Agenda from the Meeting:
Who |
What |
czajkowski |
Update from action items from last meeting |
all |
LoCo Team {re}approvals |
Topics Discussed
- Update from action items from last meeting
- popey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams
LoCo Team {re}approvals
- Ubuntu-CO - Re-approved
- Ubuntu-HU - Re-approved
- Ubuntu-TAM - Asked the team to come back in two months with a more detailed application
- Ubuntu-PE - Asked the team to come back in September with 2009 Events documented
- Ubuntu-US-NM - Re-approved
- Ubuntu-US-CHI - Re-approved
- Ubuntu-AST - Approved
[14:00] <czajkowski> #startmeeting [14:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 15:00. The chair is czajkowski. [14:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:00] <czajkowski> Aloha and welcome to the LoCo Council meeting, running order will be in the order of the Agenda [14:01] <czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda [14:01] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda [14:01] <czajkowski> popey: paultag leogg itnet7 are we all ready [14:01] <paultag> czajkowski: yes ma'am [14:01] <itnet7> yes'm [14:01] <czajkowski> lovely jubbly lets get started [14:01] <leogg> yep [14:01] <hollman> [idea] [14:01] <MootBot> IDEA received: [14:01] <czajkowski> aplogies from huats [14:01] <hollman> just testing .. [14:01] <paultag> hollman: please play with mootbot in pm [14:01] <czajkowski> hollman:please don't :) [14:02] <czajkowski> [topic] Update from action items from last meeting [14:02] <MootBot> New Topic: Update from action items from last meeting [14:02] <czajkowski> Nopopey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams [14:02] <czajkowski> huats to set up a sample new wiki page for applications and to kick off email for loco council to work on [14:02] <czajkowski> we've no huats today so will postpone his till next meeting [14:02] <czajkowski> popey: any updae on your action item ? [14:03] <popey> gah, dropped off my radar [14:03] <popey> added back to todolist [14:03] <popey> sorry [14:03] <czajkowski> [action] popey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams [14:03] <MootBot> ACTION received: popey to create pdfs of successful team re approvals as examples to help teams [14:03] <czajkowski> np [14:03] <czajkowski> grand thats our Agenda part covered now for re approvals and approvals [14:03] <czajkowski> [topic] Colombia Team Re Approval [14:03] <MootBot> New Topic: Colombia Team Re Approval [14:04] <czajkowski> so who's from Colombia here tonight ? [14:04] <andresmujica> Hi everyone [14:04] <paultag> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/TeamReApproval2010 [14:04] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/TeamReApproval2010 [14:04] <andresmujica> there're some ubuntu colombia teammates around [14:04] <andresmujica> o/ [14:04] <czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam [14:04] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam [14:04] <czajkowski> [link] http://www.ubuntu-co.com/ [14:04] <MootBot> LINK received: http://www.ubuntu-co.com/ [14:04] <SergioMeneses> i'm [14:05] <SergioMeneses> o/ [14:05] <andresmujica> that's out main wiki page, our official site and our reapproval wiki [14:05] <czajkowski> can I just say what a a FANTASTIC re approval Application that is [14:05] <Andphe> o/ [14:05] <czajkowski> just WOW [14:05] <andresmujica> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/TeamReApproval2010 [14:05] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/TeamReApproval2010 [14:05] <paultag> I love the logo [14:05] <czajkowski> andresmujica: we have that [14:05] <andresmujica> nice logo yes, [14:05] <GuillermoC> o/ [14:05] <czajkowski> andresmujica: see above paultag posted it [14:05] <andresmujica> it was done by the community on a contest [14:05] <KaOSoFt> I'm from Colombia. [14:06] <czajkowski> andresmujica: care to tell us about your loco so please ? [14:06] <czajkowski> how have you grown in the 2 years since your first approval ? [14:06] <andresmujica> At this moment the colombia team is on a transition, hollman our former contact and leader has stepped down after a really great work [14:07] <andresmujica> since our first approval. [14:07] <hollman> o/ [14:07] <paultag> andresmujica: I see you have one missed objective -- can you tell us about what you did and why it failed? [14:07] <paultag> no motivation / no resources? [14:08] <andresmujica> About 6 months ago, under hollman initiative the concilio or council was formed between members of our community whom have work hard for Ubuntu. [14:08] <andresmujica> paultag: the objective we missed was referring about showing the pc clones manufacturers in our country that they can use Ubuntu [14:09] <paultag> andresmujica: a great idea :) [14:09] <andresmujica> as the OS for choice on their installments, however due to lack of resources and the well stablished piracy it wasn' t really possible [14:09] <paultag> andresmujica: cool. Thanks [14:10] <andresmujica> however we've done a lot of community work trying to touch the bases, i mean educating people on Ubuntu. [14:10] <czajkowski> itnet7: popey leogg any other comments [14:10] <popey> nope [14:10] <andresmujica> Our community has grow exponentially and is still growing. [14:10] <itnet7> not from me [14:11] <leogg> andresmujica: can you tell us a bit more about the hacklabs? how do you organize them? [14:11] <andresmujica> sure! [14:11] <andresmujica> that's a great and nice initiative of one of our members [14:11] <andresmujica> the idea is to choose a specific topic [14:11] <andresmujica> on any tech area.. [14:11] <andresmujica> networking [14:11] <andresmujica> kernel [14:11] <andresmujica> php [14:11] <andresmujica> apache [14:11] <andresmujica> etc [14:12] <andresmujica> and in a workshop [14:12] <andresmujica> we work from the ground up to build using ubuntu something around the topic [14:12] <andresmujica> a web server [14:12] <andresmujica> a new kernel [14:12] <andresmujica> etc.. [14:12] <@czajkowski> any other comments from the Colombia TEam ?? [14:13] <@leogg> andresmujica: do you rent the hack spaces? [14:13] <andresmujica> community members use their contacts so we can get access to an university room or venues like that [14:13] <@leogg> really nice! [14:13] <andresmujica> normally we don't pay for them, just let people to get in and hack with us. [14:13] <@czajkowski> ok we'll vote now [14:13] <@czajkowski> [vote] Please vote on the RE Approval of the Colombia Team. Only LoCO COuncil members vote. [14:13] <MootBot> Please vote on: Please vote on the RE Approval of the Colombia Team. Only LoCO COuncil members vote.. [14:13] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [14:13] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [14:14] <@czajkowski> +1 [14:14] <MootBot> +1 received from czajkowski. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [14:14] <@popey> +1 [14:14] <@paultag> +1 [14:14] <MootBot> +1 received from popey. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [14:14] <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [14:14] <@czajkowski> excellent application [14:14] <@paultag> Keep up the great work, oustanding job [14:14] <@leogg> +1 [14:14] <@itnet7> +1 [14:14] <MootBot> +1 received from leogg. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 [14:14] <MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 [14:14] <@itnet7> very good job [14:14] <thangam_arun> +1 [14:14] <andresmujica> great! [14:14] <@paultag> [endvote] [14:14] <@paultag> czajkowski: prod [14:14] <@leogg> congrats colombia! really great work! [14:14] <Andphe> \o/ [14:14] <hollman> \m/ thanks! [14:14] <@czajkowski> paultag: vote isnt over [14:14] <Andphe> \o/ [14:14] <SergioMeneses> :D thanks :D [14:14] <@czajkowski> #endvote [14:15] <@czajkowski> [endvote] [14:15] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 [14:15] <@paultag> :) [14:15] <GuillermoC> :D [14:15] <@czajkowski> [agreed] Colombia Team re approved [14:15] <MootBot> AGREED received: Colombia Team re approved [14:15] <@popey> rocking! [14:15] <@paultag> Outstanding job, guys [14:15] <luis_lopez> thanks loco council \o/ [14:15] <@paultag> keep it up, grats [14:15] <KaOSoFt> Congratulations, Colombia! [14:15] <andresmujica> thanks paultag czajkowski leogg popey all of you! [14:15] <@paultag> andresmujica: thank YOU! [14:15] <@czajkowski> [topic] Hungary Team Re Approval [14:15] <@leogg> thank you andresmujica! [14:15] <MootBot> New Topic: Hungary Team Re Approval [14:16] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HungarianTeam/ApprovalApplication2010 [14:16] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HungarianTeam/ApprovalApplication2010 [14:16] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HungarianTeam [14:16] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HungarianTeam [14:16] <@paultag> toros: that's you! [14:16] <toros> Hi! \o. [14:16] <@czajkowski> [link] http://ubuntu.hu// [14:16] <MootBot> LINK received: http://ubuntu.hu// [14:17] <@czajkowski> ok who's here from Hungary Team ? [14:17] <kelemengabor> o/ [14:17] <ulysses> \o [14:17] <@czajkowski> toros: aloha there! [14:17] <hajni> o/ [14:17] <Dyth> o/ [14:17] <hunmaat> \o [14:17] <wantoo> o/ [14:17] <toros> .o/ [14:17] <@czajkowski> THanks for coming folks. [14:17] <@paultag> heyya guys! [14:17] <outwork> o/ [14:17] <lukibeni-HU> 0/ [14:17] <@czajkowski> also very nice wiki page, LOVE PHOTOS! :) [14:17] <Apoth-hu> \o [14:17] <toros> thanks! [14:18] <@czajkowski> makes my day! [14:18] <@itnet7> very nice! [14:18] <@czajkowski> toros: so can you tell us about your team, and how you've grown in the last years please? [14:18] <toros> hugely! :) We have now almost 18000 registered users on our site [14:19] <@czajkowski> impressive [14:19] <@czajkowski> so how do you get people to know about your team ? [14:19] <toros> 7 ubuntu members (as far as I remember, 2 years ago we were only 3 or 