LoCo Mentoring


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During September and October 2006, an Ubuntu LoCo Team Mentoring Case Study was conducted between the Ubuntu Australian Team and the Ubuntu New Zealand Team. It was a successful case study and could conceivably be deployed as a community service.

This spec discussed the good and bad points of the mentoring experience, taking input from the Australian and New Zealand teams. The experience netted some great feedback, and some key points to inspire from and points to improve on. The process was conducted out in the open with a blog published at http://locomentor.geekosophical.net/.

The session evaluated the experience with a single action point:


Within the international community, some LoCo teams have had more success than others. Some teams achieve extraordinary impact on their local communities, while other teams struggle to establish themselves.

A way to strengthen existing LoCo teams and assist new teams would be good for the entire LoCo initiative.

Use cases


The scope of this project is to evaluate and document the best practice methods from the Australian/New Zealand pilot case study.


This project has the following action points:

LoCoTeamsUDSMVSpecs/LoCoMentoring (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:46 by localhost)