
21:00:38 [ wharp] Time to get started?
21:00:51 [ r2d2rogers] yessir
21:00:56 [ r2d2rogers] got distracted in the wiki
21:00:57 [ r2d2rogers] Thanks
21:01:02 [ wharp] Agenda here:
21:01:27 ::: KevinYo [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:01:33 [ r2d2rogers] First up, the Ham Fest
21:01:53 ::: KevinYo [] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:01:57 [ r2d2rogers] wb KevinYo
21:01:59 [ wharp] wb KevinYo
21:02:10 [ KevinYo] sry. Network dropping out
21:02:17 [ r2d2rogers] I was hoping for a better turn out, tonight.
21:02:33 ::: Hfwilke|mobile [] has joined #Ubuntu-us-la
21:02:44 [ wharp] Yeah, we had a few yes's on the calendar that I don't see
21:02:50 [ r2d2rogers] want to take the listed items before I give my summary?
21:03:09 [ wharp] Palintheus?
21:03:38 [ wharp] Go ahead and do summary
21:03:53 [ r2d2rogers] Wilco
21:04:13 [ r2d2rogers] I was able to attend the Ham Club Meeting in West Monroe Tuesday evening.
21:04:37 [ r2d2rogers] I wasn't able to stay after as I had hoped, but I was there for the club meeting
21:05:25 [ r2d2rogers] The Hamfest was the Third item after announcements and money topics
21:05:53 [ r2d2rogers] The Concern about the hamfest seems mainly focused on getting Vendors in to the fest
21:06:03 ::: ChrisULM [] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:06:08 [ ChrisULM] hey
21:06:12 [ ChrisULM] sry rob
21:06:15 [ wharp] hey ChrisULM
21:06:17 [ r2d2rogers] more and more business is being done through the internet and less through fests and the like
21:06:22 [ r2d2rogers] Np ChrisULM
21:06:27 [ r2d2rogers] glad you could make it
21:06:30 [ ChrisULM] was on the phone with someone else
21:06:34 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
21:06:35 [ wharp] do they not have many signed up yet?
21:06:40 [ wharp] It seems like it's getting kinda late
21:07:03 [ r2d2rogers] They have the Sign Man (actual name of his business) and the Wire Guy (not sure about this one)
21:07:14 [ r2d2rogers] and an outfit from austin was negotiating...
21:07:36 [ r2d2rogers] They didn't want to set the precedent of paying a vendor to come to the show
21:07:45 [ wharp] makes sense
21:08:02 [ r2d2rogers] The Austin outfit was Much more interested when they heard the Sign Man was confirmed
21:08:25 [ Robdgreat] that's interesting
21:08:25 [ r2d2rogers] apparently well made badges or name tags are very popular with Ham operators
21:08:27 [ wharp] must be a big name
21:09:08 [ r2d2rogers] The Wire Guy was a plus because a recent fest in Jackson MS didn't have materials available for the making of antennas and other connectors on site
21:09:13 [ Palintheus] am here now...sorry
21:09:23 [ r2d2rogers] wait your turn ;)
21:09:30 [ Palintheus] just announcing
21:09:31 [ wharp] haha
21:09:45 [ r2d2rogers] I acctually was introduced and was able to speak to the group for a bit.
21:09:52 [ wharp] nice
21:10:06 [ r2d2rogers] There was much interest in another tech group participating
21:10:33 [ wharp] from select people, or from the group as a whole?
21:10:47 [ r2d2rogers] I explained that one of my personal goals was to try and establish a group in Monroe for Linux Users
21:11:10 [ r2d2rogers] and that I saw the LoCo as working together to coordinate resources with the local group
21:11:36 [ r2d2rogers] I think there was some general comment about making the fest a more hands on type event:
21:11:44 [ Palintheus] cool
21:11:45 [ r2d2rogers] less focused on vendors and hardware
21:12:04 [ r2d2rogers] and more focused on DIY and learning in the Forum type settings
21:12:13 [ Palintheus] awesome
21:12:31 [ r2d2rogers] There seemed to be lots of happy faces when it was mentioned we'd be doing a Forum and Q&A at the fest
21:12:52 [ r2d2rogers] the other forums mentioned were on contesting and something else I'm not recalling right now
21:13:05 [ wharp] so then we've decided to do that?