4) [14:19] <@czajkowski> good [14:19] <toros> Ubuntu is getting more and more popular in Hungary... even mainstream IT media covers it regularly [14:20] <@paultag> toros: can you talk a bit about the translation work your LoCo is involved with? [14:20] <kelemengabor> I can :) [14:20] <toros> and people check the ubuntu.hu site first, when they want to know more about ubuntu [14:20] <@czajkowski> so how does your team work, how are things shared out ? [14:20] <@paultag> kelemengabor: go ahead :) [14:21] <toros> czajkowski: we have a core team who does most part of the work... [14:21] <@czajkowski> You do a lot of events, how do you find the time and getting people to help out. [14:21] <kelemengabor> paultag: basically, we are in maintenance mode, so most of the Ubuntu software is already translated, we just need to keep it up [14:21] <toros> and we try to involve other people on Bug Jams [14:21] <@czajkowski> Gotcha [14:21] <@czajkowski> toros: do you do any mentoring ? [14:22] <toros> we organized events called Ubuntu Academy, where people could learn how to get involved in the loco [14:22] <@czajkowski> toros: oh you're going to have to tell us about that [14:22] <toros> these are mixtures of presentations and jams [14:22] <@czajkowski> cool [14:23] <@leogg> toros: I love the fact that you do non-tech related stuff with the members of your LoCo... it's great for the cohesion of the group [14:23] <toros> so we have presentations about how translation works, how our loco site works, etc. [14:23] <@czajkowski> toros: I'm looking on your main wiki and not seeing any team reports, do ye do them, as you do a lot of work so surely not shy of news? [14:23] <@paultag> +1 toros [14:23] <kelemengabor> this is done by organizing translation events on Global Jams, to do the bigger chunks of work, and we coordinate actions via a wiki page, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HungarianTeam/TranslationCoordination where we follow the status of the important packages [14:23] <@paultag> kelemengabor: awesome! Thanks! [14:24] <toros> we have a team report for july... [14:24] <@czajkowski> toros: :) ok well hopefully will see more in the coming months will we :) [14:24] <kelemengabor> so that team members can quickly see where is something to do [14:24] <toros> czajkowski: we will :) [14:24] <@czajkowski> toros: Reports ++ [14:25] <@czajkowski> toros: the stuff you do, you should share with people [14:25] <@itnet7> it helps to encourage others [14:25] <@czajkowski> exactly [14:25] <@czajkowski> they can see what others are doing it gives them ideas [14:25] <@czajkowski> ok I think we're ready to vote [14:25] <@popey> yup! [14:26] <@czajkowski> [vote] Please vote on the RE Approval of the Hungary Team. Only LoCo Council members vote. [14:26] <MootBot> Please vote on: Please vote on the RE Approval of the Hungary Team. Only LoCo Council members vote.. [14:26] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [14:26] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [14:26] <@paultag> +1 [14:26] <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [14:26] <@leogg> +1 [14:26] <@popey> +1 [14:26] <@czajkowski> +1 [14:26] <MootBot> +1 received from popey. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [14:26] <MootBot> +1 received from czajkowski. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [14:26] <MootBot> +1 received from leogg. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 [14:26] <@czajkowski> reports next month [14:26] <@itnet7> +1 [14:26] <MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 [14:26] <@paultag> toros: keep up the great work. kelemengabor keep up the outstanding translation work. REPORTS!!! [14:26] <@czajkowski> [endvote] [14:26] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 [14:26] <@popey> \o/ woot! [14:26] <@itnet7> awesome job!! [14:26] <@czajkowski> [agreed] Hungary Team re approved [14:26] <MootBot> AGREED received: Hungary Team re approved [14:26] <@czajkowski> whooo [14:26] <@popey> more rocking teams! [14:26] <toros> thank you! :) [14:27] <hunmaat> \o/ [14:27] <Dyth> \o/ [14:27] <Apoth-hu> \o/ [14:27] <@czajkowski> [topic] Indian Team Re Approval [14:27] <MootBot> New Topic: Indian Team Re Approval [14:27] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ReApprovalApplication [14:27] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ReApprovalApplication [14:27] <lukibeni-HU> \o/ [14:27] <kelemengabor> thanks, we try to do our best :) [14:27] <@czajkowski> bah [14:27] <@paultag> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ReApprovalApplication [14:27] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ReApprovalApplication [14:27] <Apoth-hu> byez [14:27] <@paultag> Oh Shoot! [14:27] <nixternal> HAHAHA! [14:27] <@paultag> Hahahaha [14:27] <@czajkowski> ok their application is not there... [14:28] <@paultag> One sec [14:28] <@czajkowski> anyone from the Indian LoCO here? [14:28] <@paultag> let me search. Who's contact? [14:28] <nagaraja> yes [14:28] <nixternal> I see the app [14:28] <viky> o/ [14:28] <@paultag> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TamilTeam/ApprovalApplication [14:28] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TamilTeam/ApprovalApplication [14:28] <thangam_arun> yes [14:28] <nagaraja> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TamilTeam/ReapprovalApplication [14:28] <@paultag> nagaraja: do you know the link on the agenda is broken? [14:29] <@paultag> nagaraja: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda <-- You're not South Africa! [14:29] <nagaraja> please check the above link [14:29] <nagaraja> yes [14:29] <@paultag> nagaraja: already posted it ;) [14:29] <mneptok> paultag: it may not be broken. tectonic drift may have accelerated tremendously. ;) [14:29] <@paultag> mneptok: hahaha :) [14:29] <@paultag> The little known wiki-plates [14:30] <@paultag> so, nagaraja, tell us about your loco [14:30] <nagaraja> our loco team consists of 121 active members [14:30] <@czajkowski> nagaraja: gotta say for 121 members that wiki application is rather poor [14:31] <@czajkowski> there is only 1 event listed for 2010 and nothing for previous years [14:31] <nagaraja> we conduct various ubuntu awareness program in different colleges, schools and public events [14:31] <nagaraja> please check our reapproval application in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TamilTeam/ReapprovalApplication [14:31] <nagaraja> i think our link is broken [14:32] <@czajkowski> sigh [14:32] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TamilTeam/ReapprovalApplication [14:32] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TamilTeam/ReapprovalApplication [14:32] <@czajkowski> this is like find the right wiki page :( [14:32] <nagaraja> i had added our team in last column in agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda [14:33] <nagaraja> Tamil nadu, India [14:34] <@czajkowski> nagaraja: are there team reports for 2010, I see you were doing them in 2009 [14:35] <nagaraja> we are inactive in this year in sending the team reports [14:35] <@czajkowski> nagaraja: has something changed? [14:36] <nagaraja> i become the team contact only on this month to effective maintain our loco team, [14:36] <@czajkowski> what happened? [14:36] <nagaraja> changed? what you mean [14:37] <@czajkowski> well team reports stopped in december 09 and it's august 10, just ye seemed really good at them [14:38] <nagaraja> ya,, we just didnt send the team reports but we are active in conducting various ubuntu awareness programs and events [14:38] <@czajkowski> ok [14:38] <nagaraja> we will update soon [14:38] <@czajkowski> nagaraja: so can you tell us your plan for the future, how do you plan to grow [14:38] <@czajkowski> plans for the future [14:38] <nagaraja> ya sure [14:39] <@czajkowski> thanks [14:39] <nagaraja> we plan to conduct ubuntu-India meeting at the end of this yea [14:39] <nagaraja> year [14:39] <nagaraja> plan to gather all ubuntu users at one place [14:39] <nagaraja> in India, [14:39] <@czajkowski> nice idea [14:40] <@czajkowski> how goes the organising of that kind of event? do you have lots of helpers? [14:40] <nagaraja> ya , we get helping hands from various open source organizations like ILUGC, NRCFOSS, JFC [14:41] <viky> CSMIT [14:41] <thangam_arun> also from FSF, Tamil Nadu [14:41] <@czajkowski> ok good to know I look forward to hearing future plans of this [14:41] <@czajkowski> so I think we're ready to vote [14:41] <@czajkowski> [vote] Please vote on the RE Approval of the Indian Team. Only LoCo Council members vote. [14:41] <MootBot> Please vote on: Please vote on the RE Approval of the Indian Team. Only LoCo Council members vote.. [14:41] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [14:41] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [14:41] <thangam_arun> +1 [14:41] <MootBot> +1 received from thangam_arun. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [14:41] <nagaraja> +1 [14:41] <MootBot> +1 received from nagaraja. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [14:41] <@czajkowski> [endvote [14:41] <@czajkowski> [endvote] [14:41] <MootBot> Final result is 2 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 2 [14:42] <@czajkowski> ok please stop voting [14:42] <@czajkowski> I've said LC council members vote only [14:42] <@czajkowski> you cant vote on your own team sorry [14:42] <@paultag> czajkowski: /mode #ubuntu-meeting +m [14:42] <nagaraja> sorry i m new [14:42] <@paultag> czajkowski: moderate them out [14:42] <@czajkowski> [vote] Please vote on the RE Approval of the Indian Team. Only LoCo Council members vote. [14:42] <MootBot> Please vote on: Please vote on the RE Approval of the Indian Team. Only LoCo Council members vote.. [14:42] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [14:42] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [14:42] <@paultag> +0 [14:42] <MootBot> Abstention received from paultag. 