
Revision 7 as of 2011-05-10 09:18:58

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I live in northern Finland. I have been using Linux since 1997 and [x|k]ubuntu since the middle of 2006, been using microcomputers since the advent of the Apple ][+. I've been using OS X since 2002 and OpenBSD on and off since late 2006. I usually maintain a dual-boot system OS X/kubuntu or a triple boot with OS X/kubuntu/OpenBSD

I've worked as a university lecturer, on research and development, and even a help desk via phone-in, walk-in and e-mail.

In 2006 through 2009, I helped run four labs using Ubuntu. Two were small development labs, staffed by undergraduate students. Two were full classroom labs with two dozen computers each, one was dual boot OS X / Kubuntu.

I contribute to the Ubuntu Forums as time allows.

I see Free and Open Source Software as part of the larger general struggle for human rights.