21:00:25 [ diremonkey] Yes, the agenda is here: 21:00:27 [ ATDT] Title: LouisianaTeam/Meetings - Ubuntu Wiki (at 21:00:45 [ ChrisULM] diremonkey, beat me to it 21:00:54 [ johndoc] r2d2rogers will be here shortly 21:01:03 [ diremonkey] johndoc: ok, thanks 21:01:21 [ diremonkey] Palintheus: you about? 21:01:39 [ diremonkey] could I get a show of hands of everyone who is here? 21:01:50 [ ke5tpy] o/ 21:02:04 [ ChrisULM] \o/ 21:02:05 [ ~Hfwilke|mobile] o/ ...barely 21:02:09 [ johndoc] o/ 21:02:18 [ macd] ^ 21:02:19 [ ~Hfwilke|mobile] helping daughter w/ snack 21:02:22 [ ~Phreakin318] ,,1,, :-P ,,1,, 21:02:23 [ poobal] here 21:02:25 [ r11t] \^^/ 21:02:29 [ johndoc] but very scattered 21:02:40 [ ~Phreakin318] lol 21:03:31 [ diremonkey] Ok, the first item on the agenda is something r2d2rogers is going to need to be here for so let's skip to the second item 21:03:51 [ diremonkey] Currently our team membership is open to anyone with no strings attached. 21:04:12 [ diremonkey] We've discussed making the one sole requirement for membership the signing of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct 21:04:38 ::: jakamo [] has joined #ubuntu-us-la 21:04:43 [ ~Phreakin318] need to know how to decrypt that email after my key later had to setup ubuntu on another drive 21:04:52 ::: nepbabu [n=nepbabu@unaffiliated/bokey] has joined #ubuntu-us-la 21:05:06 [ jakamo] Oh my how we've grown in recent weeks! 21:05:20 [ nepbabu] hardy release i bet 21:05:22 [ nepbabu] :D 21:05:24 [ jakamo] lotsa new faces (nicks) here 21:05:37 [ diremonkey] does anyone have any comment for or against making that a requirement of membership? 21:05:44 [ johndoc] no, i've already signed it 21:05:44 [ ~Phreakin318] <--- jason NEW gutsy 7.10 21:05:48 [ ChrisULM] i think its a good idea 21:06:06 [ ~Phreakin318] good idea 21:06:10 [ ~fxef] +1 21:06:10 [ poobal] nope. I am for signing the Code of Conduct 21:06:16 [ johndoc] diremonkey, might i make a suggestion though 21:06:20 [ diremonkey] yes? 21:06:35 [ johndoc] those who don't want to sign it, i think they should still be able to come to us for help when need be 21:06:39 [ johndoc] such as the irc and forum 21:06:55 [ ~Phreakin318] or those haveing trouble signing it 21:07:05 [ diremonkey] well trouble signing it is one thing 21:07:10 [ johndoc] right 21:07:13 [ r11t] I had trouble the last time I tried signing also..but I will try again 21:07:16 [ diremonkey] but our members represent us and the ubuntu community as a whole 21:07:22 [ jakamo] Sorry, came in a couple minute late, what are we signing? 21:07:28 [ ke5tpy] the code of conduct 21:07:30 [ diremonkey] the Ubuntu Code of Conduct 21:07:31 [ johndoc] i'm not saying we should make them members if they don't sign 21:07:33 [ ~fxef] can't be that hard... I did it 21:07:49 [ johndoc] i very much agree they should sign to become a member 21:08:01 [ ~fxef] lest geek here 21:08:02 [ ke5tpy] fxef: +1 ;) 21:08:10 [ johndoc] but i don't feel comfortable denying people help because they didn't agree with something in the code, am i making sense? 21:08:13 [ diremonkey] whether it's signed or not, we still expect people to abide by it on the forums, in IRC, at team functions, etc 21:08:23 [ johndoc] diremonkey, agreed 21:08:32 [ jakamo] I thought the code of conduct was like the honor system. Ya just don't sign something like that, you live by it. 21:08:35 [ johndoc] and there should be punishment for those who don't regardless if they've signed or not 21:08:36 [ ke5tpy] but signing lends accountability 21:08:53 [ diremonkey] ke5tpy +1 21:09:02 [ diremonkey] it's stating that you will agree to abide by it 21:09:10 [ johndoc] well how about this 21:09:15 [ diremonkey] the honor system is great, but if you believe in something, why not say so? 21:09:32 [ johndoc] someone who hasn't signed it comes to us for help, can we at least redirect them to some place where they can be helped? 21:09:33 [ jakamo] Where's wharp? thought sure he'd be here ranting about having to answer questions. 21:09:51 [ diremonkey] that's me 21:09:57 [ johndoc] like actually find a place and that be the place that we always suggest 21:10:01 [ jakamo] haha 21:10:03 [ diremonkey] and jakamo please stay on topic 21:10:05 [ johndoc] rofl 21:10:13 [ poobal] lol 21:10:26 [ diremonkey] johndoc: of course, we're not talking about turning people away who are asking for help 21:10:26 [ jakamo] no message about topic, what is it? 21:10:32 [ diremonkey] the meeting agenda 21:10:41 [ johndoc] diremonkey, okay that's the impression i got 21:10:49 [ johndoc] that's my misunderstanding 21:10:49 [ diremonkey] the topic of the agenda that we are currently discussing 21:10:56 [ diremonkey] not a problem johndoc 21:11:16 [ jakamo] So the topic is not displayed here, I have to go off on the web to view it? 21:11:27 [ johndoc] you have to go to our wiki to view 21:11:28 [ ChrisULM] 21:11:30 [ ATDT] Title: LouisianaTeam/Meetings - Ubuntu Wiki (at 21:11:32 [ diremonkey] jakamo: you've been to meetings before. it always works the same way 21:11:34 [ johndoc] which you should check periodically anyway 21:11:35 [ jakamo] thanks for the link. 21:11:37 [ ke5tpy] nothing's changed 21:11:44 [ ke5tpy] as far as procedure 21:11:53 [ jakamo] we have disagreement here. 21:12:05 [ ke5tpy] Noted. 21:12:10 [ johndoc] what? 21:12:22 [ diremonkey] Ok, so I believe we are in agreement on making the signing of the CoC a requirement for team membership. 21:12:37 [ johndoc] agreed 21:12:44 [ ~Phreakin318] agreed 21:12:47 [ jakamo] for those just arriving and those who are too lasy, the agenda: 21:12:48 [ jakamo] # 21:12:48 [ jakamo] LP Admins nomination 21:12:48 [ jakamo] # 21:12:48 [ jakamo] Membership guidelines 21:12:48 [ jakamo] # 21:12:49 [ jakamo] Meeting schedule 21:12:50 [ ~fxef] +1 21:12:51 [ jakamo] # 21:12:53 [ jakamo] HAM fest update 21:12:55 [ jakamo] 1. 21:12:57 [ jakamo] Costs incurred pag 21:13:01 [ diremonkey] jakamo: please do not paste large amounts of text 21:13:04 [ diremonkey] without warning 21:13:11 [ jakamo] that't not large. 21:13:14 [ ke5tpy] yes it is 21:13:18 [ ke5tpy] most of my screen 21:13:22 [ macd] not to mention later, when la loco becomes official everyone will have to be an unbuntero, so everyone has to accept the CoC anyways. 