To release the LoCo Team Portal, you need to follow the following steps:
make sure there are no important merge proposals outstanding
update the translations template (./ update-template), commit the change and push it to trunk
- wait until you get a confirmation mail from LP
download the latest translations (PO format)
pull the newest trunk (lp:loco-team-portal)
integrate the newest translations (./ import-translations ~/launchpad-export.tar.gz)
./ compilemessages
- test the release
- commit the translations, push to lp:loco-team-portal
find out current milestone from
./ release <release number>
- commit, push to lp:loco-team-portal
check out lp:loco-team-portal/production
merge trunk release into lp:loco-team-portal/production, push
send mail to rt at ubuntu dot com with this or similar content:
Hello everybody, could you please go and update from lp:~ltp-devs/loco-team-portal/production? Here's the steps that are involved: - on cd /srv/shared-branches/loco-directory-dev_loco-directory_production - bzr pull lp:loco-team-portal/production - cd /srv/ - bzr pull /srv/shared-branches/loco-directory-dev_loco-directory_production - cd loco_directory - ./ pullapps - ./ migrate - ./ compilemessages - (reload apache) Thanks a lot in advance.
- Please make sure additional dependencies, additional steps, etc. need to be document carefully in there.
Hang out in #canonical-sysadmin if the request should take longer.
- Once landed, make sure it all works.
Close all bugs of the active milestone.
- Mark current milestone as released.
Create new milestone in current series.
LoCoTeamPortal/ReleaseProcess (last edited 2013-03-08 21:43:19 by cjohnston)