0 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 0 [14:42] <@popey> +0 [14:42] <MootBot> Abstention received from popey. 0 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 0 [14:42] <@czajkowski> +0 [14:42] <MootBot> Abstention received from czajkowski. 0 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 0 [14:42] <@itnet7> +0 [14:42] <MootBot> Abstention received from itnet7. 0 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 0 [14:42] <@paultag> I'm not convinced, not sure yet. I'd like to see you guys come back [14:43] <@leogg> +0 [14:43] <MootBot> Abstention received from leogg. 0 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 0 [14:43] <@czajkowski> [endvote] [14:43] <MootBot> Final result is 0 for, 0 against. 5 abstained. Total: 0 [14:43] <@czajkowski> [agreed] At this time the LoCo council thinks it would be good to invite you back in a two months time with some more details [14:43] <MootBot> AGREED received: At this time the LoCo council thinks it would be good to invite you back in a two months time with some more details [14:44] <nagaraja> sure thank you [14:44] <@czajkowski> [topic] Perú Team Re Approval [14:44] <MootBot> New Topic: Perú Team Re Approval [14:44] <nxvl> \o/ [14:44] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PeruvianTeam/ApprovalApplication [14:44] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PeruvianTeam/ApprovalApplication [14:44] <@paultag> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PeruvianTeam [14:44] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PeruvianTeam [14:44] <xander21c> ;) [14:45] <@czajkowski> ok thanks for coming folks [14:45] <xander21c> hi czajkowski [14:45] <nxvl> btw, viperhoot is in final exams and couldn't make it to the meeting, yet [14:45] <nxvl> so xander21c is representing and i'm being moral support :D [14:46] <xander21c> thats right :) [14:46] <@czajkowski> xander21c: welcome and nxvl [14:46] <@czajkowski> xander21c: so can you tell us about your team please ? [14:47] <xander21c> We are one of the most active teams in Peru, :) [14:47] <xander21c> we are invited to almost every event produce in Perú [14:47] <nxvl> even more active than the Plug [14:48] <@czajkowski> ok so how is it then in your events http://wiki.ubuntu-pe.org/eventos there is nothing listed for 2009 [14:48] <xander21c> also i organize our own event in order to get more people involve [14:48] <@czajkowski> xander21c: what do you mean your own event? [14:48] <nxvl> czajkowski: we are bad documenting? [14:48] <xander21c> yes ubuntu days and release parties http://picasaweb.google.com/xander21c [14:49] <@czajkowski> nxvl: a whole year of no events? or just not documenting them ? [14:49] <@czajkowski> kinda hard to look at your application [14:49] <nxvl> czajkowski: the later [14:50] <xander21c> wiki documenting I an issue will currently resolve if the incursion of new menbers [14:51] <@czajkowski> ok I think it would be best if we ask the Peru team to come back next month with their 2009 work Documented please [14:51] <@czajkowski> [agreed] Peru Loco to come back in September with 2009 Events documented [14:51] <MootBot> AGREED received: Peru Loco to come back in September with 2009 Events documented [14:52] <xander21c> ok [14:52] <@czajkowski> xander21c: nxvl its just not possible to read your application right now without the information we need [14:52] <@czajkowski> thanks [14:52] <@czajkowski> [topic] New Mexico Team Re approval [14:53] <MootBot> New Topic: New Mexico Team Re approval [14:53] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeamReApprovalApplication [14:53] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeamReApprovalApplication [14:53] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam [14:53] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam [14:53] <@paultag> IIRC they asked to do this over the ML? [14:53] <@paultag> I could be wrong [14:53] * mneptok is here to represent the NM LoCo, and hopes that does nto adversely affect our application ;) [14:53] <@czajkowski> mneptok: no why would it [14:53] <@paultag> hahaha [14:53] <@paultag> mneptok: :) [14:54] <mneptok> czajkowski: /whois mneptok ;) [14:54] <mneptok> so, what can i tlel you about our LoCo and activities? [14:54] <@paultag> mneptok: I love the cloak, haha [14:54] <mneptok> "tell," even [14:54] <@paultag> mneptok: good question. Tell us a bit about some of the best spots of your loco [14:55] <@paultag> what you see as the thing you take most pride in [14:55] <mneptok> i have a bithmark shaped like Slovenia on my left arm. those kind of spots? [14:55] <mneptok> well, we have release parties trwice per year that are well-attended. [14:55] <mneptok> we also organize events statewide for Software Freedom Day [14:56] <mneptok> (bot the ABQ team and folks out in Portales) [14:56] <@paultag> mneptok: TMI aside -- do you have some photos from these events? [14:56] <mneptok> we have continued to work with EPC, and have kept their