
About Me

I'm Maik Adamietz and living in Belgium. I started using Ubuntu back in 2007 during the 7.04 Feisty Fawn release. Though i have been using various Linux distributions throughout the years, Ubuntu has always been my main OS for daily usage. I am also familiar with the other official flavors of Ubuntu.

Currently i am involved in the Ubuntu Unity project which is led by Rudra Saraswat where i help out as administrator on the Ubuntu Unity Telegram channels, as moderator on the Ubuntu Unity forums and keep an eye on our IRC channel.

Next to Ubuntu Unity i also use Ubuntu itself and trying to help with giving support on the official Ubuntu IRC channels whenever i find the time.

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I have been a part of the Dutch Ubuntu NL forum team somewhere between 2008/2009 and 2010 where I fulfilled the role as moderator, at a later point i became forum administrator. I also was a Community Manager for a while to mediate between the Dutch commumity members and the Ubuntu NL forum team. There was also a short time i was involved in Ubuntu BE.

Next to my contributions at Ubuntu NL and Ubuntu BE i helped out with Ubuntu Studio as ISO tester and gave support on their IRC channel between 2012 and 2013. And again at a later point for a shorter period of time under the flag of Erich Eickmeyer.

At this moment i try to help by giving support on the Ubuntu IRC channels, the Ubuntu Unity support media and Ubuntu NL forums.

Future Goals

My future goals are staying involved in Ubuntu Unity and Ubuntu, learning how to provide better support on the forums and IRC channels, help testing ISO's and getting more involved in Ubuntu and it's community in general. I also would like to act as moderator and/or IRC Op on the Ubuntu channels.


Note: If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes".

Maik is a thorough professional and an extremely valuable member of the Ubuntu Unity project. Right from Day 1 when he joined the project, he's moderated and managed the Ubuntu Unity communities (on various platforms like Telegram, Forums and IRC) exceptionally well. He's always there to help the community at ANY time of the day. I wonder if he ever sleeps, as I see him helping people and answering their queries throughout the day. He's extremely knowledgeable, prompt, courteous, dedicated and helpful and is an immensely valuable member of Ubuntu Unity. I fully support Maik's application for Ubuntu Membership and I am confident that the Ubuntu community will benefit from his experience and knowledge, just like Ubuntu Unity community does. -- rs2009 2020-09-30 11:52:02

Maik is surely a recommended and appreciated volunteer. OerHeks, Haarlem 2020-10-01 22:15:02

Maik (last edited 2023-12-20 00:00:09 by maik-adamietz)