56] <nosrednaekim> thanks... I definately learned something.
[15:56] <limac> man I missed it!
[15:56] <limac> :(
[15:56] <Riddell> the PyKDE packages are very new, still compiling for some platforms
[15:56] <_nix_> limac: its ok.. there should be downloadable logs somewhere
[15:56] <xRaich[o]2x> python looks quite nice but i guess i will stick with qt4/C++ ^^
[15:56] <PJC121> bah, I missed the first part, need your blog addy Riddell :) shame cos you did a great job
[15:56] <dthacker> tnx Riddell, if we have questions after reading the logs, where is the best place to ask them?
[15:56] <Riddell> but do give that a shot, is a wiki and is in need of tutorials
[15:56] <Riddell> my blog is on
[15:56] <PJC121> thank you
[15:57] <meven> Riddell: could we extend a little for further question
[15:57] <limac> _nix: where?
[15:57] <meven> in another chanel
[15:57] <Riddell> and quick questions?
[15:57] <daskreech> limac: Riddell will have a link in his blog
[15:57] <_nix_> limac: I dunno.. gotta find that out..
[15:57] <Riddell> we have a couple of minutes
[15:57] <Riddell> there's a lot of concepts involved in object orientated programming
[15:57] <Riddell> so if it's new to you can you got lost today, don't worry
[15:57] <meven> more or less i would like to ohow to make a toolbox like real text editor
[15:58] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: as dthacker asked, where's the best place for future questions?
[15:58] <nosrednaekim> meven: user ktextedit.
[15:58] <meven> otherwise i will use my browser no problem :)
[15:58] <nosrednaekim> *use
[15:58] <Straphka> Riddell: are there more widgets available than I see in designer?
[15:58] <Straphka> Riddell: liek the filedialog you mentioned
[15:58] <nareshov> Riddell: that desktop of yours in the screenshot - is that hardy?
[15:58] <Riddell> Straphka: plenty
[15:59] <DreadKnight> kde4
[15:59] <Straphka> Riddell: I can add those to designer as well I mean?
[15:59] <Riddell> QFileDialogue is a full dialogue, you don't embed it in your own widgets, so it's not in designer
[15:59] <Straphka> Riddell: with the nice icon and all
[15:59] <cheguevara> Straphka, thats kde 4
[15:59] <Riddell> you can ask questions in #kubuntu afterwards or #kde-devel generally
[16:00] <Riddell> or here if it's Kubuntu related
[16:00] <Riddell> ok, time up
[16:00] <Straphka> cheguevara: eh?
[16:00] <cheguevara> sorry wrong nick lol
[16:00] <Straphka> oh:)
[16:00] <Riddell> txwikinger: how ready are you?
[16:00] <cheguevara> that was to nareshov , its kde4
[16:00] <txwikinger> I am ready Riddell
[16:00] <meven> thX Riddell
[16:00] <nosrednaekim> Thanks Riddell...sorry, can't stick around for the next session
[16:00] <nosrednaekim> good luck txwikinger
[16:00] <nareshov> cheguevara: is it the kde4 from the ppa repo for gutsy?
[16:00] <darx> Has the tut started?
[16:01] <txwikinger> ok.. let just slide into the next tutorial -- bug triage
[16:01] <sigma> first session is over
[16:01] <stdin> This session: kubuntu bug triage with txwikinger
[16:01] <darx> ok
[16:01] <cheguevara> nareshov, either that or from hardy, they look exactly the same :P
[16:01] <Riddell> over to txwikinger
[16:01] <dholbach> Riddell: well done!
[16:01] <cheguevara> yeah thanks Riddell
[16:01] <txwikinger> Ok... let's just start ... please feel free to ask questions at any time
[16:02] <txwikinger> And stop me if I get to be too fast
[16:02] <PJC121> okies
[16:02] <nareshov> sure :}
[16:02] <fadey> ok
[16:02] <txwikinger> The first question is: what is bug triage
[16:02] <cheguevara> Riddell: may wanna change the topic
[16:02] <txwikinger> The word triage comes from the French word trier which means sorting, sifting (see
[16:02] <elisiano_> exactly, I was ashamed to ask