21:13:25 [ jakamo] small screen 21:13:26 [ jakamo] sorry 21:13:30 [ ~Phreakin318] depends on the persons text settings:-) 21:13:33 [ diremonkey] regarless if its multiple items then do not paste without a request or warning 21:13:37 [ johndoc] stay on topic guys 21:13:39 [ diremonkey] macd: right 21:14:04 [ jakamo] that's 4 lines of text, gees. 21:14:13 [ nepbabu] goodluck with your loco fellas. :) 21:14:21 ::: nepbabu [n=nepbabu@unaffiliated/bokey] has left #ubuntu-us-la [] 21:14:37 [ diremonkey] Ok, as I was saying, along those same lines, we need to discuss an additional item. The creation of an ops channel for dealing with IRC issues 21:14:53 [ ke5tpy] 10 lines here 21:14:58 [ johndoc] diremonkey, i think that's an excellent idea 21:15:10 [ macd] that should prolly be handled just how all ubuntu related ops things, via ubuntu-ops 21:15:15 [ diremonkey] we've had a few issues just recently of individuals monopolizing or spamming the channel 21:15:17 [ ~Phreakin318] i would be interested in ops once i get everything in order and get my dsl back on 21:15:27 [ johndoc] it's pretty evident we're starting to lay down the rules a little harder and we need a place for that to be effective 21:15:33 [ diremonkey] macd: the problem with that is that we then have to go outside of our team to deal with issues 21:15:44 [ macd] diremonkey, not of someone on the team is ubuntu-ops 21:15:46 [ diremonkey] we want to be as self-sufficient as possible 21:15:49 [ macd] which isnt really that hard to get done 21:16:06 [ macd] self sufficient is fine adn all, but why not take advantage of the resources in place 21:16:12 [ diremonkey] I wasn't realy aware of that 21:16:17 [ johndoc] me either 21:16:18 [ diremonkey] I'm all for that, I wasnt' realy aware of that 21:16:25 [ johndoc] can anyone join that? 21:16:31 [ johndoc] i mean, join the channel 21:16:54 [ macd] Im not exactly sure 21:17:00 [ diremonkey] I would assume, otherwise it wouldn't be that useful 21:17:11 [ johndoc] i was going to check it out, but i didn't want to violate anything by joining it 21:17:16 [ ~Phreakin318] i would be interested in working with the source code as well when i get my fast connection back 21:17:17 [ macd] on a sidenote, who is the channel owner? 21:17:24 [ ke5tpy] I'm the contact here 21:17:38 [ diremonkey] and Palintheus also has ops correct? 21:17:41 [ r2d2rogers] Hello 21:17:46 [ diremonkey] hey r2d2rogers 21:17:46 [ r2d2rogers] sorry I'm late 21:17:49 [ ke5tpy] and r2d2rogers is alternate 21:17:51 [ diremonkey] not a problem 21:17:52 [ ke5tpy] not to mention late 21:17:56 [ macd] I think the channel registrant/owner can gain +o, then manage whatever 21:18:06 [ r2d2rogers] had shopping with the 5 year old 21:18:14 [ ~Hfwilke|mobile] i have ops as well 21:18:20 [ diremonkey] r2d2rogers: we're discussing the -ops channel 21:18:23 [ johndoc] macd, that is correct 21:18:28 [ r2d2rogers] k 21:18:44 [ macd] an ops channel would be fine then I suppose, or for ops to just talk in priv 21:19:30 [ diremonkey] macd: I think the plan was also for issues to be dealt with there 21:19:43 [ ke5tpy] but we're grateful for your approval 21:19:46 [ r2d2rogers] Any objections or remaining concerns on the -us-la-ops cahnnel? 21:20:00 * macd says lets do it 21:20:06 [ johndoc] agreed 21:20:07 [ ~Hfwilke|mobile] +1 21:20:15 [ poobal] agreed 21:20:22 [ diremonkey] ok, then next item 21:20:24 [ macd] hey approval is part of individuals discussing suggestions righjt ;) 21:20:25 [ ~Phreakin318] agreed 21:20:41 [ diremonkey] r2d2rogers: we skipped the lp admin item since you weren't' here 21:20:47 [ r2d2rogers] cool 21:20:49 [ diremonkey] we can go back to that now 21:20:55 [ r2d2rogers] I think we are good on the ops channel 21:20:58 [ r2d2rogers] On the LP admin 21:21:06 * macd spends alot of time on LP 21:21:42 [ r2d2rogers] I had other things I had to do, So I had temporarily added diremonkey and Palintheus as admins in the team so they could approve Phreakin318 after he signed the CoC 21:22:17 [ r2d2rogers] I think the LP Team should have a backup just like every other resource we have.... 21:22:20 [ macd] I wouldnt mind being an admin so we could join it to bugsquad and universe contributors 21:22:35 [ macd] I could start doing bugs/packages under the loco instead of myself 21:22:52 ::: oracle5 [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:22:56 [ r2d2rogers] that could be a good thing for approval time.... 21:23:03 [ r2d2rogers] oops 21:23:06 [ macd] that was my line of thought also 21:23:13 [ ~Phreakin318] i still didnt get past the decrypting the email had to change drives setting it back up now 21:23:25 [ r2d2rogers] lost the other new pending for the LP team... 21:23:35 [ diremonkey] macd: what do you mean by join it to bugsquad? 21:23:45 [ r2d2rogers] Phreakin318: cool we can help you when we get done with the meeting 21:24:06 [ r2d2rogers] make our team a member of the bugsquad team? 21:24:11 [ macd] you can join a team to a team, then as a member of a team, your inderectly associated with the other team, so everything you do comes from the "team" 21:24:27 [ macd] indirectly* 21:24:35 [ johndoc] O.O 21:24:37 [ diremonkey] so we would just make the louisiana loco part of the bugsquad team then? 21:24:50 [ macd] yeah, but its something a bugsquad member has todo 21:24:58 [ diremonkey] gotcha 21:25:11 [ macd] just b/c its an approval team 21:25:13 [ r2d2rogers] I think that's something that we will want to discuss a bit more 21:25:25 [ diremonkey] I don't think that's a bad idea personally as I know we wanted to do more bug work in the future 21:25:40 [ diremonkey] but like r2d2rogers says we should probably discuss that further at another meeting 21:25:58 [ macd] well, lets do it fast before hardy goes out, theres alot of small bugs that are very visible now 21:26:02 [ johndoc] i'm not really in a high position here so i don't have much say son on the bugsquad thing 21:26:13 [ diremonkey] johndoc: there are no positions 21:26:14 [ macd] visibility is key in getting anything around this community 21:26:14 [ r2d2rogers] johndoc: you hace an opinion.... share it... 21:26:16 [ diremonkey] everybody has an equal say 21:26:40 * macd seconds equal say 21:27:09 [ johndoc] well if everyone is here why not go ahead and make a decision now? 21:27:20 [ johndoc] from what i here this is the most people we've had in a meeting in a while 21:27:21 [ diremonkey] because we've got several other agenda items to discuss 21:27:35 [ r2d2rogers] Let's come back to it after the other items 21:27:40 [ johndoc] yeah 21:27:44 [ macd] we'll come back to it next week, and maybe add a lil bug squashing session after 21:27:47 [ r2d2rogers] the topic is currently backup admins in LP 21:27:52 [ diremonkey] right 21:27:52 [ r2d2rogers] macd: +! 21:27:55 [ r2d2rogers] +1 21:28:07 [ diremonkey] possible topic for discussion night 21:28:13 [ macd] yeah for sure 21:28:18 [ macd] LP backup Admins - 21:28:23 [ johndoc] right 21:28:25 [ johndoc] backup admins 21:28:29 [ ~Hfwilke|mobile] bbiab 21:28:38 [ macd] r2d2 is primary, and wed want say 2 more? 21:28:50 [ diremonkey] that sounds about right 21:29:00 [ ke5tpy] yeah as we've learned, only 1 admin means that if the admin drops off the face of the earth, the group is up a creek 21:29:09 [ johndoc] very good point 21:29:16 [ r2d2rogers] I want someone who is available online, but I want to make sure we have agreed on the steps we want to see happen for a member to be approved 21:29:17 [ johndoc] i'll be honest, i wouldn't make a good admin 21:29:43 [ macd] I spend alot of time on LP, and Im around alot, just not always in irc 21:29:45 [ johndoc] i don't have enough experience with the loco at this time 21:29:50 [ r2d2rogers] I'd like to spread out responsibility 21:29:58 [ diremonkey] r2d2rogers: before you were here we did agree on adding the CoC signing as a condition of membership 21:30:03 [ r2d2rogers] I'm good for macd to be one 21:30:06 [ r2d2rogers] diremonkey: perfect 21:30:09 [ r2d2rogers] I'm happy then 21:30:17 [ diremonkey] I'll second macd 21:30:19 [ diremonkey] or third 21:30:21 [ r2d2rogers] <G> 21:30:30 [ ke5tpy] +1 21:30:30 [ r11t] I agree on the CoC signing..and need to get it done myself first 21:30:32 [ macd] so guidelines for loco approval, 1. come spend a few minutes in irc? 2. become unbuntero (this will cover coc, as well as other things later for official loco)? 