21:13:15 [ jms1989] Is there supposed to be a meeting today?
21:13:21 [ r2d2rogers] jms1989: yup
21:13:30 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: there seemed to be general support for it
21:13:33 [ r2d2rogers] so I went with it
21:13:36 [ wharp] ok
21:13:37 [ Palintheus] sounds good
21:13:41 [ r2d2rogers] if I'm alone up there it's my fault ;)
21:13:50 [ Palintheus] gonna have to get used to it if we are gonna be doing booths
21:13:51 [ Palintheus] ;)
21:13:53 [ r2d2rogers] right
21:13:57 [ wharp] yeah
21:14:10 [ jms1989] It doesn't look like a meeting, just a convs.
21:14:14 [ r2d2rogers] and other presentations at events like the PCUG in shreveport with fxef
21:14:36 [ Palintheus] jms1989: did you look at the agenda?
21:14:37 [ r2d2rogers] jms1989: read and comment on topic please
21:15:17 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: are there other smaller outfits or individuals doing booths?
21:15:40 [ r2d2rogers] a guy from LA Tech (student) mentioned how operators his age didn't get the hands on type experience that some of the more experienced guys had
21:15:48 [ r2d2rogers] and how that was somethat that appealed to him
21:16:02 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: I wasn't able to stick around and get those questions answered
21:16:08 [ wharp] ok
21:16:31 [ r2d2rogers] if we get another set of questions I will call the people I was about to get info from and find out.
21:16:46 [ wharp] sounds like  a plan then
21:17:13 [ r2d2rogers] I mentioned that we would be getting flyers advertizing our presence at the hamfest and that I had some help to paper monroe with said flyers
21:17:14 [ wharp] anything else you were able to find out?
21:18:21 [ r2d2rogers] I have made contact with several interested Ham's for getting the help we need in understanding what we can show to the attendees as far as what linux can offer them
21:18:34 [ wharp] that's awesome
21:18:37 [ r2d2rogers] I have one who would like help installing linux on his machine at my convience...
21:18:42 [ wharp] that's something I'm concerned about
21:18:46 [ Palintheus] awesome, any chance we can get them in meeting/channel for collaboration?
21:18:48 [ wharp] cool
21:19:16 [ r2d2rogers] I am waiting on response from another who seemed more likely to offer the insight us newbies need
21:19:22 [ Palintheus] cool
21:19:33 [ r2d2rogers] I have one computer business owner who took my information to get in touch with me also
21:19:39 [ Palintheus] pwnage
21:20:06 [ ChrisULM] you doing all of this by yourself rob?
21:20:08 [ r2d2rogers] he's a ham, as is his wife and their son, who he said "would be disapointed he didn't come tonight"
21:20:22 [ r2d2rogers] so far in relation to talking to the ham club
21:20:23 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
21:20:37 [ r2d2rogers] but as far as organizing and getting other resources, no
21:20:47 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus has been talking to system76
21:21:02 [ r2d2rogers] and wharp has been helpful in thinking of potential snags
21:21:11 [ wharp] lol
21:21:18 [ r2d2rogers] and Robdgreat has been great (heh) help in motivation
21:21:22 [ Palintheus] and DeHart is learning us some ham
21:21:29 [ Robdgreat] :)
21:21:44 [ wharp] we also have a few people who've said they will be at the fest to staff the booth I believe
21:21:48 [ Palintheus] yup
21:21:49 [ r2d2rogers] FaceThePain: has helped in making contact within the Ham Club
21:21:57 [ ChrisULM] anything else you need done?
