What is SpreadUbuntu

The marketing team is, as of june 2008, working on its reorganization in order to serve the rest of the Ubuntu community in a even better way than we have until now.


Download location: http://doc.ubuntu.com/~marketing/spreadubuntu

SpreadUbuntu has two important aspects:

SpreadUbuntu aims to ease the excited new user from exploring the community straight to spreading Ubuntu in his locality. We believe it's a small step from being an excited new user to being an active local advocate - given the resources necessary. SpreadUbuntu was admittedly inspired by SpreadFirefox, but is not intended to be an Ubuntu analogy thereof.

Goals and Objectives

Methods of Operation

What We Have Now

Site map and structure

I made this sitemap to reflect what I'd like the site to look like:


Please do try to make a few graphical design proposals and send them to JendaVancura - the deadline is at July 12, then we'll try to work out what we like best. Please use the text from ubuntu.com for the mockups.

Design Proposals


Site Content

Let's plan out what the particular boxes above mean. I'll try to keep one-word page names to navigate easier, marked bold. Keep in mind that most of the text can and will be grabbed elsewhere, adapted to our needs.


This is the one the mockups should show. It will have a friendly block of text about Ubuntu with:


Friendly description of what FLOSS and OSS is, why it's good for your teeth.

Free Software Alternatives


Describe why a distribution has a community, what this community is, how it communicates.

Context links to Testimonials,Map,forums, ubuntu.com, fridge, etc.


Outline the greatest advantages of using Linux, and those of Ubuntu in particular.


A map of users around the world. This idea needs a bit of brainstorming. Do we want to grab IPs of downloaders/visitors etc. automatically?


We could collect interesting community member stories about deployments here. It could include press reviews, or those could be done in a seperate page (Press).


We can cram FAQs, if there are any, here. Can be blank to start with, really.


We should section this into vanilla Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu shots and then customised screenshots with specific instructions on how to set up the environment shot.

Here are a few we have prepared now:



Xubuntu: none

XGL Ubuntu:

Context links to Gnome-look, KDE-look, etc.

Interactive Desktop

This was an idea that was around earlier, but it would take a serious developer to make. The idea is a http accessible interface that simulates a vanilla or almost vanilla Ubuntu install. Several versions thereof (U/K/X) would be nice too.


Links to the ubuntu.com download pages, but we could include stuff like the openCD as well.


A brief and friendly explanaition of what Shipit is, how it's funded, etc. Link thereto.


Here's where the fun starts. This section should offer:

Marketing HOWTOs

*In Jenda's Opinion

DIY Marketing Material

Testimonials and Reviews

How Can I Help?

Member/User Comments

Firefox is having a "Firefox Day" (see http://www.worldfirefoxday.com/en/). Now, I know you say it would take a lot of organising, but if many people used this day to send an Ubuntu CD to 1-2 friends/family members who they thought might be able to use it, the user base could increase quite quickly. -- AlanRae 2006-08-10 15:11:41


MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/Old/Spread (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:54 by localhost)