
Main Inclusion Report for opensync


  1. Availability:; available for all supported architectures

  2. Rationale:

    • Build dependency of kdepim
  3. Security:

    • CVE entries: none

    • Secunia history: ...

    • No binaries running as root or suid/sgid. No daemons
    • Network activity: does not open any port. Does not handle incoming network data
    • No source code review performed
  4. Quality assurance:

    • In no situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration
    • The package asks no debconf questions
    • Debian bugs: only wishlist oipen

    • Maintenance in Debian is prompt in line with upstream releases (also maintained by Robert Collins)

    • Upstream is vigorous

    • Upstream bug tracker

    • Hardware: This package deals with a range of hardware
  5. Standards compliance:

  6. Dependencies:

    • glib, swig, libsqllite, libxml2, check
    • all in main
  7. Background information:

    • The general purpose and context of the package is clear from the package's debian/control file.
    • Upstream call this software opensync


Author: Jonathan Riddell

Approved -iwj 17.8.07

MainInclusionReportOpensync (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:57 by localhost)