
Revision 24 as of 2007-10-27 08:36:45

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I'm Marco Rodrigues, and I was born at Leverkusen, Germany, but currently live at [ Viseu, Portugal]. I've been an Ubuntu Fan/Promoter/Contributor since Breezy release. I come from Fedora, and when I used Ubuntu for the first time, I never think again in another distro. I try to contribue as much I can with bug triage, bug hunting, bug reporting, new ideas, packages & patches.





  • [ Marco Da Silva] -- Great member of the Portuguese community. Active and available.

  • [ Tiago Boldt Sousa] -- Marco has been a great helper to the Portuguese community, particularly through the help provided in our #ubuntu-pt in freenode!

  • [ Susana] -- Marco is a very active member of the Ubuntu community. He is one of the most active translators in the Portuguese team and gives a lot of support in our irc channel.

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