
22:30:13 [ wharp] Meeting agenda:
22:30:18 [ wharp] Let's jump right in.
22:30:26 [ wharp] First up is details on the face to face.
22:30:52 [ Palintheus] OK, I think its pretty much a given that at least one of them will be after/at the HAM fest
22:30:56 [ r2d2rogers] This has changed a bit with the Hamfest event
22:31:00 [ r2d2rogers] ::nods::
22:31:32 [ wharp] But we had been planning to do multiples anyway
22:31:35 [ r2d2rogers] I am planning to contact local resturants to see if I can arrange some percentage of the tickets from groups mentioning the loco at the hamfest be donated to us
22:32:05 [ wharp] We're not setup for that.  That would be something else we'd need to do.
22:32:29 [ r2d2rogers] failing that I mentioned it to the Event Coodinator for the Hamfest and will be pursuing it face to face (at the latest) at the next Ham Club meeting in monroe
22:32:41 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: right
22:33:00 [ wharp] Is collecting money something we want to be responsible for at this point?
22:33:06 [ r2d2rogers] I think we need to investigate funding issues as part of the hamfest, but I'm jumping ahead
22:33:18 [ wharp] yeah
22:33:33 [ Palintheus] wharp: I think its gonna be needed at some point, its hard to be self sustaining on internal donations
22:33:46 [ Palintheus] and why not start now rather than later, imho
22:33:54 [ wharp] I understand that completely, but I don't want to open us up to liabilities we're not prepared for.
22:34:05 [ Palintheus] liabilities as in....?
22:34:12 [ r2d2rogers] Anyone familiar with Louisiana regulations on non profits?
22:34:14 [ ChrisULM] yall talking about a donation jar type thing on the booth or what?
22:34:14 [ wharp] I don't know
22:34:23 [ wharp] That would be one thing
22:34:25 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: in general yes
22:34:28 [ Palintheus] ChrisULM: basically
22:34:35 [ r2d2rogers] but the legal side also
22:35:08 [ ChrisULM] i'd doubt there'd by much legalities on that
22:35:34 [ wharp] But who manages the money?  Who keeps it until its used or decides how its spent?
22:35:35 [ Palintheus] there really doesn't have to be, unless people want receipts for taxes etc, but does that happen often?
22:35:37 [ r2d2rogers] there was much debate about it.
22:35:56 [ Palintheus] not so much legality, but need/hassle of it
22:36:01 [ Palintheus] re dabate ^
22:36:04 [ r2d2rogers] wharp good questions
22:36:04 [ Palintheus] iirc
22:36:05 [ Blain] Louisiana Assoc, of Non Profits, would probably be the best source of info.
22:36:12 [ Palintheus] thanks Blain 
22:36:19 [ Blain] i.e IRS federal and state filings
22:36:21 [ r2d2rogers] good link
22:36:49 [ Blain] Yeah, check out the publications section.
22:36:51 [ wharp] But that would require us to be set up as a non-profit correct?
22:36:56 [ r2d2rogers] anyone have interest to investigate this and bring back info for discussion on the mailing list ornext meeting?
22:36:57 [ Blain] Yeah
22:37:13 [ r2d2rogers] or the forum?
22:37:16 [ Palintheus] right
22:37:23 [ Blain] But thier or benifits to being a non-profit.
22:37:32 [ wharp] I think either way it should be posted to the forum.
22:37:37 [ r2d2rogers] Blain: +1
22:37:41 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
22:37:44 [ Palintheus] wharp: +1
22:37:48 [ Robdgreat] anybody have any idea what's involved in becoming a non-profit?
22:37:49 [ r2d2rogers] forum seems most visible for other's use
22:37:59 [ Blain] IRS filling's for one thing.
22:38:10 [ Palintheus] keeping good records
22:38:14 [ Blain] Alot of paper work to make the gov believe you are a non-profit.
22:38:19 [ r2d2rogers] hmmm
22:38:19 [ wharp] [Action Item] Forum post and research into non-profit status and collection/handling of money
22:38:27 [ r2d2rogers] wharp +1
22:38:40 [ r2d2rogers] any volunteers?
22:38:54 [ wharp] Ok, is there anything we need to say about the face to face meetings?  It looks like r2d2rogers will be handling the one following the HAM fest.
22:39:03 [ wharp] What about the one in N.O.?
22:39:07 [ Blain] Best source of information for this would most likely be an accountant - book keeper, if anyone knows one
22:39:27 [ wharp] I've got a friend who is a lawyer I can check with.
22:39:37 [ Palintheus] r2d2rogers: I can look some, but I can't guarantee a lot getting done :/
22:39:38 [ Robdgreat] I'm going to be talking to my accountant soon
22:39:41 [ wharp] She might know someone
22:39:42 [ r2d2rogers] (by the way... +1 is a convention used in IRC meetings for expressing agreement or casting your vote in favor of somthing)
22:40:04 [ r2d2rogers] wife's friend is professor of accounting at ULm
22:40:35 [ r2d2rogers] :todo add talk to AH about Non-profit status for a club or organization
22:40:38 [+ATDT] r2d2rogers: The operation succeeded.  (Todo #26 added)
22:40:47 [ r2d2rogers] and i was weeding them down too
22:41:17 [ Palintheus] numbering doesn't restart ;)
22:41:18 [ wharp] Ok, so back to the face to face details
22:41:33 [ Palintheus] right...back on the agenda
22:41:53 [ Palintheus] ok, so any location/date ideas for an NO f2f?
