

The following policy acts as a guideline when dealing with conflict resolution within the MOTU community.



Process for handling disruptive individuals

  1. People experiencing disruption should engage in private or peer discussion with the individual causing disruption to resolve the issue.
  2. If the above is insufficient, the matter should be raised to the MC as a request for resolution of a dispute. MC will assign one or more members to mediate the discussion and attempt to resolve the issue.
  3. If the above is insufficient, MC will call for comments on the issue to the community, seeking feedback on whether the disruption is considred general or personal by the community. Note that any of the accused, the accuser, or the assigned MC member(s) may determine that the mediation was insufficient, or is not making progress. (I presume anyone starting a witch hunt would find themselves up for judgement in short order).
  4. In the presence of significant agreement that the disruption is general, MC will appoint a supervisory team responsible for supervising the individual accused of disruptive behaviour for a period of two weeks (three weeks there the two seeks crosses a holiday as published on the Release Schedule on the wiki).
  5. Based on the feedback from the supervisors, the MC may take any or all of the following actions:
    1. Request that the individual continue the good behaviour demonstrated during supervision
    2. Request that the individual cease participation in Ubuntu Development
    3. Make a request to the TB for review and possible loss of upload privileges.
    4. Make a request to the CC for review and possible loss of membership


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MOTU/Policies/ConflictResolution (last edited 2008-08-06 16:36:16 by localhost)