21:22:04 [ r2d2rogers] and served as introduction to one of the good teachers
21:22:14 [ ChrisULM] or if you'd like some company while running around town getting things in order :P
21:22:22 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: great
21:22:30 [ r2d2rogers] I'll try to call a little earlier next time ;0
21:22:38 [ ChrisULM] hehe
21:22:46 [ ChrisULM] no class on fridays and saturdays are good
21:22:57 [ r2d2rogers] I have made initial contact with Hog Wild about having people some up there for the Release Party
21:23:20 [ r2d2rogers] but I haven't emailed the proposal yet about the possible fundraising along with that
21:23:43 [ Palintheus] is that something we want to try to hammer out?
21:23:53 [ r2d2rogers] I want to talk with W5DSG more about what might be possible as far as that goes first
21:24:06 [ r2d2rogers] I don't know what the Ham club typically does after an event.
21:24:15 [ r2d2rogers] that's the event coordinator BTW
21:24:21 [ r2d2rogers] I met him at the Ham Club
21:24:23 [ r2d2rogers] meeting
21:24:23 [ ChrisULM] someone posted a good article about the downside of handing out CDs at the booth. Have yall made a decision on that?
21:24:44 [ r2d2rogers] I have a source of 400 hardy CDs
21:24:49 [ Palintheus] \o/
21:24:55 [ r2d2rogers] (depending on no slipping in the release date)
21:25:00 [ Palintheus] right
21:25:03 [ r2d2rogers] but I am waiting on a call back on the cost
21:25:04 [ ChrisULM] awesome
21:25:31 [ r2d2rogers] I expect it to be less than 40 cents per disc, possibly lower than 25 cents
21:25:31 [ ChrisULM] we should have a paypal or something
21:25:39 [ wharp] so do we want to move on to Palintheus' items?
21:25:43 [ r2d2rogers] I think so
21:25:49 [ Palintheus] cool
21:25:49 [ wharp] ok
21:26:00 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: do you know much about paypal for a club?
21:26:21 [ ChrisULM] i've used it personally, but never for a club
21:26:28 [ r2d2rogers] I like the idea, maybe we can talk on that after Palintheus gets through his topic
21:26:43 [ ChrisULM] there are alot of online groups that use it for donations though
21:26:44 [ Palintheus] OK first sys76 is needing some numbers. first on the number of stickers we plan on needing (I suggest at least 3/4s the # of CDs)
21:26:57 [ Palintheus] also same goes for the flyers (how many do we need/want)
21:27:14 [ r2d2rogers] stickers, do we know what they will look like?
21:27:16 [ r2d2rogers] DOH
21:27:25 [ r2d2rogers] we received the convention pack
21:27:26 [ wharp] as for the flyers, I'd say probably more than the cds
21:27:26 [ Palintheus] yeah, they are case badges
21:27:43 [ ChrisULM] i have a few sys76 case badges, they're nice
21:27:44 [ r2d2rogers]
21:27:46 [ Palintheus] flyers are more like advertising vs informational
21:27:48 [ r2d2rogers] pictures
21:27:52 [ r2d2rogers] right
21:28:02  * Palintheus finds pick of both
21:28:15 [ r2d2rogers] I have 100 mini bumpersticker style stickers in the pack
21:28:15 [ Palintheus]
21:28:19 [ Palintheus] ^^stickers
21:28:35 [ wharp] Palintheus: do you have the flyer?
21:28:42 [ Palintheus] looking
21:28:54 [ wharp] k
21:28:59 [ jms1989] If you don't mind me by asking, where is this at?
21:29:13 [ r2d2rogers] the hamfest is in Monroe
21:29:13 [ ChrisULM] the hamfest?