installation current and viable [14:57] <mneptok> paultag: hrm, i may be able to dig up a Karmic photo. in general, we are too busy talking, laughing, and enjoying ourselves to run around snapping photos. [14:57] <@czajkowski> mneptok: trying to find any team reports do you do them> [14:57] <mneptok> czajkowski: in the past month i have spent a total of 4 days not on the road at conferences. so ... no. :) [14:58] <mneptok> we have also had booths at various trade shows in the ABQ area. [14:58] <@czajkowski> mneptok: when I say you, I mean your TEAM [14:58] <@czajkowski> as in TEAM REPORTS [14:58] <@paultag> mneptok: I see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/Meetings [14:58] <@paultag> mneptok: weekly meetings? C'mon man! You can do team reports! :) [14:59] <mneptok> czajkowski: i am in no way involved in team reports, and was asked only 4 hours ago to attend this meeting and represent us. so sorry, but i do not have that information at hand. [14:59] <@czajkowski> mneptok: no bother [14:59] <@czajkowski> mneptok: you might pass that onto the team :) [14:59] <@czajkowski> ok I think we're ready to vite [14:59] <@czajkowski> *vote [14:59] <@paultag> I'm good [14:59] <@czajkowski> [vote] Please vote on the RE Approval of the New Mexico Team. Only LoCo Council members vote. [14:59] <MootBot> Please vote on: Please vote on the RE Approval of the New Mexico Team. Only LoCo Council members vote.. [14:59] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [14:59] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [15:00] <@paultag> +1 [15:00] <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [15:00] <@czajkowski> +1 [15:00] <MootBot> +1 received from czajkowski. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [15:00] <@czajkowski> Team reports please next month! [15:00] <mneptok> we have also had booths at some gun shows here in ABQ. the Venn diagram of Second Amendment supporters and those interested in Free software is something to behold. ;) [15:00] <@paultag> mneptok: I'm stunned by the weekly meetings [15:00] <mneptok> paultag: i tried to make them clothing optional, but was asked to leave the state. :/ [15:00] <@paultag> hahaha [15:00] <@czajkowski> leogg: itnet7 popey vote [15:00] <@itnet7> mneptok: lol [15:00] <@itnet7> +1 [15:01] <MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [15:01] <@itnet7> sorry hadn't seen the start [15:01] <@paultag> popey: leogg [15:01] <@leogg> +0 [15:01] <MootBot> Abstention received from leogg. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 3 [15:01] * mneptok pokes popey with the Knotty Oaken Stick Of IRC Poking [15:02] <@popey> sorry [15:02] <@popey> +1 [15:02] <MootBot> +1 received from popey. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 4 [15:02] <mneptok> BTW, those thinking about voting +0 might want to look at http://mneptok.com/bang.jpg [15:02] <@czajkowski> [endvote] [15:02] <MootBot> Final result is 4 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 4 [15:02] <@czajkowski> [agreed] COngrats to New mexico Team on their Re Approval [15:02] <MootBot> AGREED received: COngrats to New mexico Team on their Re Approval [15:02] <@paultag> thanks mneptok :) [15:02] <@czajkowski> mneptok: can we go shooting again! [15:02] <mneptok> thanks folkseses! [15:02] * nixternal wants to go [15:02] <@leogg> mneptok: i'm a brave man :) [15:03] <@itnet7> very good work mneptok ! [15:03] <mneptok> leogg: and i have no travel budget. so you're safe. :) [15:03] <@paultag> speak of the devel, nixternal I think it's your turn [15:03] <@paultag> devil [15:03] <@paultag> ach [15:03] <@leogg> hehe [15:03] <nixternal> devel, devil, all the same [15:03] <@czajkowski> [topic] Chicago Team Re Approval [15:03] <MootBot> New Topic: Chicago Team Re Approval [15:03] <micahg> \o/ [15:03] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/ReApprovalApplication [15:03] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/ReApprovalApplication [15:03] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam [15:03] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam [15:03] <@czajkowski> welcome folks thanks for being patient [15:04] <nixternal> we gotta hurry, our ex-Governor is getting ready to have his verdict read in his corruption trial....want to see yet another of our famous Chicago politicians head to prison :) [15:04] <@czajkowski> yay photos in the application :) [15:04] <nixternal> you can thank nhandler for that one :) [15:04] <@paultag> nixternal: do I spy a nhander and swoody in the top one? [15:04] <nixternal> there were more photos, but i lost them before i was saved by flickr years ago [15:04] <nixternal> yes [15:05] <nixternal> and me in the back with my gangstah hat on [15:05] * micahg isn't in any pictures [15:05] <nixternal> and eddie as well as j1mc [15:05] <@paultag> micahg: :) [15:05] <@paultag> nixternal: look'n fly [15:05] <nixternal> micahg: you going to barcamp this weekend? i have bike racing :) [15:05] <@czajkowski> has