21:30:59 [ r2d2rogers] macd: IRC would be best, but I'd be happy with even email contact 21:31:02 [ diremonkey] well while it would be nice to have someone in IRC, that's not everybody's thing 21:31:02 [ r11t] so if existing members have not signed the CoC then should there be a deadline for getting it done? 21:31:05 [ diremonkey] r2d2rogers: +1 21:31:11 [ poobal] so what do we do with member who don't want to sign the CoC? 21:31:12 [ r2d2rogers] just something more than only the LP application 21:31:12 [ macd] r2d2rogers, yeah me too 21:31:28 [ r2d2rogers] poobal: that's the biggest question we have to figure out 21:31:32 [ r2d2rogers] in thei issue 21:31:33 [ r2d2rogers] Oh 21:31:55 [ macd] poobal, then I think we shouldnt let them be a loco member, official locos have only ubuntuteros for members. 21:31:55 [ ke5tpy] is there any more to ubuntero than the CoC? 21:31:55 [ r2d2rogers] on the other LP admin I think I want diremonkey 21:31:55 [ diremonkey] I'm not certain myself, but even if it's not signed they are going to be held to it so... 21:31:55 [ ChrisULM] I think we should figure that out before we require people to sign it 21:31:56 [ macd] ke5tpy, a gpg key. 21:32:04 [ ke5tpy] yeah 21:32:05 [ r2d2rogers] I know Palintheus is being great help in the IRC ops 21:32:26 [ johndoc] ChrisULM has a pretty good point 21:32:30 [ ke5tpy] I thought the gpg was part of the signing 21:32:42 [ ~Phreakin318] i think that if anyone doesn't want to sign it then there serious about anything 21:32:43 [ macd] I think it a good idea to have people with only one responsibility be it backup or primary, spreads the load, spreads the power. 21:32:54 [ macd] Phreakin318, +1 21:33:03 [ ~Phreakin318] not serious 21:33:03 [ r2d2rogers] if we can get more active members I'm all for that macd 21:33:05 [ diremonkey] macd: that's a great idea, but the problem is that nobody is stepping up 21:33:11 [ ~fxef] sign CoC has voting rights 21:33:17 [ r2d2rogers] fxef: +1 21:33:20 [ r2d2rogers] that's an idea 21:33:24 [ diremonkey] I'm practically begging people to volunteer, but its not doing much good 21:33:30 [ macd] hehe 21:33:49 [ macd] so far weve got it going good diremonkey we have irc ops, we have lp admins 21:33:51 [ diremonkey] so if they didn't sign we would allow them to join but not to vote? 21:34:09 [ diremonkey] yes, but there are a lot of other things we need to make this run more smoothly 21:34:09 [ r2d2rogers] liek associate members? 21:34:10 [ ~fxef] +1 21:34:12 [ macd] Id say they shouldnt really be approved for the team, when we go to get approved it could be an obstacle 21:34:25 [ ke5tpy] or we could allow them to join the channel but not join the lp 21:34:25 [ ~Phreakin318] agree with macd 21:34:42 [ johndoc] yeah, macd has a really good point 21:34:45 [ diremonkey] ok, I think that sounds good 21:34:47 [ ke5tpy] and thereby vote 21:34:57 [ ChrisULM] you dont think that making people sign a key would drive them away from participating? I mean last I checked its all done by cmd line right? That wouldnt scare away users who want to help but are less techy? 21:34:58 [ r2d2rogers] I guess it comes down to the people who are already approved but aren't Ubunteros (CoC signers) 21:35:04 [ ke5tpy] it's not difficult (barring special circumstances) to just sign the darn CoC 21:35:06 [ macd] so loco approvals based on email/irc contact, and ubuntero? 21:35:08 [ ChrisULM] *sign the COC 21:35:11 [ macd] yes/no from everyone? 21:35:12 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: we can help people get it signed 21:35:20 [ diremonkey] macd: +1 21:35:27 [ macd] yes from me 21:35:28 [ r2d2rogers] macd: +1 21:35:30 [ ChrisULM] diremonkey, yes but most non tech people are not going to bother 21:35:40 [ ChrisULM] i dunno just a thought 21:35:46 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: I think it shows a commitment to learning new things 21:35:48 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: but if that keeps us from being an approved team then its an issue 21:35:52 [ ke5tpy] how many "non tech" people want to join a LoCo 21:35:55 [ macd] then we'll stick up a wiki page with screenshots on exactly howto do it 21:36:09 [ ~Phreakin318] i aint gonna lie i been haveing probs signing it but if your serious about joining it shouldnt matter about the work:-) 21:36:12 [ ChrisULM] diremonkey, I was unaware of the approval process. 21:36:14 [ johndoc] ke5tpy, people that like supporting a cause 21:36:42 [ ke5tpy] well either they care enough to make the effort to sign or they're not that worried about it, eh 21:36:53 [ macd] in order to join most any team on LP you must be a ubuntero 21:37:05 [ r2d2rogers] I have no issues with some people supporting the team without being members 21:37:06 [ macd] approval based teams or not 21:37:08 [ ke5tpy] If they really want to support a cause but they're going to let a little signature turn them away 21:37:28 [ ke5tpy] then like Phreakin318 said, they're probably nto that serious about it 21:37:47 [ ke5tpy] I could see if we required them to do it entirely without assistance 21:37:52 [ poobal] ke5tpy, and we will help those who can't figure how to sign the CoC 21:37:52 [ r2d2rogers] I think our plans for interactions with LUGs for the local connections can give people a place to contribute if they don't feel like going through the LoCo/Ubuntu process 21:38:08 [ ke5tpy] but we've established that we're more than happy to offer any help needed to get it done 21:38:13 [ ~fxef] I think it's the gpg thing 21:38:24 [ macd] slightly offtopic: we need to have a key signing party for all loco members 21:38:33 [ r2d2rogers] macd: ++++ 21:38:38 [ ke5tpy] some of that will happen at the hamfest 21:38:43 [ poobal] yeah so there is no reason not to become a ubuntero 21:38:49 [ ke5tpy] we can arrange something for the remainder 21:39:08 [ macd] so were all on the same base with loco member approval? 