About Erlang
A real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language. Some of Erlang's main features are: Clear declarative syntax and is largely free from side-effects; Builtin support for real-time, concurrent and distributed programming; Designed for development of robust and continously operated programs; Dynamic code replacement at runtime.
(taken from debian package description of erlang)
- there must be some hidden in the erlang package. TODO
Packaging Erlang
There is a very small debian Erlang packaging team, anyone interested in packaging software written in Erlang please consider contributing your work there:
Which MOTU has knowledge?
ElliotMurphy (statik on Freenode) is not y etMOTU but is interested in Erlang packaging and has done some work on Erlang and CouchDB.
MOTU/Teams/UncommonProgrammingLanguages/Erlang (last edited 2009-12-22 03:42:30 by cpe-97-104-116-247)