

Kubuntu will release version 10.04, the Lucid Lynx, in April 2010. This will be an LTS release, so our overall focus will be bringing a more stable and polished desktop to our users. However, this does not mean there will be nothing new or exciting. Quite the contrary! Read on for highlights of what is new and upcoming for Kubuntu 10.04.

NOTE: This is an alpha (pre-) release. Pre-release versions of Lucid are NOT encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or for anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent, breakage. Pre-release versions ARE recommended for Kubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.' Please do not use this in a production environment with data or workflows that you cannot do without

Getting Alpha 3

Alpha releases can be downloaded from the following URL:

Its always best to check cd image before install! The md5sums can be found here

What's New in Alpha 3

KDE SC 4.4.0


KDE Software Compilation 4.4 is the next version of the popular Plasma Desktop and Applications by KDE. The System Tray, Device Notifier, Nepomuk Semantic Search and KNetworkmanager are just a few of the items that will see improvements. New features such as grouping windows into tabs have been added, and new and improved widgets, effects, and configuration/ui changes are just some of the great things implemented for SC 4.4.

Official Kubuntu Netbook release


The Kubuntu Netbook Remix has its first official release with Kubuntu 10.04, stepping out of preview status.

Amarok 2.2.90


Amarok 2.3 Beta 1 features many bugfixes, enhancements, and visual changes to the main toolbar are included.

Installer Slideshow

Sit back and relax while installing Kubuntu and watch the lovely slideshow showcasing KDE applications included in the default installation. Or just use them, since it's a Live CD. Wink ;-)

Touchpad Configuration

The touchpad configuration section of System Settings allows you to fine-tune how your laptop's touchpad behaves.

System Notification Polish

The notifications for available codecs, required restarts and upgrade information have been further integrated into the KDE notification system, giving these notifications a seamless way to integrate with the rest of the notifications the Plasma desktop provides. They have also been optimized, taking up much less RAM than before.

GNOME app systray integration

Work has gone in to integrating GNOME tray icons into the Plasma desktop, so that GNOME apps supporting the integration will share a consistent appearance with the rest of your KDE apps.

What's in the Works

The Kubuntu Team are working on their own set of tools and new features for 10.04.

Known Issues

  • Due to the recent changeover to Plymouth, the boot splash shows the Ubuntu logo instead of Kubuntu's. (For now)
  • 526488 plasmoids overlap on startup

  • 526456 live CD shutdown does not work

  • 526486 ubiquity not starting in kubuntu install only mode

  • 526534 kubuntu ubiquity crashes after first page

  • 527828 kubuntu oem-config 'No valid steps.'

  • 527865 no shutdown widget


We want to hear what you think about this Alpha. We want to know what works, as well as what does not. No matter the feedback, as long as it is in line with the Ubuntu Code of Conduct we would like to hear it.

So what are you waiting for, head on over to the Feedback Page and let us know!

LucidLynx/Alpha3/Kubuntu (last edited 2010-02-26 09:10:32 by host-84-9-233-18)