the wiki died for anyone else bar me [15:05] <nixternal> pretty fly for a white guy [15:05] <nixternal> czajkowski: it is near death for me too [15:06] <micahg> nixternal: no, sorry, have a lot of stuff to catch up on, but I"ll be at the loco event the weekend after [15:06] <@paultag> So, nixternal, what are some of the bright spots of your loco? Have you translated Ubuntu yet? [15:06] <@paultag> I can never understand anyone from chi-town [15:06] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/TeamReports [15:06] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/TeamReports [15:06] <@czajkowski> lovely to see :) [15:06] * micahg thinks we should do a blago translation of Ubuntu :) [15:06] <nixternal> yeah, it is a mixture of italian, polish, spanish, with a bunch of other lingo thrown in [15:06] <@paultag> czajkowski: yeah, well nhandler is on the team ;) [15:06] <@czajkowski> I know ! [15:06] <nixternal> czajkowski: you can thank nhandler once again :) [15:06] <@paultag> They better have their reports! [15:07] <@czajkowski> nixternal: so plans for the future, and how ye've grown since your approval? [15:07] <@czajkowski> how have things changed? [15:07] <nixternal> heh, when we were approved (the 2nd US team approved to be exact, just behind Colorado because I had to go to the bathroom, and alphabetically Chicago was first) there was just a few of us [15:08] <nixternal> we have probably tripled in both members, participants, and current ubuntu members since then [15:08] <@paultag> nixternal: that's like posting f1irst!! and coming in second [15:08] <nixternal> most of our ubuntu members are all devs [15:08] <nixternal> paultag: exactly, and joey standford will never let me live that one down [15:08] <_KAMI_Hungary> Go Hun! [15:08] <@czajkowski> nixternal: aye you are lucky with your members [15:08] <nixternal> when we get members, they are usually of the active variety [15:09] <nixternal> if they aren't active, they tend to get bored, so we try to get them involved with something that suits them best, and then try to teach them how to do more with dev work, docs, and other stuff [15:09] <@czajkowski> nixternal: any issues ye've encountered? [15:09] <nixternal> this year has been slow because a vast majority of us have been very very busy in our personal realm...right now my 13 year old daughter is driving me up a wall to take her shopping [15:10] <nixternal> czajkowski: we have yet to have an issue [15:10] <nixternal> everyone on the team is friends [15:10] <@czajkowski> good ok [15:10] <@czajkowski> I think we're ready to vote [15:10] <nixternal> when we aren't doing ubuntu stuff, we are hanging out quite a bit [15:10] <@czajkowski> [vote] Please vote on the RE Approval of the Chicago Team. Only LoCo Council members vote. C [15:10] <MootBot> Please vote on: Please vote on the RE Approval of the Chicago Team. Only LoCo Council members vote. C. [15:10] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [15:10] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [15:10] <@czajkowski> +1 [15:10] <@paultag> +1 [15:10] <MootBot> +1 received from czajkowski. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [15:10] <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [15:10] <@itnet7> +1 [15:10] <@leogg> +1 [15:10] <MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [15:10] <MootBot> +1 received from leogg. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 [15:10] <@paultag> nixternal: great work, keep it up. Some of the most shining examples of Ubuntu are on your loco. Keep it up. [15:10] <@itnet7> Very Good job nixternal ! You're team Rocks!! [15:11] <@itnet7> oops lol YOur [15:11] <@popey> +1 [15:11] <MootBot> +1 received from popey. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 [15:11] <@czajkowski> [endvote] [15:11] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 [15:11] <@popey> and i promise to install kubuntu [15:11] <nixternal> haha [15:11] <@czajkowski> [agreed] Chicago Team Re Approved [15:11] <MootBot> AGREED received: Chicago Team Re Approved [15:12] <nixternal> thanks everyone! congrats to the others and good luck to the next! [15:12] <@popey> :) [15:12] <@itnet7> pffft popey ! [15:12] <@czajkowski> thanks nixternal happy shopping [15:12] <micahg> \o/ thanks everyone! [15:12] <@paultag> thanks nixternal, micahg :) [15:12] <@itnet7> gj micahg ! [15:12] <micahg> thanks itnet7 [15:12] <@czajkowski> [topic] Asturian Team Approval [15:12] <MootBot> New Topic: Asturian Team Approval [15:12] <marquinos> Hi! I'm :) [15:13] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsturianTeam/ApprovalApplication [15:13] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsturianTeam/ApprovalApplication [15:13] <SergioMeneses> congrats [15:13] <@czajkowski> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsturianTeam [15:13] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsturianTeam [15:13] <dangerouspiper> Hi, me to [15:13] <@czajkowski> marquinos: hi thanks for coming [15:13] <marquinos> ;) [15:13] <@czajkowski> so welcome you're going for your Team Approval [15:13] <marquinos> thank you :) [15:13] <@czajkowski> nice application,very clear, you've been very busy [15:13] <marquinos> :$ No ready :P [15:14] <marquinos> A little ;) [15:14] <@czajkowski> ok so would you like to tell us about your team, how you do things, and plans for the future [15:14] <marquinos> yes, of course [15:14] <ivarela> hi [15:15] <ivarela> i'm sorry to be late... [15:15] <@czajkowski> ivarela: welcome [15:15] <marquinos> We are a small LoCo in Asturias (northern Spain), but the members are very active. Our LoCo is running for more than a year. Their website was released a few months ago, and I'm happy with the current situation, where there is a slow but constant incorporation of new members [15:15] <marquinos> welcome ivarela ;) [15:15] <marquinos> ivarela is from asturian team :D [15:16] <marquinos> Our plan is fixed the bug #1 [15:16] <marquinos> hahahahaha [15:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 [15:16] <@paultag> marquinos: can you tell us a bit about translations? [15:17] <marquinos> yes :) The Asturian language is the native language of Asturies [15:17] <@czajkowski> marquinos: I see you've had some experience with working wiht the Catalan loco thats great to see [15:17] <marquinos> for first time, we enjoy of an OS in our language [15:17] <marquinos> was a very hard work [15:17] <@paultag> marquinos: I see! [15:17] <marquinos> of a few years [15:17] <marquinos> the translations are done by team [15:17] <marquinos> ivarela is the coordinator [15:18] <marquinos> for that area :) [15:18] <@paultag> Wow, for GNOME as well [15:18] <marquinos> it was the #1 in the world in the launchpad translations :D [15:18] <marquinos> he was (sorry) [15:18] <@czajkowski> marquinos: so tell us, what are you plans for the future for your team ? [15:18] <marquinos> well, I would work for the normal people [15:19] <marquinos> I think Ubuntu [15:19] <marquinos> is for every body [15:19] <marquinos> not only geeks :) [15:19] <marquinos> then, I will give a microcourse [15:19] <@paultag> *cough* nerds [15:19] <marquinos> s [15:20] <marquinos> and technical help [15:20] <marquinos> in the next months :) [15:20] <marquinos> we're working hard for introduce Ubuntu in the education [15:20] <marquinos> and some institutions [15:20] <@czajkowski> great [15:20] <@leogg> marquinos: the microcourses thing is a fantastic idea! [15:20] <marquinos> ;) [15:21] <@czajkowski> can you tell us about them ? [15:21] <marquinos> Yes, I got from a Hiper [15:21] <@czajkowski> ok any other comments you want to make ? [15:22] <marquinos> MediaMarkt gave a little courses for use a mobile phone, then I get the idea for Ubuntu: A little curse, of a simple an useful area [15:22] <marquinos> the 1help=1coffee is get from Mac Store xD [15:22] <@czajkowski> brilliant [15:22] <marquinos> They give a wonderful technical help for a newbies [15:22] <@paultag> I saw that photo on your site, I think it's very funny :) [15:22] <@czajkowski> ok so we're going to vote [15:23] <marquinos> :) [15:23] <@czajkowski> [vote] Please vote on the Approval of the Asturian Team. Only LoCo Council members vote. [15:23] <MootBot> Please vote on: Please vote on the Approval of the Asturian Team. Only LoCo Council members vote.. [15:23] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [15:23] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [15:23] <marquinos> thanks [15:23] <@czajkowski> +1 [15:23] <MootBot> +1 received from czajkowski. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [15:23] <@paultag> +1 [15:23] <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [15:23] <@itnet7> +1 [15:23] <@czajkowski> welcome [15:23] <MootBot> +1 received from itnet7. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [15:23] <marquinos> :D [15:23] <@leogg> +1 [15:23] <MootBot> +1 received from leogg. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 [15:23] <@popey> +1 [15:23] <MootBot> +1 received from popey. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 [15:23] <@czajkowski> [endvote] [15:23] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 [15:23] <marquinos> THANKS VERY MUCH!!!! :D [15:23] <@paultag> keep up the great work marquinos, your translation work is amazing. Keep up the great attitude [15:23] <marquinos> We're very happy! [15:23] <@leogg> marquinos: congrats! great work! [15:23] <@czajkowski> [Agreed] WElcome to the Asturian LoCo [15:23] <MootBot> AGREED received: WElcome to the Asturian LoCo [15:23] <marquinos> :D [15:23] <ivarela> thank you all [15:23] <@paultag> :) [15:23] <@itnet7> very good work! Thanks for all you and your team have done for Ubuntu! [15:24] <marquinos> Thanks you, really :) [15:24] <@czajkowski> ok thanks folks [15:24] <marquinos> for this rock OS [15:24] <@czajkowski> #endmeeting
LoCoCouncil/Agenda/20100817 (last edited 2010-08-17 22:03:03 by pc993)