22:42:04 [ Palintheus] or do we need to talk more about Monroe?
22:42:20 [ r2d2rogers] say monroe and the 26th of April
22:42:29 [ r2d2rogers] and I'll bring more details to the next meeting
22:42:32 [ Blain] I doubt i'd be able to make it to monroe, nice long drive for me.
22:42:39 [ wharp] I think r2d2rogers is going to need to do some leg work unless ChrisULM has any contacts he could use?
22:42:52 [ r2d2rogers] Blain: you closer to a N.O. meetup?
22:42:59 [ Blain] Yeah, Hammodn
22:43:01 [ Blain] Hammond
22:43:09 [ ChrisULM] wharp, none come to mind other than some that may can help with booth stuff at the ham
22:43:10 [ Robdgreat] HAMmond ;)
22:43:10 [ wharp] That's one of the reasons for multiple meetings, but if some people will be helping out with the HAM fest they'll already be in Monroe
22:43:23 [ r2d2rogers] hfwilke: you mentioned you won't be able to make the hamfest?
22:43:27 [ r2d2rogers] lol
22:43:29 [ r2d2rogers] @ Robdgreat
22:43:56 [ Blain] I would be willing to carpool though lol
22:44:14 [ Palintheus] :)
22:44:29 [ r2d2rogers] Robdgreat?  carpool?
22:45:10 [ Palintheus] can we get a general count on who *is* making the HAMfest?
22:45:12  * Palintheus 
22:45:23 [ wharp] let's hold off until we're on that agenda item
22:45:38 [ wharp] we're still discussing the face to face
22:45:41 [ Palintheus] s/HAMfest/F2F
22:45:59 [ r2d2rogers] o/
22:46:27 [ wharp] Is someone willing to coordinate a f2f in N.O.?
22:46:34 [ boomer] so there will be a F2F in monroe on Apr 26?
22:46:39 [ wharp] Yes
22:46:40 [ r2d2rogers] boomer: yes
22:46:53 [ ChrisULM] after or at the ham?
22:46:56 [ r2d2rogers] release party after the ham
22:47:05 [ r2d2rogers] of some sort ;0
22:47:28 [ Blain] byob ;)
22:47:32 [ r2d2rogers] planning as evening meal
22:47:33 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
22:47:46 [ r2d2rogers] unless it's at a place with mixed
22:48:23 [ r2d2rogers] a bar
22:48:24 [ r2d2rogers] sorry
22:48:52 [ r2d2rogers] so, monroe date and general time set, detail to follow at next meeting
22:48:57 [ r2d2rogers] N.O. unknown...
22:49:02 [ r2d2rogers] Next item?
22:49:10 [ wharp] macd? you around?
22:49:44 [ wharp] well we'll come back to his items if he shows
22:50:03 [ wharp] but on the 28th, next Thursday we're going to have a "class" on doing a bug day
22:50:04 [ Palintheus] k
22:50:27 [ wharp] We'd like to have LoCo bug days in the future and this will be a good way to get started
22:50:38 [ r2d2rogers] agreed
22:50:49 [ Palintheus] I think monthly would be a good start, or every 2 weeks?
22:50:53 [ hfwilke] r2d2rogers, yeah...monroe is a bit too much of a trip for Hamfest is out
22:51:09 [ r2d2rogers] hate to back up... but
22:51:26 [ wharp] Palintheus: we need to get a rhythm down.  We don't want to overwhelm ourselves
22:51:26 /bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
22:51:27 [ r2d2rogers] hfwilke: any interest in arranging a meetup for Release Party in N.O.?
22:51:38 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: monthly +1
22:51:41 [ Palintheus] wharp: ok, so monthly or...
22:51:47 [ hfwilke] sure...I can work on something
22:51:53 [ r2d2rogers] \o/
22:51:55 [ wharp] Palintheus: I think we just need to wait and see how they work out
22:52:05 [ wharp] we don't need to put anything in writing at this point
22:52:16 [ Palintheus] ok
22:52:21 [ r2d2rogers] yeah, macd volunteered, let him drive a bit?
22:52:44 [ wharp] At least until we get the hang of it.
22:52:54 [ wharp] so next item?
22:52:56 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: Newsletter?
22:52:57 [ r2d2rogers] yup
22:53:11 [ wharp] Ok.  I thought it would be a good idea if we had our own newsletter.
22:53:15 [ wharp] Something simple.
22:53:28 [ wharp] Just a short summary of what we're doing, what needs to be done, etc.
22:53:35 [ wharp] Sent out to the mailing list.
22:53:51 [ wharp] to help keep people informed of what's going on
22:54:20 [ wharp] I don't mind doing it, but I'll need help collecting things for it
22:54:51 [ r2d2rogers] I like the idea
22:54:59 [ r2d2rogers] I'll help collect info for it
22:55:28 [ wharp] just shoot me an email if you think of something that should be added
22:55:51 [ wharp] I don't plan to do it weekly, probably every other week or so if we have enough going on.
22:56:10 [ r2d2rogers] anyone else, comments?
22:56:15 [ wharp] I don't want to overwhelm people with info, but at the same time I want to make sure people can find out what's going on at a glance.
22:56:16 [ r2d2rogers] like it, hate it?
22:56:23 [ Palintheus] is this something that should be mirrored to the forum or wiki or both
22:56:35 [ boomer] newsletter sounds good
22:56:52 [ wharp] Palintheus: I don't know, most of it will be somewhat time sensitive I think
22:56:55 [ Blain] wharp: +1
22:57:04 [ Palintheus] ok.
