Personal Information
GPG: 90B36C5B |
Who am i
I'm 25 years old, electrical engineering graduate. Stay in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia some times in East Java too. I'm using Ubuntu since Dapper. I'm also Ubuntu-ID LoCo Contact.
Future Plans
My Future plans?
Ubuntu MOTU DONE see here
Ubuntu-Beginners Team It's hard? yes! but everybody have dreams INPROGRESS
Maintaining at least Packages in Debian Done See my QA
To be a DebianMaintainer DONE see here
Poor in English, only native English
Unstable Internet Connections, because i use mobile connections
Ubuntu Beginners Team Membership
Bhavani Shankar
Mahyuddin is already a ubuntu member working hard on packaging and development with a firm goal towards MOTU. I think he should be a defacto BT member and a mentor on the team
MahyuddinSusanto (last edited 2012-01-10 15:17:22 by Yamadipati)