
Differences between revisions 83 and 84
Revision 83 as of 2007-11-02 08:14:31
Size: 4899
Editor: cix-adsl-c41-p034
Revision 84 as of 2007-11-02 09:04:22
Size: 4989
Editor: p54BCCE90
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 16: Line 16:
 * Bas``Ket (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)  * Bas``Ket (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
Line 18: Line 18:
 * Dictionary (KDict) (./) (./) (./)  * Dictionary (KDict) (./) (./) (./)(./)
Line 22: Line 22:
 * KCHMViewer (./) (./)  * KCHMViewer (./) (./)(./)
Line 26: Line 26:
 * KGet (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * KGpg (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * KGet (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
 * KGpg (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
Line 38: Line 38:
 * Konq-Kim (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)  * Konq-Kim (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
Line 51: Line 51:
 * Yakuake (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)  * Yakuake (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
 * Kat
 * KMobile Tools
Line 56: Line 58:
 * Firefox (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * Gimp (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * Firefox (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
 * Gimp (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
Line 61: Line 63:
 * Gnu``Cash (./) (./)
 * Inkscape (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * Pdftk (./)
 * Gnu``Cash (./) (./)(./)
 * Inkscape (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
 * Pdftk (./)(./)
Line 67: Line 69:
 * Wine (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)  * Wine (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
Line 76: Line 78:
 * K3B (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * Ktorrent (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * Katapult (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)
 * K3B (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
 * Ktorrent (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)
 * Katapult (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)


Kubuntu currently ships with a variety of applications in which suit the average user. We do realize that this doesn't suit everyone, even the newest of users who are looking for that one particular package that they do not know is available. Because Kubuntu currently doesn't have any extra space located on the CDs, we have come up with the next best thing and that will be a "Kubuntu Extras Document" which will be located in the system documentation starting with the 8.04 (Hardy Heron) release as well as the community documentation wiki.

  • Why not have a "Kubuntu Extras" section as a part of Adept's post install/upgrade process? This might be include as a checklist of the softwares listed here and a single install button will provide the checked ones.

So, if you have some applications that you use with your Kubuntu system, please add them to the growing list below. If someone has already added your application, then second the application by adding a checkmark (./) by typing a (./) next to the application listed. Thank you!

Comment: could we also have a mark (.\) for votes against it please? - MyriamSchweingruber

  • These suggestions are just going to be documented. They are not going to be included with a default install, so there is no reason to request removal in my opinion.

Suggestion List - To be included


  • BasKet (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • bibletime (./)

  • Dictionary (KDict) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • Filelight (./)

  • K9Copy (./)

  • KCalc (./) (./)

  • KCHMViewer (./) (./)(./)

  • kdegames meta-package (./)(./)
  • Kdenlive (./)

  • KFTPGrabber (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • KGet (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • KGpg (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • kfax (This is needed to open .tiff pictures/attachments (fax2email) and should be included by default - DivanSantana)

  • kicker-applets
  • Kile (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Kirocker (./)

  • Kmplayer (./)

  • KMyMoney2 (./) (./) (./) (./) -especially the 0.9 (currently in development) as it has some nice new wizards/features

  • KNemo (./) (./) (./)

  • KNetLoad

  • KOffice (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • KolourPaint (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Konq-Kim (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • kpowersave
  • KRename (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • krusader (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • kshutdown
  • KSudoku (./) (./)(./)

  • ksynaptics (./)

  • pwManager
  • QtParted (./) (./) (./)

  • rsibreak (./)

  • SMPlayer (./) (./)

  • Superkaramba (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Wengophone (./) (./) (Openwengo?)

  • Yakuake (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • Kat
  • KMobile Tools


  • aMSN (./)

  • aMule
  • Firefox (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • Gimp (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • gip (wonder what the KDE equivalent is?)
  • Googlizer
  • Glipper
  • GnuCash (./) (./)(./)

  • Inkscape (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • Pdftk (./)(./)
  • Pidgin (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Streamtuner
  • VLC player (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Wine (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)


  • Opera (./) (./) (./) (./) I vote against that, it's proprietary and could only be integrated in the restricted repository. MyriamSchweingruber - (Sure? I see it's now moved into main, which means license is OK, and is fully supported - TonyWhite)

  • Skype (./)

  • striata-reader (For reading/opening .emc encrypted files like bank statements)

Suggested, but already included

  • K3B (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • Ktorrent (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • Katapult (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)(./)

  • knotes

Suggestion List - To be removed

  • D3lphin - oh come on, this is great, you don't have to use it if you don't like it, but removing something the Kubuntu team (and the KDE folks) has voted for is silly. MyriamSchweingruber

  • Also note that the Dolphin "NAY" sayers are the minority. There have been way more people say "YES" and enjoy Dolphin as the default file manager.
  • OpenOffice.org - Just a suggestion, to be replaced by Koffice. ClayWeber

  • There is already a spec on replacing OpenOffice with KOffice. Currently, KOffice still has too many bugs for my taste. After KOffice 2 is out, it may be a worthy replacement for OpenOffice, though.

  • I think that only kde or qt applications should be in Kubuntu's list. Jmaspons (Disagree - this should be a list of packages a Kubuntu user would need to have a really nice system - Gimp, for example, is the finest image editing program on any platform Wink ;) - TonyWhite)

KubuntuExtras (last edited 2010-01-14 12:43:28 by 196)