
Main Inclusion Report for libatasmart


  1. Availability:; available for all supported architectures or some subset ?

  2. Rationale:

    • Build dependency of devicekit-disks
  3. Security:

    • CVE entries: None

    • Secunia history: None

    • No binaries running as root or suid/sgid, no daemons.
    • No network activity.
    • Processes binary data from hard disks and converts them into its library data structures. Exploitation requires root access and tampered hardware, and thus poses no particular security threat.
    • MartinPitt did a shallow source code review; most of it is pretty shallow, just translating ioctls into data structures.

  4. Quality assurance:

    • Just a library, no end user interface. Works out of the box.
    • No debconf.
    • Not yet in Debian.
    • Upstream is vigorous (Lennart Poettering)

    • No upstream bug tracker; bugs will probably end up against devicekit-disks, but the code is small and not very bug prone.
    • Hardware: Reads SMART attributes from standard IDE disks which are ubiquituous.
    • No test suite.
  5. UI standards: No UI, just a backend library.

  6. Standards compliance:

  7. Dependencies: all in main

  8. Maintenance:

    • How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? Very little, it "just works". Once the package will go to Debian, no Ubuntu maintenance is expected at all.
    • Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs? Upstream is responsible, Martin Pitt will look after the package for the time being.
  9. Background information:

    • The general purpose and context of the package should be clear from the package's debian/control file.
    • What do upstream call this software? libatasmart


MIR bug: 375546

Author: Martin Pitt

MainInclusionReport/Libatasmart (last edited 2009-05-12 16:47:57 by pD9EB7302)