22:57:05 [ gsibbery] wharp: +1
22:57:06 [ r2d2rogers] should the ML just be a link to one of the other two?
22:57:23 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
22:57:28 [ Blain] Should probably be in pdf form to make it easy.
22:57:29 [ r2d2rogers] yeah ML best for this one
22:57:34 [ ChrisULM] wharp: +1, newsletter sounds good to me
22:57:46 [ wharp] This is something a community team could handle in the future...
22:58:03 [ wharp] Ok, so for now just shoot me an email if you've got something that should be added.
22:58:14 [ r2d2rogers] :todo add create community team page in wiki
22:58:16 [+ATDT] r2d2rogers: The operation succeeded.  (Todo #27 added)
22:58:17 [ wharp] Next item is an update on the mailing list.
22:58:22 [ r2d2rogers] YAY
22:58:22 [ wharp] r2d2rogers
22:58:32 [ Robdgreat] email newsletter in pdf?
22:58:48 [ wharp] huh, apparently I forgot to add one for the community team
22:58:49 [ r2d2rogers] I am pleased to report that stalking is an effective way to cause actions
22:59:01 [ wharp] Personally, I abhor PDF
22:59:02 [ r2d2rogers] I  have admin access to the team Mailing list
22:59:12 [ Robdgreat] yeah I'd prefer plain text
22:59:16 [ gsibbery] i hate pdfs too
22:59:17 [ Robdgreat] if nothing else
22:59:24 [ r2d2rogers] I would like at least two additional volunteers to act as moderators
22:59:25 [ wharp] This is something that's been hanging over our head for a while so this is great news.
22:59:31 [ r2d2rogers] and at least one backup full admin
23:00:00 [ r2d2rogers] I didn't get a chance to fully audit the current subscriber list
23:00:11 [ boomer] r2d2rogers: i can help with moderation
23:00:15 [ r2d2rogers] but there was a pending moderation request from november
23:00:22 [ r2d2rogers] thanks boom
23:00:24 [ r2d2rogers] that's one
23:00:33 [ r2d2rogers] need another mod and an admin
23:00:36 [ Palintheus] +1 on boomer as moderator/admin
23:00:51 [ wharp] I'll do either of the two
23:01:03 [ boomer] same here
23:01:08 [ Blain] Well guys i gtg, didn't get much sleep last night because i was on call, and have to be up at 5ish
23:01:09 [ wharp] +1 on boomer
23:01:18 [ wharp] take care Blain
23:01:19 [ r2d2rogers] thanks blain
23:01:25 [ r2d2rogers] see you next time <G>
23:01:27 [ Blain] later
23:01:30 ::: Blain [] has quit ["Memories Never Fade"]
23:01:35 [ r2d2rogers] one more volunteer?
23:01:40 [ Robdgreat] I can help mod
23:01:55 [ Palintheus] ++ to Robdgreat 
23:02:08 [ wharp] +1 Robdgreat
23:02:39 [ r2d2rogers] great
23:02:53 [ r2d2rogers] will ad you three after the meeting
23:02:59 [ wharp] Ok
23:03:08 [ wharp] Next item is the HAM fest
23:03:16 [ r2d2rogers] at this point I'm not worried too much so three admins unless anyone prefers just Mod?
23:03:34 [ r2d2rogers] k
23:03:37 [ r2d2rogers] Lots of info here
23:04:01 [ wharp] Do we have an idea of how many people we need to staff the booth?
23:04:10 [ Palintheus] many as possible
23:04:15 [ Palintheus] don't want to be understaffed
23:04:16 [ r2d2rogers]
23:04:23 [ Robdgreat] I'll be there
23:04:24 [ r2d2rogers] the tables are 8 foot by 2 foot
23:04:28  * Palintheus will be there
23:04:31 [ wharp] But we also don't want to be unable to talk because there are so many people
23:04:36 [ r2d2rogers] we have three in a square
23:04:44 [ r2d2rogers] if we get the placement I requested
23:04:53 [ wharp] I plan to be there also, unless something comes up
23:04:54 [ Robdgreat] but we're certainly not going to discourage attendance
23:05:00 [ r2d2rogers] right
23:05:03 [ Palintheus] Robdgreat: +
23:05:04 [ ChrisULM] what kind of booth are yall thinking about? are we just going to be handing out install cds or will there be computers running to demo ubuntu?
23:05:14 [ Robdgreat] demo machines
23:05:18 [ wharp] No, not discourage, but we could arrange shifts
23:05:18 [ Robdgreat] and cds
23:05:20 [ r2d2rogers] reserves and crowd circulation. or people just available for running
23:05:27 [ Palintheus] we will likely have demo machines provided from sys76 and members
23:05:30 [ wharp] r2d2rogers +1
23:05:40 [ r2d2rogers] looking at 4-6 laptops at the moment
23:05:44 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: when will you know if we get that spot?
