
Revision 16 as of 2012-10-10 20:59:51

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About Me
My first contact with free software was in 2001 and I started using Ubuntu in 2005. After knowing this amazing system in 2010 I decided to get involved with the community. Since this date I have dedicated myself in various ways for the user community: attending events, giving lectures, courses, disseminating the philosophy of Ubuntu and bringing in new members.
In early 2012, after attending events representing or assisting the Ubuntu-BR I was chosen as leader of the Ubuntu-BR-RS LoCo Team. Since this date I have worked to promote events of Ubuntu and improve visibility and participation of the group in the country. Also I reported bugs in Lauchpad and have helped users through the Mailing Lists.
I think Ubuntu is an incredible way to share knowledge and bring people together through an ideal. Because of this, I want to continue contributing to the community in the best way possible.

Working on
* Ubuntu-BR-RS LoCo Team Leader
* Participation in events representing the group
* Lectures and training for new users with different profiles
* Contacts

E-mail: marta DOT vuelma AT gmail DOT com

Lauchpad: ~mvuelma

Blog: /

Twitter: @MartaVuelma