Main Inclusion Report for gobject-introspection
Availability: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gobject-introspection; available for all supported architectures
- Build dependency of indicator-applet
CVE entries: None
Secunia history: None
- No binaries running as root or suid/sgid? No daemons.
- No network activity.
- It parses arbitrary gobject/glib/GTK source code for generating documentation, API checkers, and similar; as such it is a development/build-time tool and not exposed to untrusted network data for exploits.
- No source code review performed
Quality assurance:
- In what situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration? None, it's a library
- No debconf questions.
Debian bugs: None
Maintenance in Debian is vigorous
Upstream is vigorous
Upstream bug tracker: no showstoppers
- Does not deal with special hardware
- Is there a test suite in the upstream source or packaging ? Yes. Is it enabled to run in the build ? No.
- Does not provide any GUI, thus i18n/desktop files etc. do not apply.
Standards compliance:
FHS, Debian Policy compliant
Debian library packaging guide standards compliant
- Standard cdbs/debhelper/simple-patchsys.mk packaging system, no oddities.
Dependencies: All in main.
- How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? Very little from Debian's, expectedly none from Ubuntu.
- Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs ? Sebastien Droege maintains the package in Debian and is very active in the Ubuntu community as well.
Background information:
- The general purpose and context of the package is clear from the package's debian/control file.
- What do upstream call this software ? gobject introspection Has it had different names in the past ? No.
MIR bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/330429
The author of this report should put their name here; reviewers will add comments etc. too
MainInclusionReport/GobjectIntrospection (last edited 2009-02-17 13:08:41 by p579DE019)