
Kubuntu Artwork Paradigm


Ubuntu's main Artwork is called "Human". This artwork is much more than some cool icons and a brown color palette. "Human" artwork is part of the Ubuntu philosophy. IMHO it has accomplished it's mission as an artwork of a "human" project even though the work on completing the theme is ever-going.


Kubuntu needs to create a visual metaphor with which to align itself in regards to artwork. As of this time, KDE uses "Crystal" and Kubuntu, at least to some extent, simply modifies this to fit within the representation of Ubuntu. This is the incorrect approach.

The Vision

Our vision is that Kubuntu will have its own look and feel in order for Kubuntu to be seen as a unique entity albeit within a larger group. I am sure that a lot of people here have a lot of ideas about what artwork we want to create.

In some ways, KDE is unique in that they defined their BLING a long time ago, hence the name "Crystal". Gnome on the other hand did not do that. Right now, it might be better to simply stick to "Crystal" for Edgy and do it really well. KDE4 ushers in the age of "Oxygen" with which there is certainly more room to define our own BLING if we have established the infrastructure necessary to do so.


Artists are needed to make this a reality. Any artist interested in helping out should join the #ubuntu-artwork irc channel at freenode or send an email to the Ubuntu artwork mailing list (ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com). Edgy is only a few months away, so we need to act now!

We hope other people here have the same ideas as us and will cooperate to improve Kubuntu's artwork.

Just publish your thoughts about the issue here.

KubuntuArtworkParadigm (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:21 by localhost)