
Main Inclusion Report for x11proto-dri2

Please be informative, and in particular be thorough in investigating and explaining any weaknesses and problems with the package. The purpose of the report is to show to the reviewer that the package has been properly investigated, and to give the reviewer the information from that investigation, for their decision.


  1. Availability:

  2. Rationale:

    • Build dependency of xorg-server 1.6beta, mesa master
  3. Security:

    • the package includes two header files..
  4. Quality assurance:

    • no bugs
  5. Standards compliance:

    • follows the debian xorg packaging standards
  6. Dependencies:

    • none
  7. Maintenance:

    • the debian XSF and ubuntu X-SWAT will maintain it.
  8. Background information:

    • protocol headers for dri2


MIR bug:

Timo Aaltonen

MainInclusionReportDri2Proto (last edited 2008-12-09 02:04:03 by 216)