Next Seminar
When: Tuesday 23 Dec 2008
Start: 5:00 PM
End: 7:00 PM
Timezone: GMT +2
Where: CNAM University
Presented By: Jocelyn Habib
Minutes for the last Seminar held on 22/01/2007
Date: 22/01/2007
Place: LAU Jbeil .
Time: 12:00 PM
Presented By: Jocelyn Habib
- LAU Linux Club , LAU-IEEE committee And adviser Dr Nakad
Topics discussed In The Seminar:
- Ubuntu Name and Philosophy
- The Ubuntu Founder and Foundation
Ubuntu development Facts , OpenSource Relation ,Localization and Accessibility
- Ubuntu Commitments
- Hardware Support
- Ubuntu Servers advantages
- Ubuntu releases history
- Application (Live examples)
- Partner projects (edubuntu, Kubuntu, xubuntu)
- Ubuntu achievement
- Edgy Eft
- Feisty Fawn (New Release April 2007)
- Where can you help out?
- Community
- Ubuntu Teams
- Ubuntu Participation
Ubuntu LoCoTeams
Ubuntu Lebanon LoCoTeam
- Divert Personal questions and CDS distribution (x86, 64bit, PPC, Sparc) dist (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, edubuntu)
The Seminar ended at 14:00PM. Hoping to see you all next Seminar.
For any suggestion to discuss please drop an email on our Mailing list
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