This HOWTO (at least the installation part) does not apply on a more recent Ubuntu version (Gutsy 7.10 and newer). You can just execute 'aptitude install lirc' from a terminal to install it.
LIRC is a package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals of many (but not all) commonly used remote controls.
Warning ! due to some bug into lirc-modules-source, lirc-0.7.3pre1 won't compile on dapper. more informations at
Prepare the kernel source
- install the kernel source package:
sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.12
- install setserial (this is needed to free the port)
sudo apt-get install setserial
- run the following command to setup the kernel for compiling the modules:
cd /usr/src tar xjvf linux-source-2.6.12.tar.bz2 ln -s linux-source-2.6.12 linux cd linux cp /boot/config-2.6.12-9-386 .config make oldconfig make include/linux/version.h #this line is only need to create the file "/usr/src/linux/include/asm/param.h" that is needed # by the installation (and perhaps some more files). You don't have to compile all of the modules, just # hit Ctrl+C after a minute or so. make modules
Install Lirc
- download the lirc source:
- install:
cd /usr/src tar xjvf ~/downloads/lirc-*.tar.bz2 cd lirc-0.7.3pre1 ./
- configuration (inside
- This is the configuration for a simple DCD serial reciever:
- 1. Driver Configuration:
- 1. Home-brew (16x50 UART compatible serial port)
- 1. COM1 (0x3f8, 4)
- Driver specific options:
- 1. With transmitter diode = YES
- 2. Software generated carrier = YES
- 3. Igor Cesko's variation = NO
- 2. Software configuration:
- 1. Compile tools for X-Windows = YES
3. Save configuration & run configure
- run make and make install
make make install
- free the serial port: (if your reciever is a serial device)
setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none
Get configuration files from the lirc ubuntu package
- download the lirc package:
sudo apt-get -d install lirc
- extract the package and copy the files to the correct places:
cd /tmp dpkg -x /var/cache/apt/archives/lirc_0.7.0.1-1ubuntu3_i386.deb lircdeb cd lircdeb/etc sudo cp -R * /etc
- create symlinks for lircd and lircmd:
cd /usr/sbin sudo ln -s ../local/sbin/lirc* .
- create a symlink for lircd.conf:
cd /etc sudo ln -s lirc/lircd.conf .
- put the remote control configuration file in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
- edit "lirc/hardware.conf" and set these variables: (change "MODULES" to fit the module for your device)
DRIVER="default" DEVICE="" MODULES="lirc_dev lirc_serial"
- to make lirc run on startup:
sudo update-rc.d lirc defaults
- to make irexec run on startup (irexec handles the button mapping):
- goto System\Preferences\Sessions\Startup_Programs
- add "irexec" to the list
- to see if it's working run:
and try pressing buttons in your remote control, you should see something like this:000000000000c230 00 > jvc-lp20337-004-vcr 000000000000c230 00 > jvc-lp20337-004-vcr 000000000000c230 01 > jvc-lp20337-004-vcr 000000000000c230 02 > jvc-lp20337-004-vcr
Map buttons
- create a file called ~/.lircrc (this file configures what every key does),
- here is a sample ~/.lircrc file to control mplayer, beep-media-player and volume:
#Mplayer buttons begin button = VOL+ prog = mplayer config = volume 1 repeat = 1 end begin button = VOL- prog = mplayer config = volume -1 repeat = 1 end begin button = || prog = mplayer config = pause end begin button = Prog+ prog = mplayer config = pt_step 1 end begin button = Prog- prog = mplayer config = pt_step -1 end begin button = MENU prog = mplayer config = vo_fullscreen end begin button = 1 prog = mplayer config = seek -10 end begin button = 4 prog = mplayer config = seek -60 end begin button = 3 prog = mplayer config = seek 10 end begin button = 6 prog = mplayer config = seek 60 end begin button = 7 prog = mplayer config = audio_delay +0.1 end begin button = 9 prog = mplayer config = audio_delay -0.1 end #Beep-Media-Player Control begin button = > prog = irexec config = beep-media-player --play-pause repeat = 0 end begin button = >> prog = irexec config = beep-media-player --fwd end begin button = << prog = irexec config = beep-media-player --rew end begin button = # prog = irexec config = beep-media-player --stop end #Volume begin button = Start+ prog = irexec config = aumix -v+5 repeat = 0 end begin button = Start- prog = irexec config = aumix -v-5 repeat = 0 end
for more information about .lircrc see
LircHowto (last edited 2008-10-23 20:45:15 by 81-234-79-9-no121)