21:29:13 [ wharp] monroe
21:29:19 [ r2d2rogers] April 26th
21:29:20 ::: fxef [] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:29:20 [ Palintheus]
21:29:24 [ Palintheus] ^^flyer
21:29:27 [ r2d2rogers] welcome fxef
21:29:38 [ fxef] hey guys
21:29:39 [ wharp] hey fxef
21:29:41 [ ChrisULM] hey man
21:30:00 [ wharp] hm...that flyer is more like what we'd use to advertise the event
21:30:00 [ r2d2rogers] Missed the summary of the ham club meeting, but you can get that in the log later
21:30:09 [ Palintheus] Sys76 is giving us the option to change the pictures if we want. I have the flyer original 
21:30:12 [ Palintheus] wharp: correct
21:30:33 [ wharp] that's not what I'd been thinking of
21:30:37 [ r2d2rogers] so this would be good at coffee shops and accross ULM before the event
21:30:42 [ fxef] I'll check log
21:31:03 [ r2d2rogers] fxef: locobot isn't with us, so the log isn't up to date at the moment...
21:31:14 [ ChrisULM] i need to check up at the university and find out if we can get them approved for posting
21:31:14 [ r2d2rogers] but it will be on the wiki after the meeting
21:31:15 [ fxef] ok
21:31:31 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: there ya go!  one thing todo <G>
21:31:36 [ Palintheus] I feel if we can promote the event along with our booth the Ham group would like it
21:31:41 [ Palintheus] free adverts for them
21:31:42 [ r2d2rogers] I agree
21:31:48 [ ChrisULM] might would need the actual flyer though
21:32:07 [ r2d2rogers] and they are talking about working on a lower booth price if we don't might paying the individual door fee
21:32:12 [ Palintheus] ChrisULM: can you show them the sample?
21:32:28 [ ChrisULM] i'll print it out and see what they say
21:32:40 [ Palintheus] cool
21:32:41 [ r2d2rogers] don't mind paying....
21:32:51 [ Palintheus] ok...back in topic....#'s needed
21:33:21 [ wharp] well, do we want to try posting these just around Monroe, or possibly elsewhere?
21:33:30 [ wharp] I know several people from the club here will be going
21:33:46 [ Palintheus] well I think the plan is to have everything mailed to r2d2rogers, if we want to distribute past that Im all for it
21:34:01 [ Robdgreat] depends on the likelihood that anyone from a given area who doesn't already know about the fest is to go
21:34:09 [ r2d2rogers] right,
21:34:20 [ fxef] elsewhere would be good
21:34:23 [ r2d2rogers] but wharp has contact with his local ham club also ?
21:34:39 [ r2d2rogers] fxef: are you aware of a ham club in your area?
21:35:03 [ r2d2rogers] thinking tie it into the main event, and try to get word of mouth on our presence
21:35:06 [ wharp] well at the least we could promote it to the local ham club's.  I'm sure they already know about the event, but it might draw more people.
21:35:15 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
21:35:19 [ jms1989] ham club?
21:35:28 [ ChrisULM] ham radio clubs
21:35:38 [ r2d2rogers] Amateur Radio
21:35:42 [ r2d2rogers]
21:35:46 [ wharp] I know the president, I work with him.  He probably knows more about the other clubs around the state.
21:35:51 [ fxef] think there is one
21:36:11 [ r2d2rogers]
21:36:14 [ fxef] but will have to check name
21:36:33 [ r2d2rogers] sounds like they had a meeting earlier tonight <G>
21:36:53 [ r2d2rogers] fxef: that was the link for Shreveport Amateur Radio Association Home
21:37:02 [ wharp] so then do we need 100?
21:37:08 [ r2d2rogers] at least
21:37:16 [ r2d2rogers] maybe more
21:37:17 [ Palintheus] yeah I was leaning more towards 150-200
21:37:25 [ wharp] well lets look at it like this
21:37:33 [ ChrisULM] these flyers are gonna be used to promote the fest right, not to be given out AT the fest?
21:37:33 [ wharp] how many are you planning to post around monroe?
21:37:54 [ r2d2rogers] Monroe/West Monroe, could top 40-50
21:37:58 [ r2d2rogers] easy
21:38:04 [ r2d2rogers] depends on if we want take aways
21:38:07 [ wharp] Ok, how many do we think for each club?
