How to run a LoCo
Have you just taken the initiative to start a Ubuntu Local Community, and don't really know what to do next? Take a look here to get some suggestions, tips and experiences from other LoCo members.
Suggested activities
Attend conferences near you and hand out Ubuntu CDs. See UbuntuAtConferences for more information.
- Carry CDs with you at all times!
- Organise installfests.
- Collect local success stories (e.g., case studies of organisations that are using Ubuntu) and submit them to Canonical for inclusion in a new website section of success stories.
Start an UbuntuFriendlyHardwareSuppliers initiative
Participate in Software Freedom Day, 20 September 2008 and help promote free software and Ubuntu!
- Beer drinking
- Barbeque
- Lectures by local and international developers/community members
How to recruit people
- Talk at LUG meetings.
- Post announcements to local tech group mailing lists that dovetail nicely with the local Ubuntu community.
Post a free community ad on Craigslist
Tips & Tricks
What did you do in *your* LoCo, and how did it work out?
[PlLocoGoodies] -- we're starting with it, so I can not say how it worked out yet.
[BasenPelenPomyslow] -- This is an idea to let people put their ideas into native version of [IdeaPool]. After we get some ideas, we translate it into English and put it back to the [IdeaPool]. Too bad it didn't work out quite good.
This is what we do in the Italian Community to organise ourselves
LoCoTeamRunning (last edited 2011-08-02 16:53:30 by bzq-82-81-238-35)