
Revision 29 as of 2010-05-15 17:41:56

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  • Add your feedback like this w/o the bold, and then use the @SIG@ at the end of your line, look at the first post for reference

  • All serious issues should be still submitted as bugs!


Add your feedack here. -- claydoh 2010-04-22 02:13:23

  • Power button configuration is ignored, work fine in 9.10 with the KDE4.4 packages :

  • Blank screen after upgrade and reboot on intel 855gm, narf! Reenabling KMS did the trick for me. See -- freinhard 2010-04-30 12:50:53

  • The English (American) Installer Slideshow contains a couple of typos, most notably in the OpenOffice section, where it refers to other applications' document formats that are supported by OpenOffice; "include" in that sentence should be "including" -- hackwater 2010-05-02 18:11:57

  • I did an upgrade from Kubuntu 9.10 and everything works great. Thanks for your effort!
    • A few minors:
      • the AMD Catalyst 10.4 drivers are not so power efficient. The powerplay does not work very well, so the Graphic Card heats up a more than usual, and the machine chews more power
      • I had to disable Strigi and Nepomuk since they were eating up my 2GB of RAM (toghether with Firefox). Clearly the memory consumption is going up and often the swap is heavily used which makes the computer sluggish. This I see it as a problem; if you need 2GB of RAM to run 10 tabs in Firefox, Strigi, Nepomuk, and Amarok, I think we have a issue...
      On the plus: the system seems more robust and responsive than ever

      After the last updates everything is good. Memory and power consumption dropped to the same levels as in Kubuntu 9.10. Nice Work!! Give me a KDE UbuntuOne Music Store client and I will buy from you the equivalent of my CD collection in MP3s!!

  • ¡Great work! I've been testing lucid since alpha 1 in different machines. The only unexpected trouble is in a VIA CN700 mobo, kubuntu doesn't work OFTB nor from the live cd, as kwin tries to start composite effects and crashes. (Reporting as a bug later)
    • I didn't liked of the default plasma settings: empty microblog plasmoid, message indicator applications not configured by default.
    • Kmail lacks activation of message indicator.
    • Akonadi sometimes fail at start.
    • Nepomuk, and strigi activated are a bad idea in netbook, too slow.
    • @Daniel Velasco@

  • ¡Congratulation for that great work!! Update from 9.10 worked very well including my TV-Card, MythTV etc.
    • About the few minors:
      • my issues with Akonadi where solved with the help from here: -> chapter "Kubuntu 10.4 Upgrade"

      • Integration of GTK-Apps was better before (i.e. Rhytmbox in the Taskbar -> open menu -> now I do not get the Icons there any more but only the fallback-icon, or Evolution -> Button "Send-Receive" Icon is missing)

      • eventually install kmozillahelper-package by default or ask for it when launching firefox the first time or something like this.