21:38:16 [ r2d2rogers] at least 25
21:38:18 [ Palintheus] r2d2rogers: yeah thats what I was thinking (50ish)
21:38:29 [ Palintheus] same in NO or more
21:38:37 [ r2d2rogers] there's 175
21:38:40 [ Palintheus] Alexandria, same
21:38:44 [ fxef] I'll post in shreport-Bossier
21:38:45 [ Palintheus] Shreveport...
21:38:49 [ r2d2rogers] if it's oooh
21:38:59 [ r2d2rogers] yeah shreveport-bossier would be more
21:39:16 [ Palintheus] it adds up fast...and this is something we need to get done ASAP
21:39:22 [ Palintheus] stickers not so much
21:39:23 [ r2d2rogers] 200 easy?
21:39:33 [ wharp] then maybe we need to do more like 300-350
21:39:42 [ Palintheus] cool
21:39:49 [ Robdgreat] as far as the NO area, I'm not certain of the activity level, but there's the Jefferson Parish club as well as (I'm assuming) a NO club
21:39:57 [ r2d2rogers] let's do 300 ?
21:40:14 [ Palintheus] I agree, just need to know how much to tell Carl how much and tell him why (i.e. state-wide effort)
21:40:15 [ wharp] 300 sounds good to me
21:40:25 [ Palintheus] cool
21:40:27 [ r2d2rogers] then we need to decide what needs to be on it
21:40:44 [ wharp] right
21:40:45 [ r2d2rogers] both for ULM approval and for getting them here soon enough to post around the state
21:40:51 [ wharp] obviously information about time/place
21:41:00 [ r2d2rogers] on the flayer sample
21:41:04 [ wharp] information about our Q&A
21:41:09 [ r2d2rogers] What need to be the Hamfest
21:41:13 [ Palintheus] I think the only thing we are not sure on is the pics and action words below them
21:41:18 [ r2d2rogers] right
21:41:32 [ r2d2rogers] the why
21:41:36 [ Palintheus] We can pretty much edit most of it and send it to Carl
21:41:56 [ r2d2rogers] do we want to do this in meeting or have a session later for those who want to help on it?
21:41:59 [ wharp] Palintheus: can you send me the flyer?
21:42:05 [ Palintheus] wharp: sec
21:42:08 [ Palintheus] r2d2rogers: +++
21:42:20 [ Robdgreat] r2d2rogers: special session sounds good
21:42:21 [ wharp] later is fine
21:42:25 [ Palintheus] ok
21:42:31 [ Palintheus] questions for Carl/Sys76??
21:42:32 [ Robdgreat] give a chance to address the other items on the agenda without running too long
21:43:02 [ wharp] Do we have an idea on turn-around time?
21:43:07 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: laptops and details there?
21:43:22 [ Palintheus] no, they are doing a line up refresh so that will be decided on later
21:43:26 [ r2d2rogers] what other support might we get from canonical through system76?
21:43:27 [ Palintheus] sounds like it will be one or two though
21:43:31 [ r2d2rogers] k
21:43:34 [ r2d2rogers] Banner?
21:43:36 [ Palintheus] wharp: on...
21:43:50 [ Palintheus] will hint at that wasn't mentioned in the last email
21:43:57 [ wharp] Yeah, it'd be nice to have details on exactly what we're getting
21:44:03 [ Palintheus] wharp: flyers are 2 weeks iirc
21:44:15 [ wharp] Ok
21:44:20 [ r2d2rogers] we need to have the flyer finalized this weekend IMO
21:44:27 [ Palintheus] Ive tried but currently they are busy with HH testing and product changes
21:44:32 [ Palintheus] r2d2rogers: ++
21:45:27 [ Palintheus] OK...lets move on
21:45:28 [ Palintheus] ?
21:45:33 [ wharp] yeah
21:45:33 [ fxef] What about Gusty Cds
21:45:40 [ Palintheus] wharp: your up
21:45:52 [ wharp] fxef: we're going to do hardy cds
21:45:55 [ Palintheus] fxef: r2d2rogers is sourcing 400 HH CDs if the release isn't pushed back
21:46:07 [ fxef] Ok
21:46:13 [ r2d2rogers] and if it is they can be gutsy or release canidats
21:46:38 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: do you have the public link to our RTM tasks?
