(X) This wiki should be considered unmaintained and deprecated, though some information may still be relevant. Please instead refer to Lubuntu.me.

The Lubuntu Artwork team and mailing list serves as a get-together for people who create artwork with and/or for Lubuntu. Besides a great visual design, our interests include the use of Free Software and open processes to get there.

Process of creating themes, wallpaper and icon sets for Lubuntu are lead by the Lubuntu Artwork Team and is supervised by the Lubuntu Desktop Team.

What we do!


Places (web links)

Released artwork

Additional artwork elements

Other artwork teams

As adding value to the Ubuntu community is core to our purpose, we expect contributors to conduct team interactions as suggested by the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct.

LXDE-lubuntu/Artwork (last edited 2021-05-03 04:39:49 by guiverc)