Promote the Global Bug Jam?

Possibly make a video and badge that LoCos and individuals can post on their blogs/sites. Jorge has been told about these suggestions.

How do we share good LoCo stories?

Getting successful LoCos to share their experiences (maybe in an IRC meeting or as part of the previous item?)

We will start having IRC sessions where one LoCo discusses a specific topic, and other LoCos can share similar experiences and ask questions. The French LoCos has been "volunteered" for the first session to talk about release parties. Dan Trevino is talking to teh French Team to organize it. The German Team will then cover fairs.

Migrating LoCo teams to LP mailing lists

The Community Council has already decided that primary LoCo lists should keep using lists.ubuntu.com. Secondary LoCo lists for administrative or planning purposes may use LP.

LoCo Teams

Good progress so far, asked to come back after some more experience.

LoCoCouncil/Agenda/20090115 (last edited 2010-03-29 00:41:40 by 189)