Scheduled Time: 7:30 PM EST Thursday, August 5th, 2010
Scheduled Location: IRC only
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Contents |
Meeting Chair: Paul Tagliamonte (paultag)
Meeting Minutes by: Michael Curran (Burzmali)
The following team members were present during this meeting:
Virtually Present:
- BillN1VUX
- Michael Curran (Burzmali)
- Beck Prigot (chedrania)
- decusgeek
- dto
- guinea-pig
- jmnormand
- leftyfb
- Paul Tagliamonte (paultag)
- Pendulum
- shishire
Agenda Items
The following agenda items were proposed for this meeting:
- Introductions (everyone)
Discussion of results of the failed ReApproval process.
Discussion of where that leaves the MA LoCo.
Action Items
Contact Tufts for possible meeting space - shishire
Contact Hackerspaces - Burzmali
Research libraries as possible meeting space - Burzmali, ?
- Research coffee shops for possible meeting space - ?
Review website situation and confer with DoctorMo for webmaster role - leftyfb
Plan to discuss ideas for improvements to the LoCo website next meeting - All
Research location for 10.10 Release Party - jmnormand
Secure a table and passes for Anime Con - shishire
Martin Owens (DoctorMo) has resigned as leader of the LoCo, which leaves the team without a contact and leadership model.
Loss of SETC and MIT contacts has left the LoCo without a meeting place / HQ.
- Discussed options for acquiring a new space including universities, coffee shops, hackerspaces and libraries.
- Briefly discussed options for software demos, could use USB sticks for Ubuntu or laptops.
- Discussed the possibly of using public libraries for meeting space
- Discussed options for meetings in the western part of the state
- Discussed the need for a contact and a leader
- Discussed the role of the leader
- Created page for election
- Agreed to fill roles with volunteers in the short term and to plan to elect a leader in 3 - 6 months.
- Discussed and assigned roles
- Burzmali to chair 9/2 meeting
- leftyfb to continue as IRC Ops, ML Ops and Forum Admin
- Discussed website, currently hosted on MIT's servers accessible to leftyfb
leftyfb to continue as admin, and to review adding shishire and/or jmnormand as webmasters pending conversation with DoctorMo
- Discussed 10.10 launch party
Discussed LoCo attending Anime Con in November
leftyfb will be disappointing (most of) the women of the world shortly due to a matrimonial situation.
Future election page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/ReApproval2010/Elections2010
- We have concluded that there is a lot of work to do and our resources are lacking at this time. We have filled, or have action items to fill, most of the functional roles in the loco, but at this time we are lacking a leader and point of contact for the team. Also, we have no meeting space or hq, which we have addressed by assigning action items to explore our options. By next meeting (9/2) we hope to have a better understanding about where we are and what we need to do to get the team back on it's feet.
MassachusettsTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2010-08-04 (last edited 2010-08-06 20:45:35 by pool-98-118-84-252)