23:05:53 [ boomer] i can loan a box for demo
23:05:54 [ Palintheus] still waiting to hear from Carl on the sys76 help, but it is very likely to happen
23:06:03 [ r2d2rogers] when the event coordinator hooks his pc back up at home
23:06:16 [ wharp] um....that doesn't sound so encouraging
23:06:20 [ r2d2rogers] Not really
23:06:36 [ r2d2rogers] but he's the brother-in-law of one of my department mates
23:06:40 [ r2d2rogers] so i have some push ;)
23:06:56 [ r2d2rogers] and he and others have expressed excitiment about our being there
23:07:02 [ wharp] I might be able to bring a laptop, but I'll have to see if I can scrounge a HD to install ubuntu on
23:07:12 [ r2d2rogers] good deal
23:07:16 [ Palintheus] and the fliers sys76 provided will help advertise the event itself :)
23:07:25 [ Palintheus] maybe that can convince them to give a discount
23:07:35 [ wharp] What's the booth price?
23:07:50 [ r2d2rogers] $10 per table plus $10 for electric
23:07:59 [ r2d2rogers] so $40 without any discount
23:08:13 [ Robdgreat] so we basically need to compile a cost list so we know what we're up against
23:08:13 [ r2d2rogers] no word on internet availability
23:08:14 [ wharp] that's not bad
23:08:27 [ Palintheus] 100 fliers postered around Monroe should be good for something imho
23:08:31 [ Palintheus] Robdgreat: +++
23:08:38 [ r2d2rogers] but Palintheus and Robdgreat have offered some limited cell data plan access
23:08:42 [ wharp] Robdgreat: we've got a post on the forum to collect that sort of thing
23:08:42 [ r2d2rogers] yup
23:08:48 [ r2d2rogers] yup
23:09:01 [ Robdgreat] does it say how much we need to collect?
23:09:10 [ wharp] Not yet, but that's the plan.
23:09:16 [ Robdgreat] Ok. That's all I was saying
23:09:30 [ r2d2rogers] I have probable source of 400 burned inkjet printed CD's for something like 25-40 cents a disk
23:09:32 [ wharp] I've posted a list of the suggested booth box contents
23:09:42 [ ChrisULM] with the booth fee and cd (labels and all) are there any others fees?
23:09:54 [ wharp] but we need to decide on what things we need and what we don't
23:09:56 [ r2d2rogers] and duplication for Hardy heron Isos in the two day window
23:10:10 [ r2d2rogers] I have not sourced the paper sleeves for the CD's
23:10:28 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: no others for the group
23:10:29 [ wharp] Are we still going to try doing a custom image or just go with the default?
23:10:41 [ Palintheus] due to time probably default
23:10:44 [ r2d2rogers] but individuals may need to pay a $5 fee to get in
23:10:59 [ r2d2rogers] depending on how many exhibitors they allot per booth
23:11:07 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: +1
23:11:09 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: taht's something we need to find out and let people know about
23:11:09 [ Robdgreat] I thought I read $10 for door prizes
23:11:41 [ r2d2rogers] but default HH was a big bump up vs gutsy so I'm happy there
23:11:47 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: you're right
23:11:49 [ r2d2rogers] will do
23:11:49 [ Palintheus] fro mthe site:
23:11:50 [ Palintheus]     *
23:11:52 [ Palintheus]       Admission is $5, which gives you a chance at the Grand Prizes.
23:11:52 [ Palintheus]     *
23:11:52 [ Palintheus]       Additional prize tickets will be available for purchase (1 for $1.00 or 6 for $5.00)
23:11:58 [ Palintheus] grr at bad paste
23:12:01 [ Robdgreat] ahh my mistake
23:12:04 [ Palintheus] np
23:12:09 [ r2d2rogers] :todo add find out about exhibitor admission/ doorprize fees
23:12:11 [+ATDT] r2d2rogers: The operation succeeded.  (Todo #28 added)
23:12:41 [ r2d2rogers] macd also has a shipit order in for 50 gutsy discs
23:12:46 [ wharp] If anyone is going to loan or donate we need to make sure we have a way of getting their loan/donation and getting it back to them.
23:12:51 [ r2d2rogers] I found out today that the event was in the Fall before
23:13:01 [ r2d2rogers] and there may be a better turn out than in previous years
23:13:05 [ wharp] Yeah, they moved it up since its "regional"
23:13:15 [ wharp] Do we know expected turnout or past turnout?
23:13:22 [ Palintheus] 350+
23:13:23 [ r2d2rogers] past is 300-350
23:13:27 [ Robdgreat] so to supplement the discs maybe some literature would be appropriate
23:13:31 [ r2d2rogers] so as Palintheus said
23:13:38 [ wharp] Robdgreat +1
23:13:39 [ Robdgreat] information about the os and how to download it
23:13:45 [ r2d2rogers] Robdgreat: or blanks on hand for burning in booth
23:13:51 [ r2d2rogers] show off the working systems
23:13:51 [ Robdgreat] that too
23:13:52 [ wharp] r2d2rogers +1
23:13:56 [ wharp] was just going to say the same thing
23:14:03 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
23:14:04 [ Palintheus] yeah the conference pack canonical is sending includes leaflets, but they are not described
23:14:12 [ r2d2rogers] right
23:14:15 [ wharp] We can have one laptop and either show a video of the install or actually do installs on it
23:14:26 [ Robdgreat] and maybe some sort of policy on distribution
23:14:27 [ r2d2rogers] Thinking if we manage 6 laptops
23:14:43 [ Palintheus] I think we are getting 2 from sys76
23:14:45 [ ChrisULM] I like the live install idea wharp
23:14:48 [ r2d2rogers] I'd like one playing a video and one avaiable to try out on each of the three tables
23:14:52 [ Palintheus] hopefully the new darter and a bigger one
23:14:57 [ Robdgreat] we want people to be able to take maybe for people who aren't there, but we can't have people taking ridiculous amounts
23:15:04 [ r2d2rogers] and one person per table...