21:46:46 [ r2d2rogers] macd has some server edition disks that may be useful in the forum with an explaination of what they are
21:46:56 [ r2d2rogers] I was just trying to log into that
21:47:37 [ wharp] ok
21:47:59 [ r2d2rogers]
21:48:07 [ Palintheus] wharp: wanna run down what rtm is while we wa....
21:48:43 [ wharp] These are the tasks we've got on our plate at the moment
21:49:32 [ Palintheus] ok
21:49:36 [ wharp] Not everyone is using this, but we need people to be aware of these items so they know what needs to be done.
21:49:54 [ wharp] hm, you can't see tags on the public list
21:49:58 [ r2d2rogers] Remember the milk is the task management application we are using right now
21:50:09 [ wharp] right
21:50:14 [ r2d2rogers] if you want access to the list sign up for an account and ping me
21:50:35 [ r2d2rogers] email with your login name and we'll get something working
21:50:36 ::: michaelramm [] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:50:54 [ wharp] is there anything that's been done that needs to be marked off?
21:50:57 [ r2d2rogers] for right now if you look at the public list and see something you can do, go for it and let us know
21:50:59 [ wharp] hey michaelramm
21:51:03 [ r2d2rogers] welcome michaelramm
21:51:06 [ michaelramm] apologies for my tardiness
21:51:06 [ Palintheus] or anyone wanna spearhead one of them
21:51:06 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: +1
21:51:19 [ michaelramm] bad night all around
21:51:45 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
21:51:51 [ Palintheus] any thoughts on the RTM tasks?
21:51:55 [ r2d2rogers] seems like several couldn't make it
21:52:39 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: did we already settle our projects page format?
21:52:55 [ Palintheus] think so...isn't the new one up???
21:53:09 [ wharp] Yes, but it's still on RTM
21:53:11 [ r2d2rogers] thought so
21:53:13 [ r2d2rogers] completed
21:53:19 [ Palintheus] heh...oops
21:53:28 [ wharp] If we get some more details on what we're looking for I think boomer might be able to do that one
21:53:53 [ r2d2rogers] ?
21:53:55 [ Palintheus] wha?
21:53:57 [ r2d2rogers] the projects?
21:53:59 [ wharp] oops
21:54:01 [ wharp] drupal
21:54:02 [ r2d2rogers] ;)
21:54:07 [ r2d2rogers] there ya go ok
21:54:13 [ r2d2rogers] I'll ad my thoughts in the notes
21:54:20 [ wharp] I know I THOUGHT the word drupal, guess it didn't translate to my fingers
21:54:47 [ r2d2rogers] refresh the page if you are looking at it
21:54:51 [ r2d2rogers] there have been changes
21:54:52 [ Robdgreat] I love reading while typing
21:55:05 [ r2d2rogers] michaelramm: we are looking at the locola RTM list
21:55:09 [ Robdgreat] I'll say something I don't even refresh
21:55:12 [ Robdgreat] I mean, mean
21:55:46 [ wharp] Ok, well if there's nothing else, next item?
21:55:57 [ r2d2rogers] good here
21:56:03 [ wharp] Palintheus
21:56:28 [ Palintheus] OK we are needing to change the contact for the IRC channel and decide who has identify access to change major channel sets and the access list
21:56:55 [ r2d2rogers] right now active members don't have that level of access right?
21:57:01 [ Palintheus] correct
21:57:10 [ Palintheus] all we have now is topic, ban, kick, ....
21:57:19 [ r2d2rogers] we need at least 2 active members with that level IMO
21:57:24 [ Palintheus] I agree
21:57:58  * Palintheus is not campaining but I can help whoever is placed in that position (channel sets, commands, etc)
21:58:14 [ wharp] volunteers or nominations?
