Getting Ubuntu DVDs for LoCo Teams
So, you awesome LoCo teams want to get your hands on some free Ubuntu DVDs to distribute in your area? No problem. This page will tell you how to get hold of DVDs.
How to get your Ubuntu DVDs
To get your Ubuntu DVDs you must first ensure you are an approved team, and the Team Contact should make the request for the DVDs.
To get them, send you need to fill in the following Form
- Street Address (do not include a PO BOX - it must be a real address) - include your post/zip code!!
- Full International Phone number (including country code)
The team contact must request the DVDs, but it is fine to get the DVDs sent to another member of the team if needed. The following discs will be sent:
- 150 Desktop
- 25 Server
Before you submit the email...
Ensure you are an approved team - see the LoCoTeamList to see.
Ensure the Team Contact requests the DVDs.
- Check you have included the standard subject line, as shown above.
- Ensure you have included all of the requested information in the email.
Getting Help
Are you stuck with getting your DVDs? Fear not, we can try and help!
For questions regarding shipment or delivery issues - mail info@shipit.ubuntu.com.
LoCoGettingCds (last edited 2016-10-05 22:55:35 by wxl)