


Nick Ali

LoCo Council Mission

Nick Ali

Team Approval Process

The Team approval guidelines where discussed, the part about the CDs will be changed. This guidlines have not yet final.

Nick Ali

LoCo Re-approval dates

LoCoTeamList now has all dates from last year's approval. Every team that has no date needs a re-approval.

Nick Ali

Resource Allocation Process Doc - any progress?

Alan will do this soon.

Nick Ali

Conflict Resolution Doc - any progress?

Conflict Resolution is added to LoCoResolvingProblems. Julius will search for more wiki pages that needs updated on this issue.

Nick Ali

Should we discuss LoCos as Legal Entities, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2008-May/002193.html

Legal Entities is to be discussed at the CommunityCouncil meeting; the Danish LoCoTeam has the task to write a proposal.

LoCoCouncil/Agenda/20080521 (last edited 2010-03-29 00:14:15 by 189)