21:39:27 [ ~fxef] yep 21:39:45 [ poobal] yup 21:39:51 [ ~Phreakin318] epp 21:39:58 [ r2d2rogers] +1 21:40:01 [ ke5tpy] yeah 21:40:26 [ diremonkey] next item? 21:40:30 [ macd] I think so 21:40:35 [ r2d2rogers] Go 21:40:35 [ diremonkey] ok 21:40:42 [ ke5tpy] Let's do this! 21:40:43 [ macd] april 17th next one? 21:40:54 [ diremonkey] currently we are having meetings at alternating times of 9 and 10:30 21:41:06 [ macd] I like 9 a bit more than 10:30 21:41:09 [ diremonkey] the 10:30 meetings do not seem to be going well 21:41:15 [ macd] +1 there 21:41:18 [ diremonkey] people are tired, asleep, etc 21:41:22 [ r11t] +1 21:41:28 [ r2d2rogers] we seem to get tired and frustrated that much faster <G> 21:41:41 [ diremonkey] the reason we were having them is because some people are unable to make it until later in the night 21:42:01 [ diremonkey] but I don't think the tradeoff is a productive one 21:42:06 [ ~fxef] 10:30 too late 21:42:29 [ ~Phreakin318] have 2 meetings 1 at that time and recap at other time 21:42:29 [ diremonkey] So from now on we want all meetings to be at 9pm then? 21:42:48 [ johndoc] i'm usually up at 10:30, but i'm aware that people with children don't -want- to be awake at 10:30 21:42:48 [ diremonkey] Phreakin318: but that would require some people to sit in IRC pretty much all night 21:42:50 [ r2d2rogers] +1 21:43:01 [ ~Phreakin318] ahh 21:43:06 [ macd] I think 9 is good, if we have an issue we vote on and not enough people made it, we can 1. delay it 2. stick a poll on LP. 21:43:11 [ johndoc] and a lot of our guys have children 21:43:11 [ diremonkey] and we post logs of the meeting on the wiki 21:43:15 [ ~Phreakin318] 9 then:-) 21:43:16 [ johndoc] diremonkey, exactly 21:43:40 [ diremonkey] right, I think we may need to move to LP polls for some more serious decisions 21:43:55 [ r2d2rogers] diremonkey: +! 21:43:58 [ r2d2rogers] +1 21:43:59 [ r2d2rogers] Ok 21:44:06 [ diremonkey] ok, next item? 21:44:10 [ ~Phreakin318] 9 and if ppl can't make it there is always the logs 21:44:25 [ r2d2rogers] if we can get the meeting team populated 21:44:41 [ ~Phreakin318] i think i can get ppl here 21:44:43 [ r2d2rogers] they can get a better handle on posting summaries to the Mailing List 21:44:53 [ johndoc] and if they have a problem after reading the logs they can bring it up at another meeting or contact the mailing list 21:45:01 [ r2d2rogers] Phreakin318: the team who does the grunt work in the summaries 21:45:01 [ macd] we have an ML? 21:45:04 [ r2d2rogers] Yup 21:45:05 [ macd] nvm, 21:45:09 [ macd] yeah Im on it ;) 21:45:14 [ r2d2rogers] not in LP right now :) 21:45:23 [ macd] I get the meeting reminders 21:45:33 [ r2d2rogers] I'd like a way for the non LP interested people to stay hooked in 21:45:36 [ r2d2rogers] <G> 21:45:45 [ macd] r2d2rogers, +1 21:45:45 [ r2d2rogers] Ok to stay on topic 21:46:04 [ macd] we could just mirror the ML somewhere on web 21:46:09 [ r2d2rogers] Any objections to both regular meetings to be at 9pm? 21:46:19 [ r2d2rogers] macd: it's an open archive now 21:46:24 [ poobal] 9 is perfect for me 21:46:24 [ macd] 21:46:26 [ ATDT] Title: Mailing lists in Launchpad! at Launchpad blog (at 21:46:32 [ macd] is that what your referring to with ML for LP? 21:46:48 [ r2d2rogers] macd: yessir 21:47:15 [ r2d2rogers] I like it, but I don't think that's good for LoCo Teams if we want other people to be able to get mail on our mailing list 21:47:36 [ r2d2rogers] other people = non Team members or non Ubuntu/Launchpad participants 21:47:47 [ macd] well, anyone can signup outside of LP 21:47:49 [ macd] I just did it 21:47:58 [ diremonkey] at the moment, yet 21:48:01 [ diremonkey] yes even 21:48:09 [ r2d2rogers] delay the LP ML toipic 21:48:14 [ diremonkey] but if the mailing list is moved to the launchpad team, will that still be the case/ 21:48:17 [ diremonkey] yeah 21:48:23 [ r2d2rogers] I think we are settled on the meeting time correct? 21:48:26 [ diremonkey] yes 21:48:28 [ ke5tpy] yeah 21:48:30 [ diremonkey] next item is the hamfest 21:48:32 [ poobal] yes 21:48:37 [ r2d2rogers] oh boy 21:48:42 [ diremonkey] ok, first 21:48:50 ::: hfwilke [] has joined #ubuntu-us-la 21:48:52 [ diremonkey] the topic of our incurred costs 21:49:19 [ diremonkey] we were talking about putting up a page either on the wiki, or a shared google document with who has spent what so we can keep track of it 21:50:08 [ ~Phreakin318] when and where is the ham fest? 21:50:17 [ ChrisULM] monroe Phreakin318 21:50:22 [ r2d2rogers] April 26th 21:50:25 [ ChrisULM] i'll grab you a link 21:50:29 [ ~Phreakin318] k:-) 21:50:34 [ r2d2rogers] 21:50:36 [ ATDT] Title: LouisianaTeam/Projects/MonroeHamFest - Ubuntu Wiki (at 21:50:46 [ ChrisULM] or..... 21:50:49 [ ~Phreakin318] yall outta try to get a box of cds to hand out 21:50:59 [ johndoc] Phreakin318, read the wiki man 21:51:04 [ r2d2rogers] Phreakin318: check the page and we'll discuss more after 21:51:04 [ ~Phreakin318] k 21:51:18 [ diremonkey] does anyone has a preference as to where the list of costs is kept? 21:51:25 [ r2d2rogers] I think it should be google 21:51:33 [ ~fxef] wiki here 21:51:35 [ macd] diremonkey, I think the wiki page for the specific event fits the bit perfectly 21:51:49 [ ChrisULM] wiki 21:51:54 [ poobal] wiki would be much more open than google docs 21:52:01 * macd doesnt use google docs 21:52:04 [ r2d2rogers] <MG> 21:52:16 [ r2d2rogers] cool 21:52:19 [ macd] Im not comfortable with the amount of XSS vulnerbilities there and any information I might store 21:52:24 [ diremonkey] lol 21:53:02 [ r2d2rogers] so we like tracking the costs then, and the consensus seems to be the wiki is the place for that 21:53:05 [ ~Phreakin318] make a freewebs page and post it to search engins 21:53:08 [ diremonkey] Ok, I'll add it to the wiki page 21:53:19 [ r2d2rogers] Phreakin318: for the costs? 21:53:22 [ macd] were moving right along tonight 21:53:24 [ ChrisULM] are the cost we're talking about related to the hamfest or in general? 21:53:30 [ macd] I think Phreakin318 was making a joke ;) 21:53:30 [ ~Phreakin318] oh 21:53:36 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: in general 21:53:46 [ diremonkey] ....I thought related to the hamfest 21:53:48 [ r2d2rogers] but the first costs have been related to the hamfest 21:53:51 [ r2d2rogers] I THINK 21:53:57 [ ~Phreakin318] lol 21:53:58 [ r2d2rogers] Bah! caplock 21:54:14 [ diremonkey] for now lets go with hamfest costs 21:54:16 [ macd] I'll be back in 10 21:54:19 [ r2d2rogers] k 21:54:19 [ hfwilke] I think a general costs page, with sections for each project 21:54:22 [ macd] quick work call 21:54:24 [ r2d2rogers] k 21:54:29 [ diremonkey] ok, that would work 21:54:32 [ ChrisULM] ok, are we planning on reimbursing those who have bought supplies then? if so, how are we going to go about that (maybe should be a topic for another time) 21:54:41 [ ~Phreakin318] if i was rich i would just cover it for every1 21:54:52 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: that depends on what we bring in on taking donations 21:55:08 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: that's why were are doing this 21:55:15 [ diremonkey] so we know what's been paid for by who 21:55:20 [ diremonkey] and how much they have spent 21:55:48 [ r2d2rogers] the biggest outstanding issue on the hamfest that I don't think has been addressed yet is sleeves for the CD's 21:55:53 [ ~Phreakin318] or open a paypal a desiginate some1 trustworth to run it 21:56:07 [ diremonkey] personally, I'm not spending money on anything I don't feel comfortable paying for by myself. If I get reimbursed for part of it, that's great, but if not I'm fine with that 21:56:16 [ r2d2rogers] I'd like to see if anyone had cheap sources of windowed paper sleeves 21:56:42 [ ChrisULM] I'm mainly wondering how people from places other than the monroe area can help offset the cost without some sort of paypal account set up. 21:56:56 [ diremonkey] checks in the mail? 21:57:32 [ ChrisULM] but who would handle that, would we have one person who checks should be sent to who would then distribute the checks to those who spent money? 