
Revision 72 as of 2007-10-11 03:52:03

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Team Info

The Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team advocates Open Source, Free Software, and the use of Ubuntu as well as connect users throughout the State of Massachusetts.

Our LoCo team is [:/USTeams:USTeam] and a chapter of the ["NUUbuntuTeam"] which promotes Ubuntu in the Northeastern United States and we share similar goals as them but focus locally in Massachusetts.

{*}The Ubuntu Massachusetts Team is now an officially [:LoCoGettingApproved:approved] team.{*}

  • We were the 8th approved US Team (6th state team)

Join Our Team

To become a member of the Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team please

It is important that you are on the mailing list to stay in the loop.

You should also join the #ubuntu-massachusetts ["IRC"] channel on


  1. Educate
    • Teach the public about Ubuntu, Open Source, and Free Software
  2. Promote
    • Advocate Ubuntu to groups like schools, libraries, families, businesses, etc.
  3. Supply
    • Provide supplies and information for getting Ubuntu
  4. Support
    • Offer local support for getting and using Ubuntu
  5. Connect
    • Bridge connections between Ubuntu users

All done in accordance to the [ Ubuntu Code of Conduct].

Our goals may evolve over time.

How you can help

You can help our team by:

  • Reading LoCoTeamHowto and LoCoTeamRunning to help build the team

  • Taking the initiative to assist running a [:/Projects:project] or [:/Events:event]

  • Get involved with [:/Marketing:marketing] and [:/Advocacy:advocacy]

  • Show up to [:/Meetings:team meetings]

  • Helping to edit, organize, build, and write these Wiki pages
  • Keeping our IRC channel and forum active
  • Communicate between the mailing list, IRC channel, and forum
  • Sharing your [:/IdeaPool:ideas] with us!

Also see: ContributeToUbuntu

Sub-pages : Navigation(children,1)