23:15:09 [ Palintheus] Robdgreat: ++
23:15:22 [ wharp] Yeah, we certainly don't want to be supplying coasters to all of ULM
23:15:27 [ Robdgreat] ugh
23:15:29 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
23:15:33 [ ChrisULM] hehe
23:16:09 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: did you also have mention of banner from sys76 ?
23:16:10 [ wharp] I want to make sure we keep in mind that this is primarily a HAM fest
23:16:17 [ r2d2rogers] True
23:16:35 [ wharp] We need to be prepared to offer information about what they can do with it in relation to HAM radio
23:16:35 [ Palintheus] yes, they mentioned talking to Canonical about getting us hooked up, and I hinted strongly about it in the email to Carl
23:16:41 [ r2d2rogers] I will be attending the meeting of the on March 4th
23:17:06 [ wharp] I would really like it if we might be able to setup a HAM rig that connects to the computer, but that's a bit far fetched.
23:17:22 [ r2d2rogers] so that I can find out what experience the group has with linux and possibly get some volunteer help on the HAM side
23:17:45 [ r2d2rogers] I have heard of two gentlemen that are good possibilities
23:17:57 [ r2d2rogers] I'll be getting with mutedecho|work about contacting them
23:18:01 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: keep us posted on that
23:18:06 [ r2d2rogers] he's worked with them previously
23:18:19 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: wilco
23:18:46 [ r2d2rogers] I and I think Robdgreat have some ambition to attempt the ham licensing exam in the time between now and the hamfest
23:19:06 [ wharp] I knew you both wanted to, but I didn't realize that was the time frame
23:19:10 [ r2d2rogers] anyone else interested in getting a closer tie with another tech community group?
23:19:18 [ r2d2rogers] ;)
23:19:20 [ Robdgreat] o/
23:19:29 [ r2d2rogers] we'll see if it pwns us or not <G>
23:19:32 [ wharp] haha
23:19:35 [ ChrisULM] lol
23:19:46 [ Robdgreat] I've been looking at the question pool all day
23:19:55 [ Robdgreat] I feel confident about being able to prepare in a month :)
23:20:02 [ Robdgreat] s/in/within/
23:20:04 [ r2d2rogers] I also have some possible help from the monroe trio I talked to at books a Million
23:20:10 [ r2d2rogers] but that's not firm at this point
23:20:12 [ wharp] Everyone who is planning on helping out with the HAM fest, please add your name to the project page.
23:20:19 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
23:20:35 [ ChrisULM] gonna have to get with ya rob on how to do that
23:20:39 [ ChrisULM] this is all new to me
23:20:50 [ wharp] And be sure to post all updates to the forum please. There is already a thread started.
23:21:16 [ wharp] Yeah, if anybody needs help with either the wiki or the forum, please ask someone.  We'll be more than happy to help.
23:21:59 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: glad to help
23:22:02 [ wharp] What time is the hamfest?
23:22:17 [ Robdgreat] 8
23:22:19 [ r2d2rogers]  from 8am till midafternoon on Saturday the 26th of April
23:22:48 [ wharp] haha, it actually says midafernoon on the website too
23:22:55 [ r2d2rogers] Additional interest for the Ham => linux connection:
23:23:07 [ Palintheus] any idea on setup time on friday? as in when it will be open to setup/scope out
23:23:15 [ wharp] 1 to 7
23:23:30 [ Palintheus] k
23:23:33 [ r2d2rogers] the state HAM Clubs are looking at a linux VOIP repeater project and plan to put it in place in the coming year
23:23:42 [ r2d2rogers] what's that name Palintheus ?
23:23:42 /bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
23:23:44 [ wharp] Not exaclty relevant, but what is a license upgrade?
23:23:46 [ r2d2rogers] I lost my tabs..
23:23:58 [ r2d2rogers] from tech to general to extra class
23:24:01 [ wharp] where'd you see that r2d2rogers ?
23:24:03 [ wharp] ic
23:24:06 [ Palintheus] IRLP
23:24:15 [ r2d2rogers] more privileges as you go up the scale
23:24:24 [ gsibbery] morse code test
23:24:24 [ r2d2rogers] talking to the EC
23:24:29 [ wharp] What would that repeater do?
23:24:38 [ wharp] EC? as in extra class?
23:24:38 [ Robdgreat] pretty sure morse code test is no longer required
23:24:45 [ gsibbery] for extra class it is
23:24:45 [ r2d2rogers] VOIP connection to another repeater through the internet
23:24:50 [ gsibbery] just 5wpm though
23:24:53 [ Robdgreat] yeah
23:25:11 [ wharp] ah, so kind of taking some of the radio out of it hten
23:25:11 [ r2d2rogers] to talk to Ham's accross the world without hogh cost equipment
23:25:17 [ wharp] gotcha
23:25:20 [ r2d2rogers] yup
23:25:27 [ wharp] Do they have a site in mind already?
23:25:28 [ r2d2rogers] EC => event coordinator
23:25:29 [ r2d2rogers] sorry
23:25:37 [ r2d2rogers] they have repeaters in place now
23:25:43 [ wharp] Well I figure if I'm confused I'm probably not the only one
23:25:44 [ wharp] Oh, ok
23:25:45 [ r2d2rogers] they will be adding this to those sites
23:26:26 [ r2d2rogers] think of cell towers that use another method to tie into the land line network...