21:57:37 [ poobal] I can get around 50 sleeves and possibly 50 blank CDrs 21:58:09 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: that's something we've got to discuss, but not somethign we need to figure out tonight 21:58:14 [ r2d2rogers] poobal: we have the CDr's 21:58:18 [ r2d2rogers] just need the sleeves 21:58:22 [ ChrisULM] hints (maybe a topic for another time) 21:58:34 [ r2d2rogers] cool 21:58:35 [ ChrisULM] just been wondering about that 21:58:37 [ poobal] cool 21:58:46 [ ~Phreakin318] i got a 50 pack of sleaves in front on me but thats not very many 21:59:02 [ poobal] how many do you think we need? 21:59:08 [ diremonkey] ok, so let's get the rest of the update ont he hamfest going 21:59:18 [ diremonkey] maybe that will answer a few questions for some of the new comers 21:59:44 [ r2d2rogers] ::nods:: 21:59:46 [ ~Phreakin318] yeah i'm feeling dumber by the minute trying to help makeing me sound dumb 21:59:53 [ r2d2rogers] 21:59:56 [ ATDT] Title: LouisianaTeam/Projects/MonroeHamFest - Ubuntu Wiki (at 22:00:05 [ r2d2rogers] the hamfest page is pretty up to date at this point 22:00:18 [ johndoc] is it such a good idea to be putting off fest stuff to the next meeting? i mean the fest -is- on the 26th 22:00:36 [ r2d2rogers] We need booth volunteers to sign up and indicate when they will be available in the wiki page 22:00:44 [ r2d2rogers] Please ask if you need ANY help with this 22:00:49 [ diremonkey] johndoc: we aren't putting stuff off that long, we will be having additional hamfest only meetings 22:00:57 [ johndoc] diremonkey, ok 22:00:57 [ r2d2rogers] the booth and electricity will be free 22:01:15 [ johndoc] and don't forget to comment when you do anything on the wiki 22:01:18 [ r2d2rogers] each member just needs to pay their own entrance fee of $5 22:01:36 [ r2d2rogers] that includes the chance at the hamfest door prizes 22:01:51 [ r2d2rogers] We will have three tables setup 22:01:59 [ r2d2rogers] 2 laptops or machines per table 22:02:05 [ ~fxef] what about Internet at tables? 22:02:10 [ r2d2rogers] One provided on load By System 76 22:02:21 [ diremonkey] fxef: macd has some equipment for that 22:02:24 [ r2d2rogers] macd: has voluteered to setup his EVDO wifi router 22:02:34 [ ~fxef] ok 22:02:48 [ r2d2rogers] and the fest event Coordinator is checking options from Alltel wireless for the fest as a whole 22:02:55 [ r2d2rogers] he works for comcast 22:03:03 [ r2d2rogers] but they don't serve that building 22:03:30 [ r2d2rogers] we plan to have a demo video of some sort running on 1 machine on each table 22:03:49 [ r2d2rogers] the other machine will be available in live-cd or installed mode for people to try out 22:04:08 [ r2d2rogers] we need at least 1 person per table in the booth for most of the fest 22:04:25 [ r2d2rogers] the fest runs from 8am till midafternoon 22:04:34 [ ChrisULM] r2d2rogers, live cd mode to show that it can be run from the cd? 22:04:39 [ r2d2rogers] that's at 6-8 hours 22:04:46 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: yessir 22:05:14 [ r2d2rogers] it's been suggested to have a machine in dual boot mode for demoing that you don't have to leave windows all at once 22:05:23 [ r2d2rogers] my work laptop will fill that role 22:05:45 [ r2d2rogers] more suggestions for screen casts and other demo videos can be posted on the wiki 22:06:05 [ ~fxef] my laptop for Live-CD also 22:06:12 [ r2d2rogers] we hope to have one machine setup with available ham radio software to appeal to the base fest attendee 22:06:23 [ ChrisULM] i'd say no more than 1 with a live cd, because they tend to run very slow 22:06:28 [ r2d2rogers] ChrisULM: +1 22:06:45 [ johndoc] and it should also be the fastest one running the livecd 22:06:53 [ johndoc] obviously for the same reason 22:06:54 [ r2d2rogers] We also have a forum to present at 10am 22:07:00 [ r2d2rogers] this will last about an hour 22:07:15 [ r2d2rogers] we need a presentation for this, we do have access to a projector 22:07:29 [ r2d2rogers] we plan to have about 40 minutes of presentation and then a Q and A 22:07:51 [ ChrisULM] r2d2rogers, do we have a list of topics that we will discuss in the forum or has that yet to be gathered? 22:07:52 [ diremonkey] we have started gathering materials for the presentation, but a LOT of work still needs to be done 22:08:02 [ ChrisULM] thanks diremonkey 22:08:05 [ r2d2rogers] Several people are looking into this, but if you have suggestions, please let us know 22:08:09 [ r2d2rogers] right 22:08:24 [ ChrisULM] is there a list somewhere that shows some ideas you guys have already had? 22:08:27 [ r2d2rogers] if you want to help, that doesn't mean you have to speak 22:08:28 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: I believe that we discussed the order of topics at the last hamfest meeting 22:08:40 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: on the wiki page for the hamfest I think 22:08:46 [ ChrisULM] i'll check it, thanks 22:08:50 [ r2d2rogers] I think we need to pull that info our of the log if it's not already on the wiki page 22:09:03 [ diremonkey] r2d2rogers: yeah, the order is not on the wiki 22:09:09 [ ~Phreakin318] did yall try the colleges computer lab they might loan a projector 22:09:16 [ r2d2rogers] We also have a project in progress on putting together a couple of machines 22:09:24 [ r2d2rogers] Phreakin318: we have access through droop2 22:09:24 [ diremonkey] we already have a projector from a member 22:09:31 [ ~Phreakin318] k 22:09:34 * Palintheus is finished reading scroll and caught up :D 22:09:38 [ ke5tpy] \o/ 22:09:43 [ ~droop2] =o) 22:09:49 [ Palintheus] sorry guys, had some things to take care of 22:09:53 [ r2d2rogers] We plan to give away at least 1 if not more machines running linux at the fest 22:10:07 [ diremonkey] no need to apologize 22:10:09 [ r2d2rogers] there is still an open issue on how we will do this 22:10:12 [ r2d2rogers] raffle or what? 22:10:13 [ ~Phreakin318] <-- builds computers 22:10:19 [ macd] Im back where are we now 22:10:19 [ r2d2rogers] great 22:10:25 * macd had a lil emergency work related 22:10:27 [ r2d2rogers] Phreakin318: get with johndoc 22:10:30 [ Palintheus] Ive got a couple things to add to previous topics, but will hold them 22:10:34 [ r2d2rogers] macd: hamfest summary 22:10:37 [ macd] k 22:10:37 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: thanks 22:10:43 [ macd] Ive got what Im bringing on the wiki page 22:10:46 [ johndoc] yes, get with me 22:11:00 [ macd] I can do the presentation if noone has any objections? 