
Ubuntu-UY was up for first. Their website has been re-branded with the the new Ubuntu branding, and they have been very active. Their Approval Application was dynamite and easily reflected their recent events as well as their hopes for the near future. Congratulations to the Uruguay Team! We really appreciate your hard work and look forward to what your team will achieve for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu-MX has done some extremely great things for the community. Their Podcast is doing really well, and they are beginning to recover from some huge hurdles (quarantined areas to help contain N1H1 for example). The LoCo Council felt unanimously that Ubuntu-MX should take a little time to get themselves back on track, asking them re-apply in September. LoCo Council members volunteered to help guide them through the re-approval process, and answer any questions they have while preparing.

LoCoTeams/LoCoCouncil/TeamReports/10/May (last edited 2010-05-23 18:02:38 by 140)