
About Me

An employee in the healthcare business with a masters degree in computer science. My career started in 1990.

Contact Information

Ubuntu Forums Profile



Texas, USA

Forum Contributions

I joined the forums in 2011 when I first started learning about installing and maintaining Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS for various purposes. My memory is not my best trait so I compensate for it with documentation. As I learned about the Linux operating system, I wrote down what I learned and how to make use of it. This eventually turned into dozens of tutorials over time. Most have lived on my personal forums and have been distributed to the forums from time to time. I joined the wiki team to continue this pattern of documenting but for a potentially larger audience and I hope I do not let anyone down. But if I do, I hope to be notified/corrected which only serves to produce better documentation which is the whole point of the wiki.

Future Goals

Continue updating my knowledge in the server platform and sharing it via my forums, the Ubuntu forums and the Ubuntu wiki.


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LHammonds (last edited 2017-10-23 15:06:22 by lhammonds)