22:11:07 [ r2d2rogers] As long as the Hardy release is on time 22:11:14 [ johndoc] i certainly do not object to someone other than me talking 22:11:17 [ Palintheus] macd: it has been updated, so would mind moving to the table? (machines you are bringing, being listed on the wiki) 22:11:26 [ macd] Palintheus, will do tonight 22:11:29 [ Palintheus] thanks 22:11:38 [ Palintheus] and remember to comment your edit, please :) 22:11:39 [ r2d2rogers] we are in a good position on having 400 hardy CD's burned and printed on the top in the 2 days befor the hamfest 22:11:44 [ macd] Im a big public speaking person, I enjoy q&a and presenting things 22:12:16 [ r2d2rogers] we need sleeves for these still, please check your sources, but we'll go with the best price 22:12:17 [ diremonkey] I think we should have the presentation done by at least 2 people 22:12:26 [ r2d2rogers] diremonkey: +1 22:12:27 [ ~fxef] macd +1 22:12:32 [ r2d2rogers] but I'm glad you're up for it macd 22:12:33 [ macd] diremonkey, +1 22:12:44 [ macd] yeah I think I may be the most technical oriented person 22:12:53 [ r2d2rogers] I need more practice, as I think johndoc can attest 22:13:00 [ johndoc] hehe 22:13:09 [ r2d2rogers] we have 4 t-shirts from canonical 22:13:17 [ r2d2rogers] 2 large and 2 extra large 22:13:19 [ macd] I think I can get more 22:13:32 [ r2d2rogers] we have 100 bumpersticker style stickers from them 22:13:34 [ macd] I have a super high limit on ordering that stuff from being an motu in the past 22:13:40 [ r2d2rogers] as well as 50 brochures 22:13:59 [ macd] I think that should cover our needs tbh 22:14:14 [ r2d2rogers] k 22:14:23 [ Palintheus] macd: costs involved? 22:14:26 [ diremonkey] it would be nice to have a few more shirts 22:14:27 [ r2d2rogers] we also received 300 flyers from System 76 22:14:43 [ macd] Palintheus, none 22:14:45 [ r2d2rogers] these have been passed out to areas to be posted around towns in LA. 22:14:48 [ Palintheus] nice 22:15:05 [ r2d2rogers] we also got 250 case badge stickers from System 76 22:15:06 [ macd] I've got quite the stockpile of 7.10 cd/dvd's also in various flavors 22:15:17 [ r2d2rogers] and Boomer has provided 20 Aluminum Case badges 22:15:28 [ macd] so thats another thing we can bring to the hamfest, hardy will have some issues at release and I think we can build use cases around 7.10 for certain users 22:15:31 [ diremonkey] I got the business cards in just today 22:15:33 [ diremonkey] 2500 of them 22:15:35 [ r2d2rogers] macd: I'd love to have your pressed CD's on display 22:15:37 [ macd] nice 22:15:47 [ macd] r2d2rogers, yeah we'll make that happen 22:15:50 [ r2d2rogers] but offer choice on the version for them to pick up 22:15:54 [ r2d2rogers] great 22:15:55 [ Palintheus] r2d2rogers: I also have about 100 aluminum badges 22:16:00 [ r2d2rogers] on extra CD's 22:16:11 [ diremonkey] we need to update our list of materials on the wiki 22:16:22 [ r2d2rogers] I want any extra hardy CD's to be split among the team members for passing out at home. 22:16:26 [ r2d2rogers] diremonkey: yup 22:16:27 [ macd] I have an extra canonical polo too in large if someone wants to borrow for that day 22:16:53 [ diremonkey] the business cards can also be split after the fest 22:17:01 [ ChrisULM] are we all planning on wearing ubuntu shirts to the fest? 22:17:06 [ r2d2rogers] i'd love for us all to have nice ubuntu shirts for manning the booth, but I'm not sure the easiest way to make that happen 22:17:11 [ johndoc] i hope not, i don't have an ubuntu shirt 22:17:14 [ diremonkey] they're not cheap 22:17:18 [ r2d2rogers] right 22:17:24 [ Palintheus] I doubt they make one to fit me...and Im leery of cafe press' quality 22:17:40 [ johndoc] i have two geeky shirts, i was planning on wearing one 22:17:42 [ r2d2rogers] anyone interested can look into that and report back 22:17:49 [ ChrisULM] you can buy a cheap one 22:17:59 [ macd] yeah@ geeky shirts we should all have one ;) 22:18:03 [ Palintheus] and shipping from canonical is way to much, and you get charged customs 22:18:06 [ ChrisULM] 22:18:09 [ ATDT] Title: Launchpad Login Service (at 22:18:11 [ r2d2rogers] After the hamfest I think we have settled on a release party for those who can make it to monroe 22:18:26 [ r2d2rogers] mostly socializing and having fun after the big event day 22:18:52 [ ke5tpy] prepared to share at this point? 22:18:56 [ ke5tpy] :) 22:18:56 [ macd] is anyone interested in a new orleans one? 22:19:13 [ ke5tpy] I'd be game for that 22:19:13 [ r2d2rogers] hfwilke was to address that I think 22:19:17 [ r2d2rogers] but he stepped away 22:19:25 [ macd] yeah, we'll wait till after the agenda is done for that 22:19:30 [ r2d2rogers] would that be on another weekend or the day of release? 22:19:41 [ diremonkey] let's get a quick list of what we still need to get done for the hamfest 22:19:42 [ r2d2rogers] anyhow.. 22:19:44 [ r2d2rogers] k 22:19:49 [ r2d2rogers] presentation 22:19:52 [ diremonkey] 1. Update materials on the wiki 22:20:22 [ diremonkey] 2. Finish giveaway pc 22:20:25 [ macd] yeah presentation wise, I can work with the other person on specifics 22:20:41 [ macd] on giveaway pc, we need to fill out that wiki chart for that 22:20:47 [ macd] do we have any monitor plans? 22:20:48 [ ~Phreakin318] any computer work building, installing i have plenty time to do 22:21:01 [ macd] I have a dell crt 17" that I wouldnt mind donating 22:21:01 [ diremonkey] johndoc? 22:21:14 [ macd] black in color, lives in the box it came in 22:21:14 [ johndoc] i'm sorry, i'm in a thousand places 22:21:18 [ ~Phreakin318] all mine are old and useless for that 22:21:31 [ diremonkey] do we need monitors johndoc? 22:21:37 [ johndoc] macd, that would be awesome 22:21:40 [ macd] ohhh 22:21:45 [ johndoc] we do have a lot of old crts, but none are very nice 22:21:48 [ ChrisULM] are we short on monitors? 22:21:48 [ diremonkey] I believe we also need some optical drives 22:21:48 [ macd] which reminds me, I have a black dell case too 22:21:58 [ macd] it used to hold a poweredge 600sc so its atx 22:22:04 [ johndoc] we are short a case as well 22:22:08 [ macd] has a psu, and slimline dvd 22:22:24 [ ~Phreakin318] i seen surge protectors i have tons of them i can loan 22:22:27 [ macd] accepts standard atx boards 22:22:37 [ diremonkey] macd: are you going up the day before or the day of? 22:22:44 [ macd] day before 22:22:57 [ macd] Im staying with a friend in ruston then were driving over 22:23:36 [ diremonkey] would the day before be too late to get the parts there or do we need to get them there sooner? 