23:26:32 [ r2d2rogers] similar but for radio
23:26:41 [ wharp] Ok, is there anything else we need to discuss or decide relating to the HAM fest booth?
23:26:53 [ r2d2rogers] so there is awareness and interest in "that linux stuff"
23:26:59 [ Robdgreat] yeah
23:27:02 [ r2d2rogers] not at this time I don't think
23:27:03 [ Palintheus] I think we need to plan a meeting exclusively for planning on the hamfest
23:27:03 [ r2d2rogers] ?
23:27:07 [ r2d2rogers] am I wrong?
23:27:11 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: +
23:27:14 [ wharp] Palintheus: +1
23:27:16 [ r2d2rogers] I think that's wise
23:27:31 [ Robdgreat] have a ham team :)
23:27:37 [ Robdgreat] hamfest team ?
23:27:49 [ Palintheus] ++
23:27:52 [ r2d2rogers] this segment for future meetings should be a summary with a pointer to details on another venue (forum wiki etc.)
23:27:59 [ wharp] we need to stay on top of it so the meeting should be pretty soon
23:28:06 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: right
23:28:28 [ r2d2rogers] needs to be different from regular discussion night?
23:28:29 [ Palintheus] per our troll how about hamster team?
23:28:32 [ Palintheus] michaelramm: :D
23:28:33 [ r2d2rogers] 14
23:28:36 [ r2d2rogers] oops
23:28:40 [ Palintheus] ha!
23:28:59 [ michaelramm] Palintheus: I represent that remark!
23:29:03 [ r2d2rogers] I know what i did, what are you grinning at?
23:29:07 [ r2d2rogers] LOL
23:29:08 [ wharp] We need to have a set time for dicussing it so everyone interested can come
23:29:22 [ r2d2rogers] k
23:29:38 [ r2d2rogers] boomer: I think you
23:29:44 [ r2d2rogers] are the main late nighter..
23:29:48 [ wharp] do we want to schedule that meeting now?
23:29:53 [ r2d2rogers] are you interested/able to help in the hafest?
23:30:11  * r2d2rogers is losing the typing ability late tonight
23:30:30  * Robdgreat bites tongue.
23:30:32 [ Robdgreat] ;)
23:30:35 [ r2d2rogers] heh
23:30:37 [ ChrisULM] im in
23:30:56 [ Palintheus] Im good with anytime before midnight usually :)
23:31:00 [ r2d2rogers] I will send an email to the ML after i check for who hasn't signed up
23:31:28 [ r2d2rogers] and ask for everyone interested to toss their hat in the ring
23:31:41 [ wharp] sounds good
23:31:57 [ wharp] Next item?
23:32:10 [ r2d2rogers] yup
23:32:30 [ wharp] ok
23:32:44 [ wharp] Everyone please take a look at the subteams linked on the main wiki page
23:32:55 [ wharp] If there's an area you think you can help out regularly, please sign up.
23:33:22  * Palintheus would love to donate more time, but Im currently pushing my limits
23:33:25 [ wharp] I think two of the pressing teams are the meeting team and new member team
23:33:41 [ wharp] If everybody does a little work then nobody has to be spread too thin
23:34:09 [ wharp] That's really all I've got to say, other than please please sign up
23:34:17 [ r2d2rogers] feel free to comment your sign up with how much you want to help and how
23:34:22 [ wharp] yes
23:34:32 [ wharp] and if there's a team you think we could use but don't see it, then add it
23:34:56 [ r2d2rogers] if there's no one on the team, then you have a chance to have a bigger impact on the way that team is formed and functions
23:35:22 [ Palintheus] all I ask (and Im not trying to be an ass with this comment) Please comment your edits on the wiki, and if you have a question on formatting feel free to ask advice on it
23:35:31 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: +1
23:35:33 [ wharp] Yes, please comment.
23:35:37 [ Palintheus] especially on the tables...
23:35:48 [ wharp] Oh, and if you do sign up for a team, you might want to subscribe to that page so you are notified of updates
23:36:31 [ wharp] Last item
23:36:38 [ r2d2rogers] and if you need help with any of that
23:36:39 [ r2d2rogers] ASK
23:36:47 [ Palintheus] we don't bite
23:36:49 [ Palintheus] usually
23:37:00 [ wharp] I was thinking of signing us up for a general email address we could put on promotional material.  Flyers and such.
23:37:09 [ wharp] Thoughts?
23:37:16 [ r2d2rogers] The Mailing list doesn't accept email from someone nt subscribed
23:37:20 [ r2d2rogers] I'd like to leave it that way
23:37:24 [ Palintheus] k
23:37:27 [ r2d2rogers] so I think this is a great idea
23:37:34 [ wharp] Well it does, but it has to be approved
23:37:37 [ Palintheus] something like
23:37:38 [ Robdgreat] at the risk of sounding completely ignorant, I only just learned about -- TreyBrown [[DateTime(2008-02-22T06:18:35Z)]]
23:37:41 [ r2d2rogers] true
23:37:42 [ wharp] but its not very user friendly
23:37:55 [ wharp] Palintheus: most places don't allow -
23:37:55 /bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
23:37:59 [ wharp] I know gmail doesn't
23:38:05 [ Palintheus] ok so . or _
23:38:13 [ r2d2rogers] so we need input good idea?
23:38:20 [ wharp] Robdgreat: no worries, I'm on the wiki team and it took me a while to figure that one out.
23:38:21 [ r2d2rogers] and what suggestions on the name?