21:58:25 [ wharp] I don't know the first ting about IRC
21:58:29 [ wharp] thing
21:58:32 [ r2d2rogers] I'm still learning
21:58:41 [ jms1989] me too
21:58:42 [ r2d2rogers] but it's on my study list
21:58:46 [ Palintheus] most active IRC people with knowledge about it IMO, just in case something happens
21:58:56 [ Palintheus] trolls, etc
21:58:57 [ wharp] Robdgreat?
21:58:59 [ r2d2rogers] right
21:59:00 [ Palintheus] not common, but you never know
21:59:03 ::: KevinYo [] has left #ubuntu-us-la []
21:59:13 [ Palintheus] Robdgreat++
21:59:14 [ Robdgreat] sorry jumping around a bit
21:59:25 [ Robdgreat] I'm game
21:59:29 ::: boomer [n=prinice@unaffiliated/boomer] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:59:31 [ r2d2rogers] I second, er third the motion
21:59:33 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
21:59:38 [ Palintheus] ok...second?
21:59:39 [ r2d2rogers] howdy boomer
21:59:41 [ wharp] that's the sort of thing that get you nominated
21:59:49 [ boomer] allo
21:59:50 [ wharp] heya boomer
22:00:05 [ r2d2rogers] I expect that people would look at me for it
22:00:13 [ r2d2rogers] but i know I have lots of admin already
22:00:23 [ wharp] I'm ok with that
22:00:30 [ r2d2rogers] objections to me as the alt for IRC?
22:01:00 [ Palintheus] ok that takes care of the contact and alt contact....identify access? any more than Robdgreat and r2d2rogers ?
22:01:00 [ Robdgreat] none here
22:01:14 [ r2d2rogers] heh
22:01:22 [ wharp] When we're done with that I've got something I meant to say about the HAM fest
22:01:24 [ r2d2rogers] rob 1 as admin and rob 2 as alt
22:01:35 [ Palintheus] wait...who's 1 who's 2
22:01:37 [ Robdgreat] better than thing 1 and thing 2
22:01:37 [ Palintheus] ;)
22:01:39 [ r2d2rogers] ;0
22:01:55 [ wharp] who sets that?
22:02:01 [ Palintheus] freenode staff would have to
22:02:09 [ r2d2rogers] at this point a freenode staffer right?
22:02:20 [ Palintheus] I can poke a couple tomorrow
22:02:25 [ r2d2rogers] yay
22:02:30 [ wharp] ok
22:02:32 [ r2d2rogers] that's the list
22:02:36 [ r2d2rogers] wharp?
22:02:49 [ Palintheus] so just the 2 on access? just making sure since no one responded
22:03:05 [ Robdgreat] for the moment that should suffice
22:03:06 [ wharp] I was thinking that we should have contact information for the LUGs at the HAM fest so we can help people plug in there as well as with us.
22:03:09 [ Palintheus] cool
22:03:15 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +!
22:03:18 [ r2d2rogers] 1
22:03:22 [ r2d2rogers] very good point
22:03:23 [ wharp] lol
22:03:26 [ Palintheus] agreed
22:03:35 [ r2d2rogers] I had thought about that related to loco's
22:03:44 [ r2d2rogers] which is how michaelramm ended up in here I think
22:03:52 [ r2d2rogers] but forgot LUGs
22:03:55 [ wharp] and other locos since its a regional event
22:03:59 [ r2d2rogers] right
22:04:01 [ Palintheus] yeah
22:04:16 [ wharp] I think we should contact the LUGs and ask what info they'd like us to provide
22:04:30 [ r2d2rogers] fun on trying to contact some of them
22:04:37 [ r2d2rogers] but good and polite way to do so
22:05:03 [ wharp] I've found that out.  The shrev LUG is dead and their wiki page is locked so I can fix a link on there
22:05:25 [ wharp] apparently at one point there may have been a cenla lug but they aren't listed anywhere other than that site and the link doens't work
22:05:29 [ Palintheus] OK, so do we want to divide it out regionally?