22:23:43 [ macd] it takes about 30 minutes to stick a pc together, and another 30 to install, so we should be fine in that timeline 22:23:50 [ johndoc] diremonkey, i can handle day before as long as we know everything works 22:23:52 [ macd] I can ups this stuff to whoever 22:23:55 [ Palintheus] as long as we know they are compatible 22:24:17 [ ChrisULM] should we demo an install on one of the computers at the fest? 22:24:29 [ macd] Id be willing todo that 22:24:30 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: some of the videos we're looking at are jsut that 22:24:31 [ Palintheus] ChrisULM: we will have an install screen cast going 22:24:40 [ ChrisULM] nice 22:24:43 [ macd] ohhh screencast would be just as good I think 22:25:01 [ Palintheus] yeah on repeat with some cheap headphone if someone wants to listen to the audio 22:25:02 [ diremonkey] but I would like to have the option of actually walking someone through it if they ask 22:25:09 [ Palintheus] diremonkey: definitely 22:25:16 [ ChrisULM] i agree 22:25:17 [ macd] diremonkey, +1 on that 22:25:17 [ diremonkey] speaking of which, we need some headphones 22:25:28 [ ChrisULM] i have a pair 22:25:33 [ ChrisULM] the big over the ear kind 22:25:37 [ macd] I think everyone here will prolly have a set with them 22:25:42 [ diremonkey] I'd say don't bring htem if you can't bare to part with them 22:25:51 [ johndoc] Phreakin318, are you set up to PM? 22:26:03 [ diremonkey] so don't bring your nice ones because they're likely to end up broken 22:26:04 [ Palintheus] johndoc: he's not identified, so freenode won't let him 22:26:07 [ ~Phreakin318] yeah i think 22:26:09 [ macd] headphones for the giveaway? over speakers? or some other use 22:26:17 [ diremonkey] no, for the screencasts 22:26:21 [ ~Phreakin318] ahhh 22:26:22 [ Palintheus] headphones for the screencasts 22:26:23 [ macd] gotcha 22:26:31 [ diremonkey] most of them have audio, but having that many going at once would be annoying 22:26:35 [ r2d2rogers] splitters for more than one? 22:26:45 [ Palintheus] great idea 22:26:46 [ diremonkey] r2d2rogers: +1\ 22:26:50 [ macd] how big is our table? 22:26:51 [ ChrisULM] splitters are cheap, why not 22:26:51 [ Phreakin318] now try 22:27:01 [ r2d2rogers] 3 times 8' by 2' 22:27:08 [ macd] ohh thats good 22:27:21 [ macd] Im tempted to bring a large lcd 22:27:23 [ r2d2rogers] we have notes on where we requested. 22:27:30 [ macd] but man Id be so upset f something happened 22:27:41 [ diremonkey] yeah 22:27:42 [ Palintheus] 22:27:45 [ r2d2rogers] the only change will be if there is a need to be against a wall for power 22:27:52 [ Palintheus] section c 1,2,14 22:27:56 [ macd] I think we need some decent power 22:27:59 [ Palintheus] r2d2rogers: ^^ that right? 22:28:00 [ r2d2rogers] yeah 22:28:00 [ johndoc] macd, you can donate a monitor and a case? 22:28:02 [ macd] one outlet would prolly work 22:28:04 [ diremonkey] well ya know, there's no reason we can't use the projector and screen in the booth when not at the forum 22:28:05 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: yup 22:28:07 [ macd] johndoc, yes I can 22:28:29 [ r2d2rogers] diremonkey: depending on booth placement I like that 22:28:29 [ macd] it might have a mobo in it, but I dont know if its good anymore, lets assume its not 22:28:30 [ johndoc] macd, are you wanting to mail those or bring them up the day before? 22:28:30 [ diremonkey] johndoc: what else do we need? 22:28:32 [ Palintheus] macd: check out that link for the layout 22:28:39 [ johndoc] diremonkey, that's what i'm figuring out right now 22:28:43 ::: r11t [n=root@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 22:28:43 [ diremonkey] ok 22:28:47 [ macd] johndoc, Im coming up the day before early, but I can ship it just as easily 22:28:53 [ r2d2rogers] I wish we'd gotten that backdrop from sys76's canonical connection 22:28:59 [ diremonkey] yeah 22:29:17 [ macd] yeah that wouldve been nice 22:29:36 [ macd] we could print some logos and stick em on a sheet ;P 22:29:39 [ diremonkey] are we going to put anything on the tables decoration wise? 22:29:50 [ johndoc] honestly, i think we've just about got everything 22:29:54 [ johndoc] i'm doing one more look over 22:29:55 [ macd] Id say we should have some sort of table cover deal 22:29:59 [ ~droop2] i have a big penguin 22:30:02 [ r2d2rogers] I think we need a .... macd:+1 22:30:10 [ r2d2rogers] droop2: you MUST bring the penguin! 22:30:12 [ ChrisULM] big penguins ftw 22:30:18 [ macd] yes@ penguim 22:30:24 [ diremonkey] my wife has a ton, but they're all cutsey stuffed penguins 22:30:24 [ johndoc] macd, since that stuff isn't too dire you can just bring it with you. that's cheaper for you 22:30:25 [ r2d2rogers] ;) 22:30:29 [ macd] what is linux propaganda without tuxxy! 22:30:41 [ macd] johndoc, ups is free ;) 22:30:43 [ r2d2rogers] we'll folks it's 10:30 22:30:44 [ macd] company account 22:30:45 [ r2d2rogers] anything else? 22:30:55 [ johndoc] macd, can you send it to r2d2rogers then? 22:31:09 [ macd] yeah, I'll do it after the weekend 22:31:12 [ ChrisULM] or send to me and I can meet you at your apt 22:31:17 [ macd] so we dont have any timeline worries 22:31:41 [ diremonkey] ok, so who is going to work on the presentation with macd? 22:32:03 [ r2d2rogers] droop2: presentation? 22:32:17 [ ~droop2] whatever you need 22:32:25 [ macd] my vision is maining showing the opensource programs in the repos (anything installable with synaptic) v. the windows counterparts 22:32:27 [ ~droop2] oh shiny!!! 22:32:39 [ johndoc] if everyone gives the things that they say then we will have everything for the giveaway 22:32:46 [ diremonkey] johndoc: awesome 22:32:49 [ diremonkey] is that for one pc or two? 22:32:53 [ johndoc] two 22:32:54 [ macd] how is the giveaway going to work 22:33:03 [ macd] booth visitors get a ticket or something? 22:33:07 [ johndoc] i don't know as far as distributing them 22:33:10 [ johndoc] i'm just building them 22:33:17 [ r2d2rogers] I think booth visitors.. present to win 22:33:17 [ diremonkey] we haven't decided 22:33:23 [ Phreakin318] raffel for donation? 22:33:26 [ r2d2rogers] but raffle vs. free was still up 22:33:31 [ ChrisULM] i'd say you put $1 in the donation box you get 1 ticket, $5 for 8 tickets or something like that 22:33:39 [ macd] that sounds good 22:33:43 [ johndoc] i like that idea ChrisULM 22:33:46 [ r2d2rogers] I like the donation side 22:33:50 [ macd] or we could just go completely free to make a real statement 22:33:50 [ diremonkey] that's not a bad idea 22:33:52 [ johndoc] like back in elementary school 22:34:07 [ r2d2rogers] need tickets for the raffle then 22:34:10 [ ChrisULM] go free and mention the donation box? 22:34:15 [ Palintheus] ChrisULM: ++ 22:34:15 [ ChrisULM] i'll get the tickets 22:34:18 [ diremonkey] I think we need to vote 22:34:23 [ Palintheus] yeah 22:34:24 [ macd] I think thats a good way go free mention the donation box 22:34:28 [ diremonkey] everyone for free 22:34:30 [ macd] so +1 from me 22:34:32 [ Palintheus] o/ 22:34:35 [ r2d2rogers] free mention donation +1 22:34:38 [ diremonkey] +1 22:34:40 [ ChrisULM] free/mention +1 22:34:43 [ macd] +1 22:34:48 [ Phreakin318] free/mention 22:34:49 [ r2d2rogers] cool 22:34:55 [ ChrisULM] i'll buy the tickets 22:34:56 [ diremonkey] everyone for raffle? 