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Kubuntu on the desktop


Kubuntu - the GNU/Linux distribution for everyone

(koo-BOON-too) - /kùbúntú/ - towards humanity.

Kubuntu is a free, user-friendly operating system based on the K Desktop Environment and on the award winning Ubuntu operating system. With a biannual release cycle and at least 18 months of free security updates for each release, it is the secure, stable computing environment you've been waiting for. Its community-driven development and pervasive availability are grounded in the concept of "humanity to others."

Kubuntu offers you all the major applications you need to play and/or work, and extra applications are just a few clicks away. The base system and all included software is free, and support is available from the community or by professional support providers.

Download Kubuntu Today!


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Kubuntu/Screenshots/Dapper (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:01 by localhost)