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LoCo Team Verification and Re-Verification process


The purpose behind this page is to explain what a team needs to do in order to move from the Unverified Teams Category to the Verified Teams Category.

Team Categories

In the Ubuntu LoCo Teams there are two types of teams:

Benefits of Verification

A Verified team is eligible for certain benefits such as marketing materials. A Verified team is also considered official by the Ubuntu project. The following are the current benefits:

Verificaton Process

The Process

To become an Verified LoCo, the LoCo Council needs to have confidence that the team is up and running and performing well. This requires some evidence that the team has established various resources (website, mailing list, listing of activities on the LoCo Directory etc) and is actively working on different things and working well and is more than one person. To become verified the team needs to create a wiki page (more on this below) that outlines a number of things to do with the group, and has supporting evidence.

Is Your Team Ready?

The first question to ask is if the team is ready for verification. When a New Team or its leaders determine the answer to the teams readiness is “yes”, then there are a few things about the LoCo Council’s decision making process that the team and its members should know.

Purpose and Application Criteria

The purpose of the LoCo Team verification process is to ensure that a team is an active resource for Ubuntu enthusiasts in a localized geographical area and that it offers both help and information to those who are interested in contributing to the Ubuntu Community. The LoCo Council will uses the following criteria when evaluating team applications:

Note: The LoCo Council will factor in all of the above criteria to make a decision on the applying team’s verification status. There is no magic formula of time or quantity of activities that will guarantee a team verification. The real concern for the LoCo Council is that a team will stay active.

How to Write an Verification or Re-Verification Application

The success of a team’s application to become a Verified Ubuntu LoCo team largely rests in ts application wiki page. The application wiki page should use the following naming protocol:

The Verification process will be followed in a private bug in Launchpad. Please, do not change the bug status as the LoCo Council will change it accordingly to follow the Bug Status Guidelines.

NOTE: An example application is available at LoCoExampleApplication. This shows an applying team the kind of structure that the page should form.

Application Tips

Here are some important tips


Note: Verified teams will be re-assessed every two years to maintain their verified status as a part of health check on the team and a check in. Bug Reports will be opened for teams requiring re-verification.

If a team is applying for reverification you the wiki page should use the following naming protocol:

The re-verification application is similar to the verification application detailed above. The re-verification application wiki page should summarize the LoCo Team’s accomplishments of the past two years and outline plans for the future.

Each cycle, LoCo contacts from LoCo Teams with approaching review dates will be contacted privately and asked to submit applications. If those LoCo Teams are prepared for re-verification, the team’s contact will add the application to the LoCoCouncilAgenda and or Bug Report or the LoCoCouncil Mailing List. The LoCo Council will vote on the team’s re-verification application. The vote can be done via the Bug Report or at a LoCo Council Meeting or Mailing List. This flexibility is allowed to account for variations in timezones.