22:35:03 [ r2d2rogers] so we have a source on tickets , thanks ChrisULM 22:35:03 [ ~fxef] +1 22:35:19 [ ChrisULM] little blue ones from wal-mart will work? 22:35:23 [ r2d2rogers] one at 11:30 and one near the end? 2:30? 22:35:33 ::: r11t [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu-us-la 22:35:37 [ r2d2rogers] AH 22:35:43 [ r2d2rogers] one at the end of our forum 22:35:45 [ macd] yeah thats good idea, one early one late 22:35:46 [ diremonkey] wait...I thought we were doing free? if so...why do we need tickets? 22:35:49 [ r2d2rogers] and one at 2: something? 22:35:55 [ r2d2rogers] to call out the number? 22:35:58 [ r2d2rogers] drawing? 22:36:00 [ macd] diremonkey, just to make the decision inpartial on who gets it 22:36:00 [ ChrisULM] diremonkey, need tickets for drawing 22:36:14 [ diremonkey] d'oh 22:36:15 [ diremonkey] yeah 22:36:18 [ r2d2rogers] yay 22:36:24 [ r2d2rogers] I'm happy this is settled 22:36:29 [ johndoc] me too 22:36:29 [ macd] or we could have them sign a sheet and we just pick a random number, but I like the lottery style tickets better 22:36:31 [ diremonkey] so....if htey come by and give us an email/name they get a ticket? 22:36:34 [ macd] inject some fun into it 22:36:40 [ r2d2rogers] diremonkey: +1 22:36:41 [ macd] diremonkey, +1 there 22:36:44 [ r2d2rogers] then mention the donation 22:36:49 [ ChrisULM] yup 22:36:50 [ diremonkey] ok, right 22:36:50 [ r2d2rogers] perfect 22:36:51 [ macd] yeah lets go with that 22:37:00 [ diremonkey] then we also need a donation jar/bucket/box 22:37:07 [ johndoc] a big one 22:37:09 [ Palintheus] milk jug? 22:37:09 [ johndoc] lol 22:37:17 [ Palintheus] easy in but not out 22:37:25 [ johndoc] Palintheus, good point 22:37:25 [ Palintheus] when its over we cut off the top 22:37:39 [ diremonkey] and I'd say just one, not one per table 22:37:45 [ r2d2rogers] diremonkey: +! 22:37:50 [ Palintheus] diremonkey: ++ 22:37:56 [ r2d2rogers] one list to sign up on... easier to manage later 22:37:58 [ ChrisULM] could probably have one person just handing out tickets and taking down names etc 22:38:07 [ macd] yeah 22:38:14 [ macd] I think those are details we can work out on the spt 22:38:19 [ diremonkey] right 22:38:26 [ ChrisULM] have a sign, "free raffle see me" or something 22:38:29 [ diremonkey] on the tables...did we want some type of table cloth or anything? 22:38:42 [ r2d2rogers] yes on the table cloth 22:38:42 [ ChrisULM] i'd have at least a cloth to hid all the power cords 22:38:52 [ r2d2rogers] it makes a HUGe difference on how a booth looks 22:39:03 [ diremonkey] anybody got some? 22:39:17 * macd knew he shoulda took the ones from verizon 22:39:21 [ ChrisULM] lol, ubuntu brown ones? 22:39:22 [ diremonkey] lol 22:39:31 [ macd] we could do brown yellow orange 22:39:32 [ diremonkey] or orange, heck any color 22:39:39 [ Phreakin318] what about a big ubuntu sign across the front of it i had that dream last night for sum reason bit weird 22:39:41 [ r2d2rogers] I wish I was going to arkansas ... 22:39:50 [ johndoc] we could do blue, huh droop2? 22:39:55 [ r2d2rogers] my grand parents were into craftshows... 22:40:05 [ Palintheus] Phreakin318: banners are costly 22:40:09 [ Palintheus] good ones anyway 22:40:22 [ Palintheus] and we would need three 22:40:23 [ Phreakin318] true 22:40:26 [ ~droop2] blue? 22:40:28 [ Phreakin318] ahhh 22:40:28 [ r2d2rogers] we'll see how we do at this event... 22:40:32 [ diremonkey] but that does bring up a point, we do need some sort of signage 22:40:48 [ r2d2rogers] I think we'll have more events to want a good banner of three for 22:42:01 [ macd] yeah 22:42:03 [ ChrisULM] before we get too far from the raffle/giveaway, are we doing one in the middle of the show and one at the end? 22:42:11 [ diremonkey] ChrisULM: ye 22:42:12 [ macd] if thos goes over well, Im willing to bet this would get us approved loco 22:42:13 [ diremonkey] yes 22:42:18 [ macd] especially with the giveaways 22:42:22 [ diremonkey] macd: I think generally they want 3 events 22:42:28 [ macd] toe community soaks that stuff up 22:42:30 [ macd] the* 22:42:37 [ Phreakin318] i'd say at the end to make ppl hang around:-) 22:42:38 [ Palintheus] diremonkey: but most don't do all that we are doing 22:42:50 [ diremonkey] ah 22:42:51 [ macd] thats what Im getting at 22:42:55 [ diremonkey] I haven't followed the others much 22:43:08 [ macd] this isnt just advocacy, this is the community giving to the event 22:43:20 [ diremonkey] yeah 22:43:38 [ r2d2rogers] away... 22:43:45 [ diremonkey] so where are we 22:43:48 [ ChrisULM] so we definitely need to be looking for some table cloths in the next few weeks 22:43:50 [ diremonkey] and what do we still need to discuss 22:44:08 [ diremonkey] I imagine some churches might have some to borrow, but not in colors 22:44:18 [ diremonkey] and are we talking cloth or cheap paper ones? 22:44:23 [ macd] I think we got the agenda covered pretty well? 22:44:32 [ diremonkey] yeah, the agenda is pretty much done with 22:44:40 [ macd] if everyone can update the hamfest wiki over the course of the night to get it upto speed for tomm 22:44:48 [ ChrisULM] whatever we can get, but preferably cloth 22:45:00 [ Palintheus] COMMENT YOUR EDITS, please ;) 22:45:07 [ diremonkey] pretty please! 22:45:09 [ ChrisULM] sorry about that btw 22:45:16 * johndoc hides 22:45:18 [ macd] If we get cloth ones for perm use, we could get some fabric spray paint and make them into banners ;) 22:45:22 [ johndoc] i don't know what you guys are talking about 22:45:33 [ Palintheus] just making it ring in everyones head :) 22:45:43 [ macd] yeah, I never comment, btu I will 22:45:46 [ r2d2rogers] back 22:45:53 [ macd] you should see what my bosses say about my lack of comments in code 22:46:00 [ macd] I call it job security, they call it something else ;P 22:46:04 [ diremonkey] nobody puts comments in code 22:46:38 [ macd] diremonkey, +1 :) 22:46:54 [ diremonkey] and when I do, they don't make any sense when I go back and read them 22:47:21 [ poobal] alight guys gtg now see you guys in the next meeting 22:47:28 [ macd] thanks for coming :) 22:47:28 [ Palintheus] later poobal 22:47:29 [ r2d2rogers] great to have you poobal 22:47:40 [ diremonkey] night poobal 22:47:47 [ poobal] good night guys 22:47:56 [ macd] diremonkey, yeah I leave stuff like "this @#$@#4 works for now" 22:48:01 ::: poobal [] has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 22:48:21 [ diremonkey] so are we calling it done then? 22:48:26 [ r2d2rogers] I think so 22:48:36 [ diremonkey] great meeting guys, thank you for coming! 22:48:38 [ r2d2rogers] great turn out guys 22:48:40 [ johndoc] i hope so 22:48:40 [ Palintheus] ok...
LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCLog-20080403 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:30 by localhost)