22:05:36 [ r2d2rogers] heh
22:05:53 [ r2d2rogers] I'm hoping to bootstrap a monroe lug with this event and it's prep
22:06:24 [ r2d2rogers] Add a wiki page for LUG contacts
22:06:27 [ wharp] yeah, you'll want to get something together to give to those people
22:06:29 [ wharp] that sounds good
22:06:33 [ Palintheus] ok...since it seems that NOLug is hostile to Ubuntu how should that be handled (seriously please)
22:06:34 [ r2d2rogers] and start checking them off
22:06:43 [ wharp] I know poobal is a member of BR lug
22:06:49 [ wharp] we can check with him on that
22:06:54 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: good deal
22:07:05 [ wharp] I think there's a lafayette area lug maybe?
22:07:13 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: tough question
22:07:23 [ Palintheus] which is why I brought it up
22:07:30 [ r2d2rogers] I will brace that tiger if no on else cares to
22:07:36 [ Palintheus] Im sure the trolling did not go over well with them
22:07:43 [ Palintheus] as evidenced with the visit we had in this channel
22:07:45 [ wharp] Palintheus: +5
22:07:49 [ r2d2rogers] joy
22:07:50 [ boomer] i dont even join the nolalug channel anymore
22:08:03 [ wharp] is their mailing list active?
22:08:04 [ r2d2rogers] I'm in it to watch what happens now
22:08:12 [ ChrisULM] is it really that bad?
22:08:16 [ Robdgreat] I'm more than happy to latch on to brlug, despite not being in br
22:08:18 [ Palintheus] ChrisULM: yes
22:08:36 [ ChrisULM] thats a shame......
22:08:38 [ Palintheus] yes
22:08:51 [ wharp] I wonder if its just the leadership, or the LUG as a whole?
22:09:18 [ boomer] wharp: i think their ML is active....but i couldnt sign up...the email addy to send a sub email to is broken
22:09:22 [ Palintheus] I dunno, but I don't think we should act like they don't exist, but on the other hand how will Ubuntu users we point to them be treated....
22:09:22 [ Robdgreat] only ones we've heard from is the leadership
22:09:39 [ Robdgreat] with derision
22:09:45 [ fxef] what's their problem with Ubuntu?
22:09:53 [ Robdgreat] it's not 1337 enough for them
22:10:00 [ Palintheus] its too common
22:10:00 [ ChrisULM] wow
22:10:15 [ r2d2rogers] hug linux did he say?
22:10:19 [ Robdgreat] group hug
22:10:20 [ r2d2rogers] group hug linux..
22:10:25 [ ChrisULM] so they'd rather my grandma run gentoo?
22:10:29 [ Palintheus] yup
22:10:30 [ Robdgreat] absolutely
22:10:36 [ Palintheus] gentoo or bust
22:10:40 [ ChrisULM] ...........
22:10:44 [ Robdgreat] Because if you didn't build your own car, get the heck off the road.
22:10:50 [ Palintheus] there is a group in OK that acts that way
22:11:11 [ Palintheus] it happens, but we have to work with it some way, at least imho we should try our best
22:11:12 [ wharp] does anyone know a NO LUG member?
22:11:20 [ wharp] Palintheus: +1
22:11:20 [ r2d2rogers] their ML had traffic yesterday
22:11:40 [ r2d2rogers]
22:12:15 [ Palintheus] should we email a couple of the addresses of the posts?
22:12:17 [ wharp] I'd say if we could get somebody on the ml, then approach it that way
22:12:22 [ Palintheus] or how should we go about it
22:12:26 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
22:12:37 [ r2d2rogers] bring up events in LA and work from there?
22:13:23 [ Palintheus] yeah
22:13:35 [ ChrisULM] worse answer you'd get is a no, we really dont have anything to lose
22:13:39 [ r2d2rogers] right
22:13:48 [ r2d2rogers] Any other topics tonight?
22:13:49 [ Palintheus] exactly
22:13:53 [ Palintheus] don't think so
22:13:56 [ r2d2rogers] (open floor)
22:14:01 [ wharp] yeah, and then we can still point people to them, but point out that it might not be a warm welcome

LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCLog-20080306 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:30:28 by localhost)