Main inclusion report for gecko-sharp
Availability: The package is available in ubuntu universe (Arch: all)
Rationale: The package is required for beagle
Security: No security issues reported
Quality assurance:
- The package contains bindings and build-time executables, and documentation. It requires no configuration or reading to benefit as an end user of gecko-sharp applications.
- Mono Project is upstream, has large mindshare and corporate backing. Well supported.
- No unreasonable Debian bugs.
Standards compliance:
- The package meets the FHS and Debian Policy.
Standard debhelper packaging.
- Depends mainly on Gnome, Mono, gtk-sharp, and Firefox. All in main.
MartinPitt: approved
MainInclusionReportGeckoSharp (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:23 by localhost)