23:38:47 [ Palintheus] to be consistant I suggest ubuntu*us*la or similar
23:38:59 [ Palintheus] * == whatever is accepted at the email provider
23:39:24 [ wharp] Palintheus: I agree, but will that be something an outside person will be able to use and remember easily?
23:39:40 [ wharp] does anybody else have thoughts?
23:39:45 [ Palintheus] what is easier that is still identifiable to the group?
23:39:45 [ r2d2rogers] that's a concern to me too
23:40:00 [ wharp] That I'm not sure about
23:40:02 [ michaelramm] Alabama went with a blog located at and setup an email at
23:40:03 [ r2d2rogers] is locola too obscure?
23:40:08 [ Palintheus] I think so yes
23:40:09 [ wharp] I think so
23:40:17 [ r2d2rogers] figured so
23:40:37 [ wharp] we don't have a domain name yet though
23:40:45 [ Palintheus] michaelramm: how did you guys work out the purchase of the domain and hosting?
23:40:46 [ wharp] well not technically
23:40:50 [ michaelramm] i am just saying you could do or something
23:40:51 [ r2d2rogers] michaelramm: eventually (with approval) we'll get something like
23:40:58 [ wharp] ah, ok
23:41:01 [ michaelramm] I bought and host the blog on my host
23:41:06 [ michaelramm] dreamhost
23:41:11 [ wharp]
23:41:17 [ wharp] I believe it will be
23:41:22 [ r2d2rogers] there ya go similar to out current page...
23:41:25 [ r2d2rogers] hmm
23:41:39 [ r2d2rogers] Louisiana.ubuntu is longer, but very clear
23:41:47 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: I was thinking that too
23:42:00 [ wharp] if that's not too long for the system, I'd say we go with that
23:42:04 [ michaelramm] wharp: too need to remember how easy it is to remember the name
23:42:38 [ r2d2rogers] michaelramm: the is too convoluted?
23:42:44 [ wharp] michaelramm: the is the standard that most locos use and we've been trying to follow those
23:42:50 [ michaelramm] and domains are only $10 and then you be sure to have it when you need it
23:43:24 [ michaelramm] wharp: i have not seen any of those sites...
23:43:34 [ wharp] check out
23:43:54 [ michaelramm] r2d2rogers: yea, mixing dots and hyphens will confuse the non-computer literate folks
23:44:04 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
23:44:20 [ r2d2rogers] I agree.. one reason I'm not happy with the standard
23:44:39 [ Palintheus] where are the see links to the wiki sites?
23:44:51 [ Palintheus] mostly
23:44:57 [ michaelramm] same here
23:45:07 [ michaelramm] except for Colorado which uses a form of that
23:45:18 [ r2d2rogers] yeha
23:45:22 [ michaelramm]
23:45:26 [ wharp] I see both sides.
23:45:30 ::: KevinYo [] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
23:45:30 [ wharp] nj, ohio
23:45:35 [ wharp] there are others I think too
23:45:51 ::: KevinYo [] has left #ubuntu-us-la []
23:45:54 [ michaelramm] we chose [yeah, I messed up the previous one] because it is easy to remember
23:46:00 [ wharp] While I want to have something simple and easy to use, I also want to follow the staandard
23:46:14 [ Palintheus] maybe a few, but not the majority
23:46:15 [ Robdgreat] consistency ++
23:46:21 [ michaelramm] standard only applies to IRC channels IIRC
23:46:58 [ wharp] No, but I certainly don't want to be
23:47:12 [ michaelramm] well, they are playing off of Red Rocks
23:47:15 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
23:47:20 [ michaelramm] which is understandable
23:47:24 [ wharp] While it may only apply to the IRC channels, I like the consistency
23:47:24 [ r2d2rogers] yeah they had a good theme
23:47:45 [ r2d2rogers] @
23:48:04 [ Palintheus] ++
23:48:07 [ r2d2rogers] as we are mainly concerned with the email address tonight?
23:48:07 [ wharp] or louisiana.ubuntu @
23:48:13 [ wharp] right
23:48:22 [ r2d2rogers] any other nominations?
23:48:31 [ michaelramm] wharp: +1 [if I had a vote]
23:48:48  * r2d2rogers calls for votes
23:48:54 [ boomer] wharp: +1
23:49:05 [ Palintheus] I realize standards are currently irc only, but should we keep it consistant across the team?
23:49:11  * michaelramm is considering dual membership a la Palintheus. I did live in NO for 10 years.
23:49:16 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
23:49:40 [ Palintheus] instead of irc being -us-ls, email being ubuntu.louisiana, and website something different later....
23:49:44  * r2d2rogers is likely to try to start trying to kick some life into -us-ar
23:49:53 [ Robdgreat] wake 'em up
23:49:56 [ michaelramm] IRC is an 'internal' resource to members...Email is an 'external' resource to GET the members in
23:50:10 [ wharp] michaelramm +1
23:50:12 [ r2d2rogers] michaelramm: that makes sense to me
23:50:19 [ wharp] very much so
23:50:28 [ michaelramm] So you need to make is Easy for the folks to get in
23:50:31 [ wharp] that really clears things up
23:50:46 [ r2d2rogers] my main issue is that la can be mistaken for Los Angelles
23:50:49 [ wharp] louisiana.ubuntu +1
23:50:56 [ wharp] so that's 3 for louisiana.ubuntu
23:51:02 [ Palintheus] personally I disagree, we advertise the IRC channel so we don't want to call it internal only
23:51:03 [ wharp] any other votes?
23:51:05 [ Palintheus] umho
23:51:07 [ Palintheus] *imho
23:51:09 [ michaelramm] especially with the slogan "linux for Human Beings' making it easy for the common man to join
23:51:17 [ gsibbery] louisiana.ubuntu +1
23:51:17 [ r2d2rogers] hmm
23:51:29 [ wharp] Palintheus: we do advertise it, but those people have already found our wiki or website
23:51:39 [ r2d2rogers] does #ubuntu-louisiana still forward?
23:51:40 [ Palintheus] and where will the email address be?
23:51:46 [ Palintheus] on the wiki or website?
23:51:51 [ Palintheus] and fliers?
23:51:51 [ r2d2rogers] paper and flyers
23:52:01 [ michaelramm] Palintheus: Joe Schmo is not going to out of the blue join the IRC channel the first SECOND he hears about ubuntu
23:52:03 [ Palintheus] will the website be on fliers?
23:52:08 [ wharp] anywhere we need it to be mostly
23:52:13 [ r2d2rogers] when we have one
23:52:16 [ michaelramm] He is more likely going to shoot off an email to someone
23:52:20 [ Palintheus] s/website/wiki
23:52:21 [ r2d2rogers] first is will be the wiki
23:52:50 [ wharp] we'll need to look at the fliers and decide what we're putting on them
23:52:51 [ r2d2rogers]
23:52:51 [ michaelramm] I also made us some business cards to hand out...lemme see if I can find them
23:52:52 [ r2d2rogers] so
23:52:59 [ michaelramm] they were a big hit with folks
23:53:01 [ wharp] speaking of business cards
23:53:05 [ r2d2rogers] lol
23:53:07 [ wharp] that's somethign else I worked on today
23:53:11 [ r2d2rogers] ::nods::
23:53:26 [ r2d2rogers] that's what brought up the contact email question I think
23:53:30 [ wharp] wel they're not "bussiness cards" because non-members can't carry ubuntu business cards, but they'd be more "little fliers"
23:53:31 [ michaelramm] here are the business cards:
23:53:52 [ r2d2rogers] those are nice
23:53:55 [ michaelramm] these are not the official ubuntu business cards
23:54:14 [ michaelramm] r2d2rogers: thanks
23:54:28 [ Palintheus] the only restriction on business cards are using the official template
23:54:30 [ Palintheus] iirc
23:54:32 [ r2d2rogers] only issue would be cost for color
23:54:33 [ r2d2rogers] eah
23:54:37 [ wharp] I'd like to do something similar, maybe with a sentence or two about linux/ubuntu
23:54:41 [ wharp] oh, ok
23:54:46 [ wharp] I didn't realize that
23:55:13 [ wharp] there are free templates at vista print, but they wouldn't get us a logo or pictures
23:55:28 [ michaelramm] i got avery business cards and printed them myself
23:55:50 [ wharp] ic
23:55:55 [ michaelramm] i considered the same as burning CDs
23:56:04 [ michaelramm] considered it the same*
23:56:16 [ wharp] anybody volunteer to do our business cards?
23:56:30 [ r2d2rogers] need axx to show up
23:56:36 [ r2d2rogers] he's on the art team....
23:56:36 [ michaelramm] then I packaged them with the CD here:
23:56:39 [ r2d2rogers] :(
23:56:58 [ r2d2rogers] michaelramm: very nice
23:57:05 [ r2d2rogers] that works well
23:57:36 [ michaelramm] i put a little piece of tape on it to hold the card in place
23:57:57 [ r2d2rogers] where in bama are you michaelramm
23:58:18 [ michaelramm] Tuscaloosa...about 4 hrs from you along I20
23:58:29 [ r2d2rogers] wanna see a hamfest? <G>
23:58:38  * michaelramm is contemplating coming to the hamfest
23:58:39 [ r2d2rogers] it's regional<G>
23:58:45 [ r2d2rogers] woot
23:58:54 [ r2d2rogers] I think it's time to call it a night
23:58:59 [ wharp] Well why don't we have the business card creation as part of the todo list for the HAM fest
23:59:04 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: +1
23:59:10 [ wharp] that's awesome michaelramm
23:59:14 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: go with the louisiana.ubuntu at this point
23:59:20 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: wilco
23:59:21 [ wharp] we'd discussed getting other loco's involved
23:59:35 [ r2d2rogers] :todo add business card design needed before hamfest
23:59:37 [+ATDT] r2d2rogers: The operation succeeded.  (Todo #29 added)
23:59:52 [ r2d2rogers] that's what took me to -us-al tonight <G>
00:00:11 [ michaelramm] wharp: Need a Gmail invite? I have plenty!
00:00:17 [ wharp] stupid catchpas
00:00:18 [ r2d2rogers] Good night all, thanks for coming, please email or pm or call if you have questions
00:00:21 [ wharp] or however you spell it
00:00:26 [ wharp] no invite needed anymore
00:00:30 [ wharp] you can just sign up
00:00:37 [ michaelramm] really...did not know that
00:00:43 [ wharp] yep
00:00:46 [ r2d2rogers] I need to give all people interested in helping my cell #
00:00:49 [ wharp] not sure how long its been like that
00:00:53 [ michaelramm] I would like to get our groups involved down the road
00:00:58 [ wharp] MEETING ADJOURNED

LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCLog-20080221 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:31:46 by localhost)